* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Introduction to Information Security Python Python motivation • • • • • • • • Python is to a Hacker what Matlab is to an engineer Lots of built-in modules Lots of 3rd party modules IDA-Python! Very popular language, very well supported Has implementation in every OS. Human readible Its free Python Diff • In this quick overview of python: • We will note the major differences between python and other familiar languages. • And talk of some useful tools White spaces if you can read this: it must be python! - Python hierarchy is defined by whitespaces - Indentation has to be the same (3 spaces != 1 tab) for every nest within the chain. Hello, World Example #1: #!/usr/bin/python print “Hello, World!” Example #2: #!/usr/bin/python def main(): print “Hello, World!” if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main() Datatype behavior Datatypes behave differently in python: A=5 A=6 Now A is a different variable! Therefore if use: A=A+5 Now A is a new variable containing the result! Basic functions • Using the interpreter allows us to view two basic things: dir(object) – shows us the structure of the object help(object) – shows help created by the developer of the object Strings • • • • • • • • • Many builtin string machnisms. A = “” len(“123”) == 3 A[0] = “a” – not possible, strings are immutable. A.find(“asd”) returns the location of asd in A A.split()/A.join() , eg.: “\n”.join(data.split(“\n”)[0:-1]) A.lower() replace() – returns a new string with data Uses regular indexing. Lists and Tuples • • • • • • • • A = (1, 2, 3) A is of fixed length and is immutable. A = [ 1, 2, 3] A is mutable, and the length can be changed by using append: A.append(4) print A results in: [1, 2, 3, 4] A is not a new variable. Spans • Spans makes things very comfortable: A = “asd” A[0:] == “asd” A[1:] == “sd” A[0:-1] == “as” A[0:1] == “a” A[0:-2] == “a” A[:2] == “as” A[1:2] == “s” • Works on tuples, and lists!! dict()s >>> b = dict() >>> b["hello"] = "world" >>> b {'hello': 'world'} >>> b.keys() [‘hello’] • [Demo dicts] Mutable vs Immutable • Mutable A = [1,2,3,4] B=A A.append(5) print B [1,2,3,4,5] • Immutable A = “foo” B=A A = A + “bar” print B “foo” Format conversion • print “%d %s 0x%08X” % (0xdeadbeef, “ == “ 0xdeadbeef) • 5 / 3 == 1 • 5 / 3.0 == 1.666666… • int(5/3.0) == 1 • str(1) == “1” • ord(“0”) == 0x30 • chr(0x30) == “c” File operations • Reading from a file: f = file(“c:\\filename”) # file(“/tmp/filename”) for linux buf = # buf now contains entire file. lines = buf.split(“\r\n”) # lines contains a list with all lines excluding the “\r\n” f.close() • Writing to a file: file(“filename”, “wb”).write(data) # using returning # object to write the data # if reference is lost file is automatically closed. Functions • Functions can return arbitrary objects such as: o o o o strings Tuples! (very common) int Etc. global_var = 6 def funcname(arg1, arg2): local_var = 5 return (var1, var2) • Updating global variables needs special handling: globvar = 0 def set_globvar_to_one(): global globvar # Needed to modify globvar globvar = 1 if,else if 1: print “always here” else: print “never here” • switch case alternative: if key = “x”: exit() elif key = “z”: suspend() else: print “default” for, while • for (i=1; i < 10; i++) alternative: for i in range(1,10): # help(range) for more options print A[i] while 1: cmd = get_next_cmd() if cmd == “stop”: break elif cmd == “dothis”: dothis() continue print “always here ?!?” import,reload • import– a way to import libraries, eg.: import sys • Access to variables is now through the namespace: o sys.argv[1] • Alternatively: • from sys import * • Now we can access in our namespace: o argv[1] # direct access. • If library was modified after import we can use reload, eg.: reload(sys) Useful functions • Complex binary operations: o import struct o struct.pack(“L”, 0xdeadbeef) – result contains DEADBEEF in little endian (EFBEADDE) (0xdeadbeef is treated as unsigned long) o (port) = struct.unpack(“>H”) - read unsigned short from a string represented as bigendian • OS operations: o import os o os.rename(old_name, new_name) o os.system(“run command”) rd 3 party modules • You can install many modules by using pypi • On UNIX installing modules is very easy: o sudo pip install [modulename] • Also available easy_install • Useful imports: • scapy (packet manipulation lib works with libpcap), numpy/scipy, pylab, pylib, hashlib, socket, sqllite, gzip, zip, bz2, html, json, wave/audioop (audio operations), PIL (image processing), wave, pygame • Google: [something I need] python ipython • • • • • Extended interpreter capabilities Acts almost like a shell Adds history Adds file completion by tab. + Many more features.