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Forensic Science Final Exam Study Guide
To be completed for extra credit on the Final! 
(You may use a textbook, your notes, or RELIABLE sources on the Internet)
Instructions: Answer the following questions. The exam will cover everything we went over in class. The following
chapters are covered: Ch. 1- Introduction, Ch.2- The Crime Scene, Ch.3- Physical Evidence, Ch.7- The Microscope, Ch.8Hair, Fibers and Paint, Ch.9 Drugs, Ch. 10- Forensic Toxicology, Ch. 11- Forensic Aspects of Arson and Explosion
Investigations, Ch. 12- Forensic Serology, Ch. 14- Fingerprints, Ch.15- Firearms, Tool Marks, and Other Impressions, &
supplemental material on Forensic Anthropology and Criminal Psychology.
*You may check out a textbook to help you complete the following questions.
1. What is the definition of forensic science?
2. Explain each the major scientific disciplines involved in forensic science: Ballistics, Photography, Botany,
Entomology, Serology, Toxicology, Odontology, Anthropology, and Psychiatry.
3. Who is the gatekeeper that determines the admissibility and reliability of scientific evidence?
4. What are the three most basic types of crime scene recording methods? Name and describe them.
5. What are the parts that need to be included on all crime scene sketches?
6. What does the fourth amendment state and why are its contents important to police investigation?
7. What are the reasons that police officers can legally search property without a search warrant?
8. What is a chain of custody document and why is it important in an investigation?
9. Why is recording a crime scene accurately important? Name two reasons in your answer.
10. What is the main prerequisite needed to properly photograph a crime scene?
11. Describe the lead investigator’s job in evaluating a crime scene.
12. What is crime scene reconstruction?
13. What type of evidence is needed to properly reconstruct a crime scene?
14. What would the correct packaging be for charred material found at a crime scene? Why would you use this type
of packaging?
15. What would the correct packaging be for bloodstained material found at a crime scene? Why would you use
this type of packaging?
16. Explain the difference between evidence that has class characteristics and evidence that has individual
17. Can physical evidence be used to exonerate or exclude a person from suspicion of committing a crime?
18. What are the three layers of the hair shaft? Which layer is most resistant to chemical decomposition?
19. Why is the cortex important in the hair shaft?
20. What part of the hair shaft contains scales?
21. What is the medulla? What are the three main classifications of medullae? Sketch them in your answer.
22. What is the difference between a natural and synthetic fiber? Which natural fiber is the most common?
23. Who was Wayne Williams and why was his case important to Forensic Science?
24. Who was William West and why was his case important to Forensic Science?
25. What is AFIS? How is it important to fingerprint evidence?
26. Have any two people been found to have the same identical fingerprints?
27. When are fingerprints formed?
28. Besides identification, why are having fingerprints important?
29. What are minutiae points and how are they important to the individuality of fingerprints?
30. What is the difference between a visible, latent, and plastic fingerprint?
31. What is the most common type of fingerprint pattern? The rarest type of pattern?
What is the most common drug in the United States today?
What are the drug classifications and what are some examples of each?
What is the Controlled Substances Act?
What is the most difficult drug addiction to overcome?
Who was the scientist that won a Nobel Prize for his work with blood typing?
What can the shape of the bloodstain tell us about the crime?
What is serology?
What is the rarest blood type? How does this influence a list of suspects?
What is the fire triangle? What are the three components?
Define flash point.
What are accelerants?
What is the point of origin? How is it determined?
Is a search warrant needed to search a fire scene?
Does the absence of an accelerant automatically indicate it was not arson?
What does the V-pattern tell us? Briefly explain the different V-patterns and what they indicate.
Compare and contrast low and high explosions.
Compare and contrast primary and secondary explosions. Give examples of each.
Compare and contrast rifled and smooth barrels.
What is the most useful tool to investigators for analyzing firearm evidence?
What are striations? How do they help when examining firearm evidence?
A bullet is recovered at a crime scene and a gun is found nearby. What is the next step for determining if this
bullet was fired from that particular firearm?
53. How do we preserve impression evidence?
Forensic Anthropology/Psychology Notes- Not in textbook!! Refer to notes taken in class 
54. What is the difference between manner of death, cause of death, and mechanism of death?
55. How much does the body cool per hour after death?
56. What is the post-mortem interval?
57. What is the name of the person who performs autopsies in cases where the cause of death is questionable?
58. What is forensic anthropology? What do forensic anthropologists usually study?
59. What is the difference between algor mortis, rigor mortis, and livor mortis?
60. What part of the body would a forensic anthropologist most likely use to determine height?
61. What part of the body would a forensic anthropologist most likely use to determine sex?
62. What part of the body would a forensic anthropologist most likely use to determine race?
63. What is facial reconstruction and how could it be useful to a forensic scientist?
64. What is criminal psychology used for?
65. Briefly describe Antisocial Personality Disorder.
66. Compare and contrast sociopathy and psychopathy.
67. What are the main types of criminal behavior?
68. Why does one tend to stalk their victim?
69. Briefly describe a mass murderer. Explain the difference between family annihilator, paramilitary/political
enthusiasts, and revenge/disgruntled workers.
70. Briefly describe a spree killer.
71. Compare and contrast an organized and disorganized serial killer.
72. What are the main characteristics of serial killers?
73. Compare and contrast Modus Operandi and Signature.