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Name: ______________________________________
6M Social Studies: Mesopotamia
Pd: ____
Date: ________________
# ____
Making Mesopotamia
Directions: To learn about the world’s first civilization, you need to follow the
checklist below. Be sure to complete your “Exit Card” handout when you’re
done each section and check-in!
The Basics (I recommend completing this section first!):
 “Mesopotamia’s Major Definitions” Handout
Writing & Record Keeping (Choose ONE):
 British Museum Site:
(Complete the Story, Explore, AND Challenge!)
 Cuneiform Reading
 Watch a video about cuneiform:
 Exit Card complete?
Common Culture (Choose ONE):
 Epic of Gilgamesh, Literature’s first hero:
(ONLY Complete the STORY section!)
 “The Story of Gilgamesh” Reading
 Exit Card Complete?
Religion (Choose ONE):
 Gods & Goddesses:
(Complete the Story, Explore, AND Challenge!)
 Religion in Mesopotamia Reading
 Exit Card Complete?
Specialized Jobs/Workers (Choose ONE):
 Specialized Jobs Video:
 “Specialization of Labor in Mesopotamia” handout
 Exit Card Complete?
Teacher Note: Government & Written Laws, Social Hierarchy, and Advanced
Cities/Technology aren’t on this checklist because we’ll take time to discuss them as a
whole class!
If you finish your tasks early, try these extras:
 Create a Mesopotamian Museum Exhibit:
 Get a preview of the fall of Mesopotamia:
 Look through Mesopotamian issues of Calliope and Dig
Name: ______________________________________
Mesopotamia’s Major Definitions
Hammurabi’s Code:
Social Hierarchy or Structure:
There’s no exit card for this handout, just check-in with me so I
know you’re finished this section!
Name: ______________________________________
Making Mesopotamia Exit Card
Directions: After you complete each section of the checklist, fill in this exit card (using
COMPLETE sentences) and check-in with me! Don’t move on to the next section until you
get my “ok!”
Writing & Record Keeping:
Make an inference-why would farming in Mesopotamia bring about a need to write and
record? Explain at least TWO reasons.
Why do you think writing evolved and changed from cuneiform to what we have today?
Common Culture:
Name one of Gilgamesh’s admirable traits AND one of his faults. What can this hero tell us
about what Mesopotamia’s values? (Ex: if a character doesn’t think before he acts but
sacrifices himself for a friend, then the civilization probably values careful thought and
How do stories like this show a united culture? Why do you think this story might have
been more complex than a hunter gatherer story?
Think about hunter-gatherers and their lack of emphasis on religion. How did farming help
make religion a large part of daily Mesopotamian life?
What are most of Mesopotamia’s gods/goddesses based on/around? What do these gods
tell us about Mesopotamian culture?
Specialized Jobs/Workers:
How did farming help create specialized jobs in Mesopotamia?
What do these jobs reveal about daily Mesopotamian life (Ex: if there are a lot of sciencebased jobs, then you could infer that a civilization is pretty advanced)?
Because Mesopotamia needed different jobs, its citizens were unequal. Do you think
having a specialized job you’re interested in is worth inequality? Defend your opinion!