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3D Mapping Drone
Edwin Lounsbery, Brian Vermillion, and
Matthew McHenry
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, University of Central
Florida, Orlando, Florida, 32816-2450
Abstract — The objective of this project is to create an
unmanned aerial vehicle that has the capability to scan a
location and collect location points via a Kinect camera. The
collected data will be used to make a 3D map of the scanned
area. The design of the drone will support the ability of
becoming autonomous, but initially will only be manually
controlled. In addition to the Kinect, this drone will use a
LIDAR in order to detect objects and avoid them with
preloaded algorithms in the flight controller. The main
computing unit, an embedded Linux device, will have two
way communication with the flight controller to assist in
automation as well as location detection in an environment.
For easier charging of the battery, the base of the drone will
have an induction charging system.
Index Terms — 3D, semi-autonomous, drone, Kinect,
Lidar, mapping, induction charging.
Our inspiration for creating this project started with an
interest in three dimensional imaging and parallel
computing. The choice of using a drone as a vehicle came
from the desire of versatility when moving around an
environment. This will allow for larger areas to be
mapped, including hard to reach areas like the ceiling.
Once those objectives were realized, we decided that the
project might benefit from some special features such as
induction charging, extra collision sensors, and
autonomy. The induction charging will allow the drone
to be easily charged without having to remove the
batteries from the drone. One end will be on the base of
the drone while the other end of the changing inductors
will be a base station built specifically for the drone. To
aid the user in avoiding collision with objects we added
a lidar to detect objects. These features can be used to
implement autonomous navigation and flight. Also, a
drone with these features could be used to map an unsafe
area before people enter. Such a use case would be
mapping out a damaged building from an earthquake
prior to rescue crews entering. This would give them a
clear picture of what they are entering into or what
obstacles they might face inside. There are many
potential uses of this drone system.
The device we built this project around is the Kinect
camera, designed and manufactured by Microsoft. The
Kinect is a RGB camera that also contains a CMOS
camera and infrared laser. These additional cameras are
used to calculate the position of objects within its field of
view. This depth camera is similar in concept to a
LIDAR, but priced at an affordable $40. We are using
this camera together with a drone to create a 3D map of
an indoor area.
The depth camera has an approximate maximum
range of about 4.5m, which is well suited for smaller
indoor areas. One limiting factor of the depth camera is
that it does not work well outdoors. The IR laser in the
Kinect is fairly weak, so the projected points get washed
out by IR from sunlight. This can be partially solved by
using polarized camera filters. The filters allow for some
conditions with partial sunlight, but any direct sunlight
still washes out the image.
One thing that sets the camera apart from traditional
lidars is its two dimensional fov (field of view). As seen
in the table below, The Kinect camera has a fov of 43° in
the vertical direction and a fov of 57° in the horizontal
direction. This allows for a very wide area to be viewed
in just a single frame. In addition to this area the Kinect
is capable of capturing up to 30fps, which gives you a lot
of detail in a single area.
For the cost, the Kinect is a very powerful tool. It has
been used in studies at many different universities,
NASA has used it to control a robotic arm, and various
hacker groups have created projects from it like the
OpenKinect project. These are the full specs of the Kinect
FOV Vertical
FOV Horizontal
Max Depth
Min Depth
Microphones for voice recognition
Tilt motor
RGB camera
CMOS camera for infrared
Infrared laser
Main Power
[email protected]
USB Power
In our project we are using a stripped down version
of the Kinect. This means that we removed all of the
protective casing, unused audio components, motor, and
everything else not necessary for the operation of the
cameras on the drone.
Data gathered by the Kinect is received through a
USB connection, and this connection also provides
power. Additional power is needed to power a pelteir
device on the laser, which is responsible for keeping the
laser at a stable temperature. This extra power will either
be provided by the main battery or small 12V support
battery. We are still testing which option will be best for
our project.
The Kinect operates at 30fps, and generates about
20Mbps of data to be processed. Data from the Kinect is
transferred to an embedded Linux device called the
Parallella, which will buffer and process the data.
The Parallella board is an embedded Linux device
similar to the raspberry pi. It is responsible for handling
the code that controls the Kinect camera and calculating
the depth points returned from the camera. It runs on a
dual core Zynq-Z7010 ARM processor running at
Under normal circumstances this wouldn’t be nearly
enough computation power to process the points from the
Kinect, but the board includes a 16 core coprocessor that
is capable of it. A full list of the board’s specs is in the
table below:
Zynq-Z7010 or Z7020 Dual-core ARM A9 CPU
@ 600Mhz
16-core Epiphany Coprocessor @ 600Mhz
48 GPIO signals
Gigabit Ethernet
Linux Debian
UART pins
IC2/JTAG pins
USB mini connection
5V Power @ 2A
The Zynq-Z7010 ARM processor is a little special
because it has an fpga built into it. This fpga is
preprogrammed with a bitstream that connects the
coprocessor to the ARM host processor. In addition to
this, it comes with libraries to program the coprocessor.
The coprocessor runs on a different RISC
architecture than the host processor. This architecture is
designed specifically to support a mesh network between
the cores of the processor. The coprocessor was designed
with parallel computing in mind, and this project takes
advantage of that extra computation power. The
coprocessor also shares a portion of the RAM with the
host, making it easy to transfer data between the
coprocessor and the host.
The host computer has a small set of light
responsibilities in our project. The first thing it does is
manage the Kinect, and all of the data from it. This data
is buffered into a ring buffer which supports
asynchronous data access. This data is then pulled from
the buffer asynchronously and offloaded onto the
coprocessor cores for computation. When completed,
another thread copies the data from the coprocessor and
temporarily saves it to RAM. After a set interval of ten
seconds, the computed data will be offloaded to disk as a
3D snapshot of the world. The hardest task the host has
to complete is a lot of memcpy commands.
In addition to communication with the coprocessor,
the computer has to communicate with the flight
controller, the pixhawk. This is done through serial
communication. The board has serial communication
pins built into it, which will be directly connected to the
pixhawks serial ports. Since the pixhawk is responsible
for flight control, it has all of the information on
orientation and position. This data will be sent to the
Parallella board which will use the data to calculate the
actual position of the points in the physical world.
There are three programs written specifically for this
project. The first is the main program, the one running on
the parallella and calculating the location points from the
Kinect. Programs two and three run on the pixhawk. One
controls the lidar and handles collision detection while
the other sends position and orientation information to
the Parallella.
In addition to these we use various other open source
libraries and programs. The most notable of theses is
Meshlab, Blender, and OpenKinect. Meshlab is a tool for
loading and editing the point cloud recorded by the drone.
We can use this to create a point cloud that is more
visually pleasing than the raw capture. Blender is an
additional tool we can use to convert the Meshlab product
into other formats. One such form is a 3D model that can
be printed. It is a goal of ours to scan a room and 3d print
it by the end of the semester.
The Kinect camera is a Microsoft product, and due to
their policies on proprietary software the SDK for the
Kinect is Windows only. Our embedded device runs on
Linux, so we had to turn to the open source project
OpenKinect. This library was created by a group of
hackers that reverse engineered the Kinect, and it works
on all platforms.
Programming the software to take the Kinect data and
calculate location points was one of the hardest parts of
this project. The data received from the camera is a
640x480 image, where each pixel represents a disparity
value from the camera. The depth of the point can be
calculated using this formula:
Z = f*B/d
Z = distance along the camera Z axis
f = focal length of lens (in pixels)
B = baseline (in meters)
d = disparity (in pixels)
Both the focal length and the baseline are known
values for the Kinect, which makes calculating depth
values really easy. The tricky part is getting the X and Y
coordinates from the camera. Those values are based off
of the Z values and the pixel location, as seen below.
x = (i - w / 2) * (z + minDistance) * scaleFactor
y = (j - h / 2) * (z + minDistance) * scaleFactor
All of these values return a number that represents the
distance in millimeters. While the Kinect claims to have
millimeter accuracy, the data returned is fairly noisy so
we decided to round up to the centimeter level.
These calculations are all performed on the
coprocessor of the Parallella board. After retrieving the
raw data from the Kinect it stores it in a thread safe ring
buffer. Another thread takes 1000 data points from the
buffer, and puts them in a shared memory area that the
coprocessor can access. Each of the 16 cores available in
the coprocessor work on their own set of 1000 data points
independently. This greatly speeds up computation time.
After the points are calculated, they are buffered again,
and then offloaded to a text file on disk.
The data calculated by these formulas currently only
represent points relative to the camera, but if the drone is
going to be moving around then they need to represent
points around an origin in the world. To accomplish this
we get telemetry from the drone about its location and
orientation through serial communication. The pixhawk
automatically tracks position and orientation in the
world, so we wrote a program to run on the FMU that
takes this information and transmits it to the Parallella
through serial. The additional information allows us to
get the exact positions of the points, instead of relative to
the camera.
Since the position is mainly based of an accelerometer
and gyroscope, it can get inaccurate over long periods of
time. To compensate for this we are going to take 10
second “snapshots” of the world. Basically, every 10
seconds the origin will be reset to the current position and
future calculations will be based off that starting point.
Past snapshots will be saved to disk so we can view them
later. This eliminates any accumulating inaccuracies in
the position calculations. After the flight, we can take
these snapshots and merge them into one using Meshlab.
Another program running on the pixhawk is the lidar
controller. It receives packets through a serial connection
which tell you where it is pointing and how far away the
point is. Using this data we can implement safeguards to
prevent the drone from flying into objects. This can be
done by monitoring the data received by the lidar and
checking if they are to close. If something is detected it
will put the drone into stationary mode, which halts all
movement of the drone.
To have semi-autonomous capability we need to be
able to detect objects around the drone. Our first choice
was to attach several ultrasonic sensors to the drone and
measure the distance in all three axes. Early on in the
project we noticed a timeout issue with the sensors which
after a while led us to scrap them for a LIDAR.
Our major concern for detection would be up, down,
left, right, and straight in front of the drone. The Kinect
will take care of the front detection which leaves the
LIDAR to detect the rest. In our testing we were able to
collect data at a rate of 360 points per revolution and 200300 revolutions per minute. We noticed that with a 3v
motor input we has a data loss of about 30%. As we
increased the voltage our loss increased with 100% loss
happening at 5v. This is due to the lidar spinning to fast
at higher voltages.
The error is acceptable to us for two reasons, (1) we
only need four points per revolution and (2) the drone
will not be travelling at a fast rate so the rate at which we
are receiving accurate data is more rapid than needed.
This data will be transmitted to the Pixhawk as well as
the Parallella board for location and object detection.
When it comes to design of a drone there are several
sub components. First, the body of the drone can be
designed with plenty of options whether it’s wood,
polycarbonate, or carbon fiber. Every material has its
own advantages and disadvantages and for our purpose
carbon fiber was the right choice. Because of its strength
to weight factor, it will allow the drone to carry more.
We knew that our drone will have several components
not found on store bought drones and kits. We looked at
all of the requirements needed for the project as well as
restrictions that might hinder our choices. A 650mm
frame size drone kit was chosen which we added two
more layers and a custom battery mount to house all of
the electrical apparatuses.
The second subsection is the motors. In order to carry
the payload of the hardware we calculated the total
weight of the drone to determine how much thrust is
needed in order for the drone to fly. Our estimated weight
was 2.55 kilograms which we doubled and added 20%
for motor inefficiency to give us a total of 6.12 kilograms
of thrust is needed in order for the drone to fly. The
EMAX MT4114 produces a total of 8.08 kilograms of
thrust at full throttle at 24 volts.
We also installed 4 electronic speed controllers to
control the speed and orientation of the drone via pulse
width modulation. They have a rating of 40 amperes max
per motor, which is more than enough current than our
motors will ever need. When we looked for electronic
speed controllers we calculated a 20% increase over the
max voltage of the motors to give us a current need of
18.5 amperes. With our search for the correct electronic
speed controllers we could not find any that had a current
rating just above the rating that we needed and the correct
voltage therefore we chose ones that were beyond any
current that the motors will ever draw.
Our next objective was to choose a flight controller to
give us stable flight. We decided to choose the Pixhawk
from 3DR Robotics at a cost of $200. While for a flight
controller, it is expensive but it will give us the flexibility
needed as well as the computing power for stable flight.
With an extensive online support system and industry
leading hardware specifications the Pixhawk was the
only choice. The Pixhawk features a 32 bit ARM cortex
processor with a failsafe coprocessor, 168MHZ/256KB
of Ram and 2MB of flash. The Pixhawk also has plenty
of I/O pins for peripherals. This is extremely helpful for
us since we will add the Parallella board and LIDAR in
addition to compass and global positioning system to the
The Pixhawk sends and reads signals in pulse width
modulation, so in order for the transmitter to issue
commands to the Pixhawk a pulse position encoder is
needed to convert the signal. A compass and global
positioning system (GPS) module were added to achieve
autonomous flight in outdoor conditions via waypoints.
To view what the drone is “seeing” we installed a first
person view (fpv) camera. This camera will send video
to the base station via a 5.8MHz 200mW transmitter,
which is rated to have a 500 meter range.
Next, custom power distribution board were fabricated
to power 5 volt and 3.3 volt components which were
added to the drone. Communication between different
components posed a challenge. We used an usb hub to
assist with the Microsoft Kinect, the Parallella board, and
a wifi dongle. Our main communication with the drone
will be a 2.8MHZ transmitter and receiver which has
eight channels of communication. With all of these
channels we are able to setup the main controls such as
yaw, throttle, pitch, and roll as well as add in special
controls like altitude hold or stabilize. A base station was
correspondingly created to view the fpv camera as well
as the induction charging of the system.
Charging is essential to any battery powered device.
Most mobile devices have batteries and although the
concept of the technology is hundreds of year’s old,
batteries are still being reinvented. Lithium-ion batteries
are of the newer available selections. Lithium polymer
batteries specifically are great for mobile devices because
of their lightweight. A Turnigy 5800 mA*h three-cell
lithium polymer battery supplies the drone’s many
devices. To charge the Turnigy battery power will be
routed from an outlet.
Tapping the outlet begins an extraction and conversion
process that supplies an induction interface to transfer
power to the drone. A 1FD91 power cord rated at fifteen
amps leads one hundred and twenty alternating current
voltage through a fuse to a branch of three, one hundred
kilo-ohm resistors, that precede a transformer. The fuse
is a circuit breaker and resistors isolate current from the
transformer. A center-tapped transformer inputs twentyfour alternating current volts through two switches to a
conversion board. AC/DC conversion then DC/AC
conversion is required to transmit enough voltage across
a set of mutual inductors. A full-wave rectifier designed
for center-tapped transformers converts and splits the
transformer input to one positive and one negative
twenty-two direct current volt, with a slight ripple,
electrical signal. Two linear regulator circuits applying
IC LM7815 and IC LM7915 complete the AC/DC
conversion of the electrical signals to positive and
negative fifteen volts.
Inductors transmit continuously alternating current
voltage to mutual inductors at efficiency rates dependent
of the frequency of the waveform. At two hundred kilohertz the efficiency rate for 535-12508 ND inductor is
approximately thirty-six percent and this frequency is
obtainable with a Wein-Bridge oscillator.
Waveform --- 20 Volts Peak-Peak
200 kHz
amount of voltage transmitted across a pair of 535-12508
ND mutual inductors is five and two-fifths alternating
current volts. Therefore, ideally the induction interface
will consist of three pairs of 535-12508 ND inductors. A
two hundred kilo-hertz output is obtained by setting the
resistor capacitor combinations connected to the TL082’s
non-inverting terminal. Resistor values between three
thousand and five thousand one hundred ohms combined
with one hundred pico-farads capacitance achieve this
Across the set mutual inductors is a charge controller
that’s part of the drone. The preferred circuit requires
thirteen to sixteen direct current volts to function
properly that is achieved from the AC/DC conversion and
DC/AC conversion supplied by the transformer input and
transmission across set a of mutual inductors. Receiving
alternating current signal at thirty volts peak-to-peak is a
printed circuit board leading with a full wave bridge
rectifier that converts the signal to a direct current voltage
meeting the 13-16 volts specification of the charge
controller circuit.
An LM3420 charge controller
manufactured by Texas Instruments is what the circuit is
designed for to serve a purpose as a functioning battery
charging circuit.
AC Max
3.60 V
1 MHz
3.64 V
5 MHz
3.68 V
10 MHz
3.60 V
15 MHz
4.00 V
20 MHz
4.60 V
25 MHz
4.80 V
The DC/AC conversion centers around a WeinBridge that applies an operational amplifier that is biased
by each linear regulator circuit. A popular and optimal
choice part as the operational amplifier is a TL082
manufactured by Texas Instruments. Biased at fifteen
volts the rail-to-rail voltage is then fifteen volts,
therefore, for one Wein-bridge oscillator the maximum
There are five main loops, two metal oxide field
effect transistors, one bipolar junction transistor, with
resistors, capacitors, and diodes. The circuit works by
reacting to the battery’s present voltage, when the battery
is below it’s maximum voltage the LM3420 charge
controller is off and maximum current is supplied to the
battery, when maximum voltage is obtained by the
battery (constant-voltage) the LM3420 charge controller
is activated. Activated, LM3420 supplies a determined
amount of current that increases the value of resistor five
that subtracts voltage from the collector emitter terminals
of the bipolar junction transistor. Due to the fact the
bipolar junction transistor’s current is independent of it’s
voltage the circuit stays reactive to the batteries’ voltage
and as the battery gets closer to fully charged the charge
controller emits more current. Since the charging current
emits from the p-type metal oxide field effect transistor
that gate voltage is equal to the collector emitter voltage
of the bipolar junction transistor as the charge controller
emits current the gate begins to close as a function of the
current value. Thus, lowering the charging current, that
is done at an exponential rate ideally.
At output terminals of the printed circuit board
current from the metal oxide semiconductor field effect
transistor transfers to the Turnigy lithium polymer
battery. That is a power source supply for the drone’s
flight controller, electronic speed control, telemetry,
PPM encoder, Lidar module, microprocessor, and the
Kinect depth sensor camera.
For a workplace environment the circuit can be of
possible use. Interchangeability of the transformer,
conversion board, and induction interface allow for
multiple applications. Most applicable to this project is
interchangeability of the conversion board that could
supply a multitude of battery charge controller circuits
for lithium-ion batteries composed of one to four cells.
These circuits could obtain their specified voltage
requirement across the set of mutual inductors.
Overall, our project consists of the drone, the lidar, the
software/Parallella, and the induction charging. When
this is all brought together, it gives us a system capable
of 3D mapping an area.
Edwin Lounsbery is an
Electrical Engineering student at
the University of Central Florida.
He will be pursuing employment
within the profession and
continuing his studies. His areas
of interest are control systems,
Electrical Engineering student from
Pinellas county Florida. After
graduating from the Department of
Engineering at the University of
Central Florida I will be pursuing a career in a related line
of work, ideally in the Orlando metropolitan area. My
interests include studying semiconductor devices and
building/designing wireless systems
Brian Vermillion a Computer
Engineering student at the University
of Central Florida. He will pursue a
job in software engineering after
graduation and eventually work his
way to a graduate program, preferably
at the University of Central Florida
Funding provided by PolyGlass USA. Thank you!