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Genetics Problems I
Name: ________________________
Date: _______________ Per: _____
1. In elves, green skin color is dominant over cream skin color. Let G = green color and g = cream color. If a
GG male marries a gg female, what percentage of their children will have green skin? Draw a Punnett square
to predict the skin color of the children.
2. If a heterozygous green female (Gg) marries a homozygous cream (gg) male, what percentage of their children
will be green? What percentage will be cream? Remember, for all these problems, you will need to draw a
Punnett square!
3. If a heterozygous green male marries a homozygous green female, what percentage of their children will have
green skin? Cream skin?
4. If a homozygous recessive female marries a homozygous cream male, what percentage of their children will be
homozygous? Heterozygous?
5. For these same elves, pointy ears are dominant over round ears. Let E = pointy ears, and e = round ears. A
male who is heterozygous for pointy ears marries a woman who is homozygous for round ears. What fraction
of their children will have each ear type?
6. A homozygous EE male marries an Ee female. What percentage of their children will have pointy ears?
C. Gay 1/07
SSHS Biology
7. If tall stature (T) is dominant over short stature (t), and a short female marries a homozygous tall male, what
percentage of their children will be short? Tall?
8. In humans, the ability to roll your tongue (R) is dominant over the inability to roll it (r). If a woman who
cannot roll her tongue marries a man who is heterozygous for tongue rolling, what percentage of their children
will be able to roll their tongues?
9. The ability to bend your thumb back (hitchhiker’s thumb) (T) is dominant over the inability to bend it back
(t). If a heterozygous female marries a heterozygous male, what percentage of their children will have
hitchhiker’s thumb? What percentage of their children will be heterozygous?
C. Gay 1/07
SSHS Biology