Download In-Class Assignment: Docudrama

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Lit Hum In-Class Assignment: Docudrama
Preparation: 25 minutes
Presentation: 5 minutes per group
Each group will take a portion of the text and present it to the rest of the class in a thoughtful, informative, entertaining
manner. You can structure your presentation as news report, dramatization, PBS documentary, talk show, live debate, and
so on—anything but the standard oral report. This assignment requires you to translate Thucydides’s language into
conversational English.
“Pericles’ Funeral Oration” & “The Plague” pg 143-156
 Group:
 Questions to help you nail the content
o What does he find unique and praiseworthy about Athens?
o What assets does he feel Athens has?
o What are his rhetorical techniques?
o How would you characterize the speech?
o What is admirable about Pericles in this speech? What isn’t?
o What is the effect of reading about the plague after reading the Funeral Oration? Why would Thucydides make
this placement?
o How does the plague affect the city in terms of the character of the people, the rule of law, etc?
“The End of Plataea” pg 223-236
 Group:
 Questions to help you nail the content
o What kind of portrait do you get of the Spartans here? Does it sound familiar?
o Why is it important?
o Can you figure out Thucydides’ position on this action?
o What kind of arguments do the Plataeans make and why aren’t they successful?
o What kind of language do the Plataeans use and where have you heard it before?
o What happens in the end and what is the significance of it?
o Why would Thucydides include this debate? What is important about it?
“The Mytilenian Debate” pg 212-223
 Group:
 Questions to help you nail the content
o What is the debate about?
o What is Cleon’s argument?
o What is Diodotus’ argument?
o Why does Diodotus win and Cleon lose?
o What is the significance of the win in terms of the deeds and the character of Athens?
o Why would Thucydides include this debate? What is important about it?
“The Melian Dialogues” pg 400-408
 Group:
 Questions to help you nail the content
o why is it presented in the form of a dialogue and what is the effect (all others are long-speech debates)
o Why is Athens insistent that Melos, an insignificant island, succumb to its demands?
o Why can Melians not speak of justice?
o What is the logic of the Melian side versus the Athenian side?
o Are there logical holes in either side?
o What makes the Melians decide what they do and what do you think of their rationale?
“The Sicilian Debates” pg 414-429
 Group:
 Questions to help you nail the content
o What is Nicias’ argument?
What is Alcibiades’ argument? Why do you think he is more successful?
What do we learn about Athenian culture and the Athenian empire in this section?
This is the expedition that dooms Athens. Is there any indication in these speeches that such a catastrophe could
happen? What is Athens’ big mistake here?
What does Thucydides think of Alcibades?
How does Alcibades compare to Nicias or Pericles in your opinion?