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A doctor cannot treat your diabetes! You must be your own doctor!
When the doctor must cut off your foot …or you are almost blind and
cannot see the TV anymore… or half of your body has paralyzed; it is too
late to change. The only means to avoid this kina of future problems is
prevention by perfect treatment of your desease.
Thats why we Dr. Tolonen, Dr. Kuusela and me intend to help you with
this new leaflet.
In these modern times it is quite easy to monitor our bloobsugar frequently
enough to learn how our body functions and reacts to different things…
food, exercise, stress and so on. It is entirely posible to treat ones diabetes
so that the bloodsugarlevels are close to tose of a healthy person! The
higher glucose levels the more damage to the different organs in our body.
Even many doctors are unaware that there are different Diabetes 2 patients
which need a different treatment. Roughly there are the patients who have
even to much of insulin production and have insulin resistance. The other
type are those who have a reduced insulin production. The tretment should
be different! These types are differenciated by a glucose tolerance test with
both the glucose and insulin curve.
DIET is the fundament of all diabetes treatment!!!
The main component in our food which affects the bloodsugar are the
carbohydrates…which quickly are converted into glucose in our blood and
We have made a basic distinction of different carbohydrates. (Idea of Dr.
Kuusela to simplify the treatment.)
1. The starch group which contains the different cereal products as
bread, rice, pasta. Also maize and potatoe belong to this group.
The starches are absorbed quickly. The carbohydrate amount is also
considerable higher in the starch group of food so the glycaemic load
is far greater, and it results in higher bloodglucose.
2. The sellulose goup which contains most vegetables, legumes, and
fresh fruit as apple, pear, orange etc. Which are not too sweat. In this
group the carbohydrate load is considerably less. Also the absorption
is slower bacause of the high fiber content.
The recomendation is low carbohydrate diet = avoid the starch group!!
(The side efect of this diet is ,that it makes you loose some of your overweight too!)
With the help of bloodsugar monitoring we learn how our body reacts to
different foods, exercise and moods. (a learning period).
Measuring the bloodglucose level after different meals, after exercise and
so on we beguin to understand how our body functions and what we need
to do in order to keep the bloodsugar inside the recomended limits.
Why we recomend to measure the bloodsugar roughly 45min after the
The reason is that this is the moment when the highest level is reached after
a meal. (diagram) It is not just the basic sugarlevel in the morning that is
important but every time the sugarlevel goes over the healthy limits it is
damaging our organism. On the other hand when you keep the postprandial
bloodsugarlevels in the recomended range, automatically you get normal
morning values.
If your bloodsugar does not reach the recomendation values after changing
the diet, attending to your exercise, and living the body the necessary
dietary supplements then it needs help in the form of some medicine.
(If allready on medication you need to adjust the doses when you do changes in your
diet and lifestyle.) Allways remember that the diet is the principal treatment,
then comes everything else.
This is the main principles in a simplified nut shell manner. The leaflet has
more complete information. Your doctor needs perhaps to help you with
the details. The treatment of diabetes I (insulin) is more complicated but
even there these basic principles are valid.