Download Problem Solving Data representations. Create

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Review the mathematical concept.
Review the problem solving steps.
READ: Children read the part that is asking them to find
something out.
UNDERSTAND: Children explain what they need to find out.
Children identify what information they will need to find it
Remove the coloured rectangle.
Children find the information they need to find it out.
CHOOSE A STRATEGY: Children identify strategies that they
could use to find it out.
USE A STRATEGY: Children use a strategy to find it out.
10. Children record their thinking as they find it out.
11. CHECK: Children reread the part that asked them to find
something out.
12. Children check that they have found it out.
13. Children check they have recorded their solution correctly.
Children follow the problem solving steps to solve the 2nd
level of the problem, with minimal teacher guidance.
Children who solve the 2nd level, follow the problem solving
steps to solve the 3rd level of the problem independently.
Children use the problems as a guide to create their own
problem, either alone or in pairs/small groups.
Children solve their own problem.
Throughout the lesson, children share solution strategies.
At the end of the lesson, children explain how they created their own
Problem Solving
Data representations.
On a graph about the pets owned by children
in a class, there are 2 fewer dogs than cats.
What might the graph have looked like?
On a graph about the pets owned by children
in a class, there are 2 more dogs than cats.
What might the graph have looked like?
On a graph about the pets owned by children
in a class, there are 2 more dogs than rabbits.
What might the graph have looked like?
Create your own problem!
Now solve it!
Statistics and Probability 10
Problem Solving
Data representations.
A table showed that there are more children
with blonde hair than brown hair or black hair.
What might the table look like?
A table showed that there are more children
with brown hair than blonde hair or black hair.
What can’t the table look like?
A table showed that there are 2 more children with brown hair than
blonde hair and 2 more children with blonde hair than black hair.
What might the table look like?
Create your own problem!
Now solve it!
Statistics and Probability 10
Problem Solving
Data representations.
A graph showed that 8 children came to
school by car, 12 walked and 4 came by bus.
What might the graph have looked like?
A graph showed that 8 children came to
school by car, 4 walked and 12 came by bus.
What might the graph have looked like?
A graph showed that 8 children came to
school by bus, 4 walked and 12 came by car.
What might the graph have looked like?
Create your own problem!
Now solve it!
Statistics and Probability 10