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are we looking at?
a. Right foot, superior
b. Left food, superior
c. Right foot inferior
d. Left foot inferior
2. Which bone is the red arrow pointing to?
a. 2nd cuneiform
b. 2nd phalange
c. 2nd metatarsal
d. 2nd digitorum
3. Which bone is the red arrow pointing to?
a. Lateral cuneiform
b. Navicular
c. Talus
d. Cuboid
4. Which bone is the red arrow pointing to?
a. 4th distal phalanx
b. 2nd distal phalanx
c. 4th proximal phalanx
5. Which bone is the red arrow pointing to?
a. Cuboid
b. Calcaneus
c. Cuneiform
d. Talus
6. What bones make up the ankle joint?
a. Tarsals, Metatarsals, and Phalanges
b. Talus, Calcaneus, and Tibia
c. Tibia, Fibula, and Femur
d. Tibia, Talus, and Fibula
7. Fill in the blank: The _____ ligaments supports the ______ aspect of the ankle and helps limit
a. Deltoid; medial, eversion
b. Deltoid; lateral; eversion
c. Anterior talofibular; medial; inversion
d. Calcaneal fibular; lateral; eversion
8. Fill in the blank: the _____ muscle acts to _____ the foot and is found on the ______ side of the
lower leg.
a. Extensor hallucis longus; dorsiflex; posterior
b. Extensor hallucis longus; plantar flex; anterior
c. Gastrocnemius; dorsiflex; posterior
d. Gastrocnemius; plantar flex; posterior
9. Fill in the blank: the ______ ligament stabilize the ________ and ________ and is found on the
_________ side of the tibia.
a. Anterior talofibular; talus and fibula; posterior
b. Anterior talofibular; talus and tibia; posterior
c. Anterior talofibular; talus and fibula; anterior
d. Anterior talofibular; talus and tibia; anterior
Which of the following is not a lateral ligament of the ankle?
a. Tibiocalcanear ligament
b. Posterior talofibular ligament
c. Calcaneofibular ligament
d. Anterior talofibular ligament
Fill in the blank: the _______ bone is _______ to the ________ bone.
a. 1st metatarsal; medial; 5th metatarsal
b. 2nd metatarsal; medial; 1st metatarsal
c. Tibia; lateral; fibula
d. Calcaneus; lateral; cuneiform
Fill in the blank: the ________ is at the _________ end of the ________.
a. Head of the fibula; proximal; talus
b. Tibial crest; distal; tibia
c. Medial malleolus; proximal; fibula
d. Lateral malleolus; distal; fibula
Fill in the blank: when mobilizing the ankle into ___________ dorsiflexion, the practitioner
should _______ the athlete’s movement.
a. Active; assist
b. Active; prevent
c. Passive; assist
d. Passive; prevent
Choose the best description of what’s involved during eversion.
a. The calcaneus is pulled medial, stressing the calcaneofibular ligament.
b. The calcaneus is pulled medial, stressing the deltoid ligament.
c. The calcaneus is pulled lateral, stressing the calcaneofibular ligament.
d. The calcaneus is pulled upward toward the gastrocnemius via the Achilles’ tendon.
When taping an ankle for an inversion sprain, how should you position yourself with respect to
your athlete?
a. Anterior to the athlete
b. Lateral to the athlete
c. Medial to the athlete
d. Posterior to the athlete
When taping for an inversion sprain, what direction should the stirrups be placed?
a. Posterior to anterior
b. Medial to lateral
c. Lateral to medial
d. Anterior to posterior
Turf toe is an injury to which of the following structures?
a. A stress fracture of the distal phalanges
b. A strain to the extensor hallucis longus muscle
c. A sprain to the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint
d. Inflammation of the connective tissue on the posterior surface of the foot
During an injury evaluation, in which order would you conduct the following:
a. Special test, history, observation, palpation
b. history, observation, palpation, Special test
c. Observation, palpation, Special test, history
d. Palpation, Special test, history, observation
What is the action being performed at the ankle joint?
a. Passive dorsiflexion
b. Band resisted dorsiflexion
c. Band resisted plantar flexion
d. Band assisted dorsiflexion
Which muscles are primarily used to perform the action in #19
a. Anterior tibialis, extensor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius
b. Anterior tibialis, extensor hallucis longus, soleus
c. Gastrocnemius and soleus
d. Anterior tibialis, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus
Which muscles must relax in order for the action in #19 to occur?
a. Anterior tibialis, extensor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius
b. Anterior tibialis, extensor hallucis longus, soleus
c. Gastrocnemius and soleus
d. Anterior tibialis, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus
The ankle is least stable when it is in
a. Dorsiflexion and inversion
b. Plantar flexion and inversion
c. Dorsiflexion and eversion
d. Plantar flexion and eversion
The picture to the right is included as a treatment option for which of the following injuries?
a. Ankle sprain
b. Plantar fasciitis
c. Ankle strain
d. Turf toe
Where is the tibial crest found with respect to the rest of the body?
a. Medial to the fibula and superior to talus
b. Lateral to the fibula and superior to the talus
c. Anterior to the fibula and inferior to the talus
d. Posterior to the fibula and inferior to the talus
For questions 1-5: