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Difference between Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication. What is
your preference?
What are the different roles in SQL Server?
You have a client who needs to be able execute stored procedure. What kind of
permission does the user need?
Serveradmin role & DDL (Data Definition Language) Database role
DDL Commands are: Create, delete,
What is custom role or user defined role? How to do create? Please tell me the steps.
What are the different ways you can secure data/database/server?
How do you secure your data/database/server?
1. Assigning appropriate permission to users
2. Periodically analyzing users to find if there are unauthorized users
3. May need to assign column level permission
4. Using Views
5. Data Encryption at table level or database level
6. We may also secure tables at filegroup level using READ_ONLY
7. User Role and policy
8. Enforce password policy
9. And finally use the minimum privilege role
10. Physical security of the server itself
Tell me a query to grant and revoke/Deny user privilege for a table and column
What are the DMV (Dynamic Management View) have you used to manage security?
What is public server role?
A user needs to execute a procedure. What kind of permission does the user need?
Difference between login and user
Difference between authorization and authentication