* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
TOWN OF CONCRETE BUILDING DEPARMENT 45672 Main Street P.O. Box 39 Concrete, WA 98237 Phone: (360) 853-8401 Fax: (360) 853-8002 APPLICATION PACKET Dear Applicant; This application packet has been developed to present the required elements to be completed before a Building Permit can issued by the Town of Concrete Building Official. With applications, two (2) sets of all required plans must be filed with the Town Hall in order to complete the application. The Planning Department, the Public Works Department and the Financial Department must approve each application before a Building Permit is issued. A complete application will expedite the permit process. Attached to this packet is an application for address, if needed. For New Construction/Remodels New construction and remodeling require two (2) sets of the following plans: 1. Site plan. This plan must show the location of the construction planned on the property with set backs and adjacent streets shown. 2. Foundation plan. This plan must show the layout of the footings, the foundation and the location of interior concrete pads or footings. 3. Floor plan. This drawing must show the room layout/dimensions, overall size of the building (showing windows, doorways, bathroom layout, closets, kitchen layout, furnace room, water heater location, porches and decks (if applicable) and front and rear entrance doorways. A drawing is required for each story of the building. 4. Cross-section drawing. This drawing must show the dimensions of the footing (width and depth), stem wall (width and height), location and size of reinforcement, and the method by which the foundation is attached to the building (such as anchor bolts). Required inspections will include: 1. Footing and foundation. This will occur when the forms and steel reinforcements are in place, BEFORE the concrete is poured. 2. Framing. When the following is complete: framing (including the roof), water lines, waste and vent piping, gas piping and wiring. A pressure test gauge must be installed on gas lines and water lines. Waste lines must be tested with a height pressure test. 3. Insulation. UPD/1/21/04 This institution is an equal opportunity employer. 4. Sheetrock. A nailing inspection must be performed before sheetrock is taped and mudded. 5. Final. This will occur when all construction is complete and the building is ready for occupancy. In order to be considered complete, this inspection must include sidewalks, decks, porches, detached garage (if applicable). A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued only when the above conditions have been met. The costs involved with new construction include: 1. Building Permit fees depend on the square footage of the project. 2. Mechanical Permit fees depend on the type and number of fixtures installed and will be assessed in addition to the base permit fee of $23.50. 3. Plumbing Permit fees depend on the type and number of fixtures installed and will be assessed in addition to the base permit fee of $20.00. 4. Water service connection fee is $6,290.00. Once the connection fee is paid, a monthly fee is charged. 5. Sewer service connection fee is $2,730.00, and once the connection fee is paid, a monthly fee is charged. 6. If any Land Use Planning Permits are required, permit fees in the amount of $120-$240 may be assessed, depending on the project type. Please complete the attached checklist . The costs involved with remodeling include: 1. Building Permit fees depend on square footage of project. 2. Mechanical Permit (if needed), fees depend on type and number of fixtures installed, in addition to the base permit fee. 3. Plumbing Permit (if needed), fees depend on type and number of fixtures installed, in addition to the base permit fee. Town of Concrete Business License is required for contractors in the amount of $27.50 to perform any services within the city limits. UPD/1/21/04 This institution is an equal opportunity employer. Planning Department Checklist If a permit is required through the Planning Department, you will need to complete the attached application with a letter of intent which includes a detailed description of the project, a vicinity map, site plans and a picture of the project site. Additional items may be necessary depending on the project. All fees must be paid upon filing the application. The fees may range from $120.00 to $240.00 plus other costs depending on whether an environmental review is necessary. A public hearing may be required for some projects, which will then require publication in The Courier Times. 1. Description of Project:_____________________________________Date:____________ 2. Zoning Designation:_______________________________________________ 3. Is the project consistent with the permitted uses in the zone?_________________________ 4. Minimum setbacks for that zone: Front:_______________ Side:________________ Rear:________________ 5. Setbacks for project: Front:_______________ Side:________________ Rear:________________ 6. Is the project over 4,000 square feet? If so, a SEPA Checklist is required. Size of project_____________________ 7. Will there be any filling or grading done? How many cubic yards? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ If you will be moving more than 100 cubic yards, a SEPA Checklist is required. 8. Are there any slopes, wetlands, endangered or threatened species?________________ Please complete the attached Critical Areas Checklist. UPD/1/21/04 This institution is an equal opportunity employer. Town of Concrete Planning Department Critical Areas Checklist Applicant name:__________________________________________________________ Mailing address:__________________________________________________________ Site Address:_________________________________ Parcel number:_______________ Proposed Project:_________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions concerning Critical Areas indicators located on or within 200 feet of the project area. a. Are you aware of any environmental documentation that has been prepared related to critical areas that includes the subject area? (If yes, please attach a list of document titles). _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure b. Are there any surface waters (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, bogs, fens, swamps, or marshes)? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure c. Is there vegetation that is associated with wetlands? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure d. Have any wetlands been identified? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure e. Are there areas where the ground is consistently inundated or saturated with water? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure f. Are there any State or Federally listed sensitive, endangered or threatened species and habitats? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure g. Are there slopes of 15% or greater? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure h. Is the project located within a Flood Hazard Zone? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure i. Do you know of any landslide hazard areas? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Unsure I grant permission to the field inspector to enter the building site to determine the presence or absence of critical areas. I understand that if the information on this form is later determined to be incorrect, the project or activity may be subject to conditions or denial as necessary to meet the requirements of the Town of Concrete Critical Areas Ordinance. ________________________________________ applicant’s signature UPD/1/21/04 This institution is an equal opportunity employer. __________________ date Town of Concrete Site Plan Requirements A site plan is a detailed map of your property showing land dimensions, existing and proposed structures, utilities and driveways as seen from above. 1. Indicate the applicant’s name, site address and Assessor’s Parcel Number (P #) for the subject property. 2. Indicate map scale. 3. Show an arrow indicating the North direction. 4. Show property lines and all easements (utility, access, railroad, etc.). Indicate site dimensions, names of adjacent roads, location of existing or proposed driveways, parking areas and other paved or graveled surfaces. 5. Show entire length and width of driveway in feet. 6. Show location, dimensions and setbacks of all existing and proposed buildings or structures. If this project includes an addition, clearly show the addition different from the existing building. Identify each building by its use. 7. Indicate the water supply, existing or proposed. 8. Indicate location of sewer main, existing or proposed. 9. Indicate slope of building site. Other Features to Include in Site Plans: Identify any erosion or landslide areas as well as any potential unstable slopes greater than 15%. Show the location of all surface water within 200 feet of the property lines. Indicate any drainage systems, existing or proposed. UPD/1/21/04 This institution is an equal opportunity employer.