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Robotics Engineering
Course Outline
Course Title: Robotics Engineering
CBEDS Title: Engineering
CBEDS Number: 5573
Job Titles / O*Net Codes:
Mechanical Engineers
Course Description:
In this class students will use robotics to explore the fundamentals of engineering and
electronics. The course will consist of lectures including principles of engineering,
physics, electronics, mechanics, and computer programming. Laboratory experiments
will require students to build simple robots to demonstrate these principles.
In the first semester, students will use B.E.A.M Robotics to create robots from recycled
electronics. While building the robots, students will learn the function of basic electronic
components such as resistors, capacitors, and transistors. Students will learn to solder
these components together to make simple robots. The design process will be
emphasized as the robots are tested and their designs are modified. The second semester
will be spent building and programming a robotic truck. The truck project will build on
concepts learned in the first semester and introduce other concepts such as serial
communication, computer programming, and common components that are used to make
Hours: 180
Prerequisites: Required: C grade in algebra
Recommended: geometry, trigonometry, computer programming, mechanics
Course Learning Goals
 engage students in the multidisciplinary aspects of robotics
 introduce students to electronics fundamentals
 explore the fundamentals of mechanics
 provide students with technical design experience
 apply the scientific process to testing and revision of robot design
 demonstrate practical applications of computer programming
Course Outline:
Basic Electronics
AC/DC - a game for learning electrical circuits.
Make a Circuit - build a simple electrical circuit using simple components: battery,
switch, and light bulb.
Series and Parallel - build more advanced types of electrical circuits using simple
Your First Robot: the Symet
Introducing Mark Tilden and BEAM Robotics - Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics,
Resistors, Capacitors, and Transistors Oh My! - introduce electrical components needed
for symet.
The Joy of Junkbots - learn how to safely take apart old electronics and remove the basic
Breadboard Circuits - construct the symet using breadboard
Soldering - soldering safety and techniques
Building the Symet - build the Symet robot using soldering iron
Testing & Revision - A.K.A. Troubleshooting 101
Modification - Make observations and note how to make the robot better next time.
The Solaroller
Design of Solaroller
Breadboard Solaroller
Build Solaroller
Testing & Revision
Final Exam - present modified solarollers
Introducing the Robot Truck
Robot Truck Design - truck, remote control, relay switch, serial connection, computer,
and software
Relay Switch - what is a relay switch? study the command sets for the relay switch
Serial Communications I - use Serial Comm to communicate with relay switch from
Serial Communications II - use Serial Comm to control truck from computer.
Computer Programming - three-week workshop on computer programming using the
Java language
Truck Comm - study the Java program used to control the truck.
Final Project - write a program that makes the truck move in a predefined path (circle,
figure-8, etc.)
Final Exam - present Truck Comm programs to class