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Learn the Latest Facts about Climate Change
(and what you can do to make a difference)
Presented by Wei-Tai Kwok, Climate Reality Leadership Corps
April 24, 2014 (3:00pm – 4:30pm)
Los Medanos College
Library Conference Room L-109
2700 East Leland Rd., Pittsburg, CA
Seven years has passed since Al Gore’s documentary, An
Inconvenient Truth, alerted the public to the perils of
climate change from rising levels of CO2. Since then, the
earth’s temperature has continued to rise, and the scientific
consensus has strengthened such that 97% of climate
scientists now agree that carbon pollution from humans is
the principal cause.
Please join us to learn the latest facts, including how our warming climate has influenced
extreme weather events such as Superstorm Sandy. Bring questions, and discover how
students can participate in the many solutions.
About the Presenter
Wei-Tai Kwok, a Bay Area resident, is a volunteer Climate Leader personally
trained by Al Gore in August 2013 to present the latest facts and findings about
the climate crisis. He will present the actual updated Inconvenient Truth slide
presentation currently used by Mr. Gore himself, and will answer questions and
lead a discussion about what we can do to be part of the solution.
Professionally he is a Vice President of Operations at the residential solar division of NRG
Energy (NYSE: NRG), the leading independent power producer in the United States. NRG is
focused on helping homeowners "go solar" through solar system leasing. Wei-Tai holds a
degree in economics and political science from Yale University. He has lived in the Bay Area
for 25 years and is married with two teenagers in the local schools.
About the Climate Reality Leadership Corps
At The Climate Reality Project, the members of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps are our
front-line agents for change. These Climate Leaders have been trained by our Chairman, Al
Gore, and deliver Climate Reality presentations in schools, homes, places of worship,
businesses, and government forums. Climate Reality presentations educate people about
climate change, and build local networks of climate activists who work in their own
communities and countries demanding solutions. For more info, visit
Wei-Tai Kwok can be reached at [email protected]