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PHI 200
David Buss, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating
Instructor: Ron White
Think about, discuss, and/or write about some the following questions:
1. One of the themes in this course has been the use of “machine” analogies to explain
human nature. Human sexuality seems to be driven by unconscious programming (think
computers) shaped by natural selection. Compare and contrast male and female
strategies. Discuss the difference between the bearing and caring aspects of human
mating. How do these strategies change over the course of our lifetimes?
2. Buss argues that human mating strategies evolved about 3 million years ago during the
Pleistocene era. Our brains have not evolved much since, but human culture has evolved
dramatically. This sets us humans up for a mismatch between our mental mechanisms
and our cultural environment. Discuss some of these mismatches. Hint: dissolution of
extended families, large urban areas, computer pornography, birth control pills,
educational institutions, welfare state, automobiles, etc.
3. Buss compares human mating strategies to strategies employed by other species,
especially other mammals. Does this suggest to you that human beings are indeed
animals, and that anthropocentric theories that qualitatively elevate the status of humans
are no longer tenable?
4. What do you think of Buss’ use of surveys to establish “norms” of sexual behavior?
5. How successful are cultural institutions (most notably religion) at altering human
mating strategies? Are there limits?
6. Does an evolutionary perspective on human sexuality necessarily undermine our
traditional views of love and romance?