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Grammar Lesson 7 Review: Phrases
*A prepositional phrase begins with a/an _____________________ and ends with a/an ___________________.
*A prepositional phrase does the following:
1) Adds information to a sentence by modifying another word in a sentence
2) Sometimes, a prepositional phrase modifies the object in a sentence by modifying another word in the
*2 types:
1) adjective phrase – modifies what two parts of speech? __________________________________________
answer the questions __________________________ or ________________________________
2) adverb phrase – modifies what three parts of speech?___________________________________________
Underline the prepositional phrase in the sentence. Draw an arrow to the word it modifies. Label the phrase
an ADJ for an adjective phrase and ADV for an adverb phrase.
This is the end of a very long road. ______________
2. Tony decided to move to Florida in December last year. ______________
3. The owner of the puppies was happy when she found them a good home. ______________
4. Darcy can build a card pyramid in less than a minute. ______________
5. Did you see the man across the street? ______________
*A participle is a verb form that acts as an ______________________, modifying a _________ or __________.
*Present participles end in ________________. Past participles end in __________________ (the past
participles of irregular verbs have different endings).
*When you use a helping verb with an –ing for of a verb, you create a verb phrase.
*A participial phrase is made up of a participle and all its modifiers. A participial phrase may contain objects,
modifiers, and prepositional phrases. The whole phrase acts as an _______________.
Underline every participle and participial phrase in the sentences below. Draw an arrow to the noun or
pronoun that each participle or participial phrase modifies.
1. This sweater, given to me by my grandmother, will definitely be worn for the ugly sweater contest.
2. The quote stated by a teacher at our school explains the importance of the holiday.
3. The computer was less expensive because it was a reconditioned item.
4. The cat, running after the laser toy, accidentally ran into the wall.
*A gerund, endind in –ing, is a verb form that acts as a _____________.
*A gerund phrase is a phrase made up of a gerund and all of its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase
functions as a noun. A gerund’s modifiers include adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.
Underline the gerunds and gerund phrases in the sentences below.
Tammy’s dream is going to a good university and earning a degree.
2. Sarah made her coach proud with her scoring of the winning point.
3. John stated that his brother’s writing is hard to read.
*An infinitive is a verb form that is almost always preceded by the verb “to.” In a sentence, an infinitive can act
as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
*The word ____ is called the sign, or marker, of an infinitive. Remember that “to” can also be a preposition.
To is part of an infinitive if it is followed by a verb; “to” is a preposition if it’s the start of a prepositional
*An infinitive phrase is a phrase made up of an infinitive and all of its modifiers and complements. It may
contain one or more prepositional phrases.
Underline the infinitive or infinitive phrase in the sentences below.
1. People have always sought to protect their rights.
2. All the math teachers have papers to grade today.
3. The angry customer demanded to see the manager.
4. The rugby team was ready to start.
*An appositive is a noun or pronoun that
*Using appositives and appositive phrases help you to combine sentences and avoid unnecessary
*You don’t need to use commas if an appositive is essential to understand the sentence.
Underline the appositive phrases in the following sentences.
1. Chemistry, Sue's favorite subject, is easy for her.
2. The poem, one of Robert Frost's best, is called "The Death of the Hired Man."
3. I can't find my notebook, the one I use for history class.
4. My sister, a graduate of the University of Iowa, is now studying law.
Grammar Lesson10 Review: Subject – Verb Agreement
*A third person _________________takes a singular verb. A third person ______________ takes a plural verb.
Subject – Verb Agreement in the Present Tense
Singular Subject
Plural Subject
I wash and dry the dishes.
We wash and dry the dishes.
You wash and dry the dishes.
You wash and dry the dishes.
He washes and dries the dishes.
Maria washes and dries the dishes.
They wash and dry the dishes.
The men wash and dry the dishes.
*The verb “be” has three forms to match person and number in the present tense
In a verb phrase, the helping verb (HV) must agree with the subject (S).
Circle the verbs that agree with the subjects in the sentences below.
1. Joe and Jim (have, has) been friends for a long time.
2. Five students in English class (work, works) at a fast-food restaurant.
3. Some teachers (allow, allows) students to do extra credit.
4. Members of NHS (visit, visits) the Ronald McDonald House twice a year.
*An __________________________ expresses or refers to an unspecified person or thing. Some indefinite
pronouns are always ______________ and take ______________verbs. Others are always ____________ and
take ________________ verbs.
*The indefinite pronouns all, any, most, and some can be either singular or plural. Depending on the word they
refer to, these pronouns take either a singular or plural verb.
*Use a singular verb (v) when the indefinite pronouns all, any, most, and some refer to a singular word. Use a
plural verb when these pronouns refer to a plural word.
Circle the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. One of the girls (is, are) leaving the team after this school year.
2. Some of the team members (is, are) planning a going away party for her.
3. Several of the students (is, are) going to make desserts.
4. Neither Jan nor I (were, was) able to attend the meeting. We (were, was) sorry we had to miss it.
*A sentence has a _____________________________ when two or more subjects share the same verb. In the
present tense, use the following rules to select the correct verb form.
*When two or more singular subjects are joined by “and”, they take a plural verb.
*When two or more singular subjects are joined by “or” or “nor”, they take a singular verb.
Circle the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Sandra and Lucille (has, have) been to the LRC many times this school year.
2. Neither lobster nor tofu (appeal, appeals) to my taste buds.
3. A companion and a protector (is, are) the best words to describe a loyal dog.
*____________________________ name a group of people or things.
*Singular collective nouns: mathematics, measles, mumps, news, physics
*Plural collective nouns: binoculars, eyeglasses, pants, scissors, slacks, stairs
*Singular or plural collective nouns: acoustics, politics, statistics
*Use a singular verb when you thing that the collective noun is acting as one single unit. Use a plural verb
when you think of the collective noun as multiple members acting independently of one another.
*Some nouns ending in –s function as singular subjects and take a singular verb. Some function as plural
subjects and take a plural verb. A few may be either singular or plural.
*The title of a work of art is always a singular subject and takes a singular verb.
*Use a singular verb with a third-person subject that names a single amount or time. Use a plural verb with a
third-person subject that refers to multiple items.
*Use a singular verb when many a(n), every, or each comes before a compound subject
Circle the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. The class (take, takes) a vocabulary quiz every other week.
2. The audience (become, becomes) amazed every time the magician disappears.
3. The herd of mustangs (is, are) victorious and fierce.
4. Van Gogh’s Sunflowers (is, are) one of my favorite paintings of all time.