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Please choose the answer that best completes each sentence.
1. What was the first major Roman festival to incorporate theatre?
*A. Ludi Romani
B. City Dionysia
C. Corpus Christi
D. Mardi Gras
2. Who was the most popular of all Roman comic writers?
*A. Plautus
B. Seneca
C. Horace
D. Menander
3. Who is sometimes called “The Roman Aristotle” because of his work in dramatic
A. Plautus
*B. Horace
C. Terence
D. Aristophanes
4. ______________ was the chief Roman tragic writer; there is strong speculation that his
plays were never performed.
A. Terence
B. Plautus
C. Euripides
*D. Seneca
5. Roman theatre focused primarily on:
*A. comedies
B tragedies
C melodramas
D mysteries
6. ____________________________was improvised and dealt with exaggerated family
A. Ludi Romani
*B. Atellan faarce
C. Roman tragedy
D. Naumachiae
7. _______________________ were sea battles staged on lakes or other bodies of water.
*A. Naumachiae
B. Epodes
C. Menaechmi
D. Thyestes
8. The most renowned Roman amphitheatre was the:
A. Circus Maximus
B. Ludi Romani
*C. Colosseum
D. Theatre of Zeus
9. _________________________ required a single dancer, a chorus, and musical
A. Satires
*B. Pantomime
C. Cavea
D. Decorum
10. The Roman version of the theatron was the:
A. scaena
B. orchestra
C. pulpitum
*D. cavea
11. The popular Roman playwright who was admired for his Latin dialogue, poetic
meters, and witty jokes was:
*A. Plautus
B. Meander
C. Aristophanes
D. Horace
12. Which is true of the theatre of the Roman Empire:
A. The auditorium was built on a slope.
*B. The stage house and auditorium were joined to form a single architectural unit.
C. The orchestra was a full circle and was used for seating dignitaries.
D. The stage was small by modern standards.
13. The basic scenic background in the Roman theatre was the:
A. skene
B. ekkyklema
*C. scaenae frons
D. deus ex machine
14. The chief means of differentiating place in the Roman theatre was the:
*A. periaktoi
B. skene
C. ekkyklema
D. deus ex machine
15. The four stock characters Bucco, Pappus, Maccus, and Dossenus originated with:
A. Old Comedy
*B. Atellan Farce
C. Satire
D. Aristophanes' comedies
16. _____________________, possibly the first Black playwright, stressed
characterization, subtlety of expression and elegant language.
*A. Terence
B. Plautus
C. Seneca
D. Phaedria
17. Horace argued that writers should:
A. entertain the audience
B. instruct the audience
*C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
18. The idea that language and actions must fit traditional ideas of suitable behavior for
the character is known as:
A. verisimilitude
*B. decorum
C. dominus
D. cavea
19. The _______________, an actor who was head of a troupe, made financial
arrangements and bought dramas from playwrights.
A. quintus
B. decorum
C. pulpitum
*D. dominus
20. The Roman ________________ was two or three stories high and was used for
storage and dressing space.
*A. scaena
B. cavea
C. orchestra
D. theatron
21. Much of what scholars know about Roman theatre architecture came from
A. Aristotle
B. Terence
*C. Marcus Vitruvius
D. Titus Plautus
22. Which of the following is true of mime performances?
A. They were extremely lengthy.
*B. They were risque.
C. Their troupes included only men.
D. All of the above
23. In the fourth century, the Christian Church
A. promoted theatre as a teaching tool for the masses.
B. approved of theatre as entertainment.
*C. opposed theatre.
D. remained neutral toward theatre.
24. Which of the following is true of Roman theatre?
A. Plays were held outdoors.
B. There was a large, raised stage.
C. The orchestra was shaped in a half circle.
*D. All of the above
25. Roman theatre differs from Greek theatre in that
*A. all elements of the Roman theater building were connected.
B. Roman theatre used exclusively male actors, while Greek theatre used men and
C. Roman actors performed as a volunteer civic responsibility, while Greek actors were
D. All of the above
Please choose whether the statement is true or false.
26. The Christian church was a contributing factor in the decline of theatre toward the
end of the Roman Empire.
27. Roman theatre focused mainly on tragedy.
28. The most important influence on Roman theatre was Greek theatre.
29. The first major Roman festival to incorporate theatre was dedicated to Jupiter.
30. Roman playwrights were not influenced by the work of Greek playwrights.
31. Historians estimate that after the mid-third century, Roman theatrical presentations
were staged on one hundred days of the year.
32. Seneca was a great comic playwright whose work influenced situational comedies
33. Horace’s Ars Poetica is the only existing Latin treatise on dramatic criticism.
34. There were no permanent theatres for presenting the works of Plautus and Terence.
35. The Roman theaters were roofed, with a smaller, more intimate playing space than
was typically found in Greece.
36. Compare and contrast the Roman theatre with today’s entertainment scene.
37. Compare and contrast the Ludi Romani with the City Dionysia.