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Aryan – a nomadic horseman tribe that entered into Harappa and were
potentially responsible for the decline and disappearance of the Indus
Brahmins – the highest caste in India caste system. A Brahmin is typically a
priest. Brahmins are involved in acquiring the highest spiritual knowledge
Buddha – Means the “enlightened One”. Buddha is the spiritual leader for the
religion Buddhism.
Castes – Are sections of the caste system, which divide Indians into social ranks
depending on their family, occupation, wealth, and knowledge. The 4 castes are
the Brahmans, Kshatryas, Vaisyas, Sudras, and outside the caste system lies the
Dharma – in Hinduism refers to the “right way of living”. Dharma is also a
person’s duties that must fulfill in this life
Fasting – the act of not eating, drinking, or both for a period of time, usually for
24 hours.
Gandhi – Mahatma Gandhi was the popular and primary leader of India in their
movement for freedom against British-ruled India.
Harappa – Site in Northwestern china in the Indus River valley. Was one of the
largest sites of the Indus Civilization, and is also a major archaeological dig site.
Hinduism – Religion for most people in India. Has over 900 million followers
around the world. Has no single founder (which is unlike most other religions),
no single holy text, and no commonly agreed set of teaching
Indus – Refers to the Indus River Civilization, which is where historians believe
Ancient India began. Two major cities within the Indus Civilization were
Mohenjo-Daro and Harrappa.
Karma - a belief in both Hinduism & Buddhism that the sum of someone’s
actions decide their fate in their future existence (when they are reincarnated)
Kshatriyas – Kshatra means “to rule, to have authority”. They are the 2nd highest
of the 4 varnas (Caste ranks). Traditionally these people are the military or
ruling class of people.
Meditation – training and practice on the mind. This is a common practice in
Hinduism and Buddhism. Leads to being calm, relaxed, and focused on your
inner health.
Missionary – a missionary is a person sent on a religious mission to a foreign
country, with hopes of converting people to believing their religious beliefs.
Moksha – refers to release or liberation. This is the ultimate thing you can
achieve in Hinduism. In Buddhism, it is known as nirvana. It is the point where
you reach self-realization and self-knowledge. It is the ultimate state to reach.
When you reach Moksha, you are freed from the cycle of birth, life and death. You
have reached complete stillness and peace
Monsoons – intense tropical storms that bring heavy rainfall
Nirvana – same as Moksha, only Nirvana is used in Buddhism. A place of perfect
peace and happiness. In Hindusim and Buddhism, it is the highest state of
Nomad – a person who has no permanent house. They travel from place to place
looking for resources to survive.
Reincarnation – the act of coming back to life in the form of a different living
thing. Depending on your Karma and Dharma from your previous life, this will
determine the quality and power of living being you come back (reincarnated)
Sanskrit – classical language of India, Hindusm and Buddhism. It is one of the
official 22 languages of India
Subcontinent – this is the term used to describe the physical location of India. A
subcontinent is large, self containing, sub-division of a continent. India is a
subcontinent of Asia.
Sudras – the lowest rank of the four varnas (caste ranks). They are definitely
higher than untouchables. Sudras people are typically laborers, physical work, or
servants of the other 3 caste ranks.
Untouchables – The lowest rank of people in Indian culture. These people are
technically not even part of the Caste System, they are below the cast system.
Vaisyas – a member of the 3rd of the 4 caste ranks. These people are usually
merchants and farmers.
Varnas – this is the word used for each of the four ranks of the caste system. Each
rank is referred to as a varna. There are 4 varnas: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas,
Vedas – a large collection of writing that originated in ancient India. They are
written in Sanskrit and are the oldest writings of Hinduism
Vishnu – is a populr Hindu god (deity). Vishnu is the Supreme God of
Vaishnavism (which is one sector of Hinduism). Vishnu is one of the 3 supreme
gods. He is known as the Presever of Protector.