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Biology Trivia
The following questions are based on the information you have learned
in the first Quarter. They are in no particular order.
The midterm is not limited to the information on this PowerPoint!!!
What are the 3 properties of
What is the difference
between Osmosis and
What is the function of the
plasma membrane?
What is Osmosis?
Draw the relationship between
photosynthesis and cellular
What are enzymes?
What is a hypothesis?
In living cells, enzymes act as catalysts, which may
reduce the amount of activation energy required for a
chemical reaction to occur. In the graphs below,
pathway x is a solid line representing the uncatalyzed
reaction. The dotted line shows the catalyzed reaction.
Which graph best illustrates the changes in a reaction
when the catalyst reduces the amount of energy
List the 3 types of RNA and
explain their function.
Where does transcription take
What is the base pairing rule?
What happens in
How is the base pairing rule
different in RNA?
Show the complementary
strand for the following strand
of RNA:
What happens in replication?
Where does replication take
Draw the pedigree:
Trait: Eye color
Dominant = Brown
Recessive = Blue
A man who is heterozygous for Brown
eyes, marries a woman who is also
heterozygous for Brown eyes. They
have 3 children (2 boys and 1 girl). The
girl has blue eyes. Write the genotypes
for each individual.
The cambuim is a section of cells in a plant that can
become either part of the xylem or phloem,
depending on the growth and needs of the plant. If
the cambium of a particular plant was damaged, what
would be the most likely effect on the plant?
A. The plant would lose its ability to carry out
B. the plant would have uncontrolled growth.
C. The plant would not experience any change in
D. The plant would not be able to transport nutrients
and water.
Where does translation take
What are the two factors that
affect Enzymes?
What is the purpose of
What is the difference
between genotype and
Draw the Punnett Square:
Trait: Hair Color
Brown = Dominant
Blonde = Recessive
A brown haired man marries a
blonde haired woman. What
are the possible outcomes for
their children?
What is the function of the
Which part of the flower will
eventually turn into a fruit?
Draw a stomata and explain
its function.
What is the difference
between an independent
variable and a dependent
Explain how/why a boy would
have colorblindness even
though neither of his parents
were colorblind.
What are the 6 parts of the
Scientific Method?
Homer notices that his shower is
covered in a strange green slime. His
friend Barney tells him that coconut
juice will get rid of the green slime.
Homer decides to check this out by
spraying half of the shower with
coconut juice. He sprays the other half
of the shower with water. After 3 days
of "treatment" there is no change in the
appearance of the green slime on
either side of the shower.
What is the IV? DV? Control? Constant?
What is the function of the
What is the function of the
What structures are found in
plant cells that are not in
animal cells?
What is the function of the
What are the 2 types of
passive transport?
What is the difference
between active and passive
Describe, draw and label a
strand of DNA.
What are the products and
reactants of photosynthesis?
Cellular respiration?
What is the difference
between monomers and
Draw and explain a pH scale.
What are the monomers of
protein? Nucleic Acid?
What is the difference
between organic and
inorganic compounds?
Fatty acids and oils make up…
What is the difference
between aerobic and
Tell me what you know about
Cellular Respiration.
What are the two types of
An athlete is complaining
about sore muscles. This is
probably do to the build up
What are the monomers of
What is a codon and what is it
used for?
What is the product of
Make a simple drawing of
Mitosis and Meiosis. Show the
resulting chromosome
What are the 4 main
differences between Mitosis
and Meiosis?
What is cytokinesis? How is it
different between animal and
plant cells?
In what process are gametes
What is the difference
between xylem and phloem?
If a snail has 12 chromosomes
in its body cells, how many
chromosomes will it have in its
sex cells?
Write the genotypes for:
- Homozygous dominant
- Homozygous recessive
- Heterozygous
Use the letter R
What is a carrier?
What is a sex-linked trait?
Give an example.
If a colorblind male marries a
woman who carries the allele
for colorblindness, what are
the possible outcomes for their
What percentage of their
male children will be
Draw a pedigree:
Lisa does not have hemophilia, nor
does she carry the allele for
hemophilia. She marries a man who
has hemophilia. They have 2 children, a
boy and a girl. The girl eventually
marries a man who does not have
hemophilia and they have 2 boys.
What are the possible genotypes of the
two boys? (Label each individuals
A woman has type O blood
and she marries a man who
has type AB blood. Show the
possible outcomes of their
Explain natural selection.
What 4 evidences did Darwin
use to support his theory of
What is the difference
between homologous and
analogous structures?
What are vestigial structures?
Give an example.
A farmer used pesticide to kill
the weeds growing along side
his crops. Most of the weeds
were killed except a select
few. Why did those weeds not
die when sprayed with the
pesticide? What does that
mean for the future of those
A farmer selects his best cattle
to mate in order to produce
strong offspring. This is an
example of …
Why are fossils so important to
How does cancer affect cells?
List the two types of bonds
that are required by a strand
of DNA.
A biology student went down
to a nearby pond and
collected live organisms to
view through a microscope. In
order to view these organisms,
what type of microscope
should he use?
Which part of a flower is
responsible for producing
If the stigma of a flower is cut
off, what would most probably