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Driver Education
Laws of Man Review Answers
Name: ________________________
What does each look like and what is their function?
White Pedestrian Light
Walk, pedestrians may cross the street
Yellow flashing lane use light Vacate Lane, Lane is about to close
Red traffic light
Stop, top light when mounted vertical, on the left when mounted horizontal
Red Flashing light
Stop and you may proceed if the way is clear
Red Pedestrian Signal
Do not walk or cross the street
Red lane use light
Lane is closed for you to drive in
Green traffic light
You may proceed if the way is clear
Green lane use light (arrow) Lane is open, you may drive in this lane
Yellow flashing light
Slow down and proceed with caution
Yellow traffic light
Prepare to stop, light is getting ready to change to red
Lane is about to close
Yellow Flashing Lane use light
The NO Passing Roadway markings are: Solid yellow center line
The lane markings for lanes going in the same direction are: Broken White lines
A speed limit sign is: White Rectangle w/black markings
A Stop Sign is: Red Octagon
A Warning Sign is: Yellow Diamond w/black markings
The shape of a Guide Sign is: Rectangle
What is the Uniform Vehicle Code? A Manual that sets Rules of the Road, Pavement Markings, Signs, Signals, etc.. the
same across the USA.
What 2 things does vehicle registration do? ID’s Owner and Vehicle
What is the function of the Kentucky Point System? To identify and to help drivers who’s driving ability needs
improvement before it becomes necessary to suspend or revoke their license.
What is the "Last Clear Chance". Whoever has the Last clear chance to avoid and does not may be placed at blame or
liable for the damages that occur
What is "Implied Consent Law". When you sign your permit/license you have given consent, when asked by a law
enforcement officer, that you will take a test for the presentence of any drug/intoxicant that may be in your body
that may affect your driving ability. If you refuse, your license will be suspended for 6 months.
What is the "Basic Speed Rule". Drive at a speed that is reasonable and prudent for existing conditions.
What is and when must you "Yield the Right of Way". Numerous ways discussed in class and on PowerPoint
What are Categories of signs? Prohibitive/Regulatory, Service, Recreational, Guide, Non-Motorist, Warning,
Construction, Supplemental
Explain the "Good Samaritan Law". A law that protects people that stop at the scene of an accident to render aide as
long as the the person does not act out of their level of training.