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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
CUN. CHEM. 25/8, 1394-1398(1979) Inter- and Intra-IndividualVariations in the Saliva/Blood Alcohol Ratio During Ethanol Metabolism in Man A. W. Jones The inter- and intra-individual components of variation in the saliva/blood alcohol ratio have been calculated from experiments with 48 male subjects after they drank 0.72 g of ethanol per kilogram of body weight as neat whisky after a short fast. Saliva and blood ethanol profiles were monitored at 30-60 mm intervals for up to 7 h after intake. The analytical component of variation inherent in an estimate of the saliva/blood alcohol ratio, expressed as coefficient of variation, was 1.75%. I calculated saliva/ blood ethanol ratios for each subject at each sampling time by taking the antilogarithm of the difference (log saliva alcohol - log blood alcohol). The mean ratio between 60 and 360 mm after drinking was 1.077 (n = 336) with 95% confidence limits of 1.065 and 1.088. Moreover, the individual ratios showed no systematic variation throughout the absorption, distribution, and elimination phases of ethanol metabolism. Using a two-way analysis of variance and allowing for analytical sources of variation, I determined that the inter- and intra-subject variance components were 53 and 47% of the total biological variation. The saliva/blood alcohol ratio during ethanol metabolism, determined once in a single individual, had a biologically derived coefficient of variation of 10%. reinvestigation AddItional Keyphrase: experiments in evaluating ratio alcohol ratio (8). The re- blood-alcohol concentrations (5) and show that the saliva! blood alcohol ratio is remarkably constant throughout the entire ethanol biotransformation (8). At the present time there is increasing emphasis on saliva as a biological specimen for drug monitoring (9, 10). The nuof saliva over blood or plasma samples for this purpose have been pointed out in a recent review article merous advantages (11). If saliva-ethanol determinations are to be of value for estimating blood-alcohol concentration, then the observed saliva/blood alcohol ratios should be concentration-inde- pendent, with a low inter- and intrasubject variation. I report the results from a controlled study to determine the biological variations inherent in the saliva/blood alcohol ratio when capillary blood and a mixed salivary secretion are the assay materials. The relationship has been followed over the entire blood-alcohol time course, representing absorption, distribution, and elimination phases of ethanol metabolism in man. Material and Methods Subjects and Conditions Forty-eight log differences of the saliva/blood sults confirm a high correlation between saliva-alcohol and apparently healthy male subjects served in the after fasting overnight. They consumed, per kilogram of body weight, 0.72 g of ethanol as neat whisky variables within 20 mm. Triplicate capillary-blood samples and an biological fluids and hence on calculation of the unstimulated mixed saliva secretion were taken concurrently at 30-60 mm intervals for up to 7 h. Blood and saliva ethanol concentrations were determined with an automated enzymatic blood-body-fluid alcohol ratios (1,2). The relationships found method involving alcohol dehydrogenase (EC Full have been often used to estimate the blood-alcohol concentration from analysis of a more accessible biological material. details In experiments concerned with the fate of alcohol in the body, many studies have focused on ethanol determination in different In this context, determinations of alcohol in urine and expired breath have found wide application in medicolegal work concerning of alcohol. The urine driving under the influence or breath specimens serve as substitutes for blood, and the analytical finding is usually translated into the presumably equivalent blood-alcohol concentration (3,4). The distribution of ethanol between saliva and blood, i.e., the saliva/blood alcohol relationship, does not appear to have been extensively studied in this connection. In the past, analytical methods for ethanol determination in saliva were hampered by technical difficulties. The methods earlier reported involved chemical oxidation procedures requiring relatively large sample volumes, which were often impractical to collect from intoxicated subjects (5, 6). The recent introduction of a micromethod for ethanol determination in saliva samples (7) has enabled a detailed of the test subjects; 1394 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 25, No. 8, 1979 storage, and treat- end of drinking, were for some subjects abnormally high because of a high concentration of alcohol present in the oral mucosa from the recent drinking session. At 420 mm from the start of drinking, the alcohol dose (0.72 g/kg) had been completely metabolized in some individuals, and the saliva/blood alcohol ratio at this time point was therefore indeterminable. For these reasons, only the samples taken between 60 and 360 mm from the start of drinking were used in the statistical analysis. Analytical Variance Component Blood Alcohol Ratio All ethanol determinations experienced blood and Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Research, Karolinska Institutet, 10401 Stockholm, Sweden. Received Feb. 23, 1979; accepted May 16, 1979. the sampling, ment of biological samples; and the method of analysis have been recently reported (7, 8). The saliva/blood alcohol ratios calculated for samples taken at 30 mm from the start of drinking, i.e., just 10 mm from the analyst in the Saliva/ were performed by the same in a total of 16 runs. Concurrently taken saliva samples from each subject were always analyzed within the same run. A new absorbance/concentration relationship for standards of known strength was used to calculate unknowns in each run. On this basis, minor varia- 2 ‘- eose E*p. 1.0 -1 4 0.72gkg Exp. 7859 EKp. 7930 0.72 g kj1 0.72 g I.’. 0 12 1.0 > S 0.8 I’, 0 I’ I’ E 1.00 E - I\\ _p_. Z.-.#{149}.#{176}’ Saliva -J 0 3: 0 U -J .4 ‘/ ii 030 I Blood 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 0 #{149} 60 S iSO -S 0 -S - -e 300 -S. 420 0 60 180 300 420 2012 TIME FROM START OF DRINKING (minI Fig. 1. Above, variations in the saliva/blood alcohol ratio during ethanol metabolism; Below, the time course of ethanol metabolism in three subjects after consuming ethanol (0.72 g/kg body weight) as neat whisky on a fasting stomach tions in operating conditions betweenruns(e..g.,temperatures, reagent concentrations, etc.) affect standards and unknowns equally and thus should not drastically influence analytical precision between runs. Within-run precision was calculated from the pooled variances of the duplicate or triplicate saliva and blood ethanol determinations. The variances within each of the 16 runs were not significantly different, as shown by Bartlett’s test (12): chi-square (df = 15) was not significant (p > 0.05). Standard deviations of single determinations of ethanol in samples of saliva and blood increased in relation to the ethanol concentration, whereas the coefficients of variation or less constant. This suggested that the standard expressed in logs would be approximately constant. ethanol concentration of 510mg/L, these standard were more deviations At a mean deviations were 8 mg/L for saliva (7) and 12mg/L for blood (13). Calculation of a saliva/blood alcohol ratio was based on the mean of a duplicate saliva-alcohol determination and the mean of a triplicate blood-alcohol determination. The experimental errors of these means are, respectively, 1/v’ and 1/v’ times the standard deviations of single determinations in saliva and blood. An estimate of the analytical error inherent in a saliva/blood alcohol ratio was calculated from the square, sum, and square root of the individual standard errors when expressed V1.1072 as coefficients of variation (14). This was + 1.3582 = 1.75%, implying a low analytical error. and fixed effects for an added variance component for which the error mean square is the denominator, one must assume that interaction between sampling time and the individual is zero; otherwise, only the fixed effects can be justifiably tested. Evidence that the interaction is in fact negligible was obtained from a covariance analysis (vide infra) in which the regression of the saliva/blood ethanol ratio for each individual was shown to be parallel through time. Regression equations were computed by the method of least squares, and regression lines were compared by analysis of covariance (16). To convert a standard deviation (SD) expressed in log units to the corresponding relative SD or coefficient of variation, I used an approximation given by Bliss (17), i.e., relative SD% = 230.26 X log SD. This method is accurate when variability is less than 20%, as for the data evaluated in this paper. Results Variation in Saliva/Blood Ethanol Metabolism Alcohol Ratios during The saliva and blood alcohol time course during the entire ethanol biotransformation is shown in the lower part of Figure 1 for three individuals who are representative of the whole group. These curves show a typical course for the drinking error of the mean conditions in these experiments. Note that saliva-alcohol profiles follow the corresponding blood-alcohol profiles during the absorption, distribution, and elimination phases of ethanol metabolism (18). Variations in the saliva/blood alcohol ratios are illustrated in the upper part of Figure 1. No systematic variations are evident throughout the sampling period. This is further illustrated in Figure 2, where the mean curve for 48 subjects is shown. A statistical analysis of the results is presented in difference, thus overcoming the difficulties in estimating the variance of a ratio computed directly (14). Variability between and within individuals was determined by analysis of variance Table 1. The consistency of the mean saliva/blood alcohol ratios is striking and was confirmed by one-way ANOVA (F = 0.964, df = 6 and 329, p > 0.05). Confidence limits (95%) on Statistical Analysis Because ratio variables tend to be skewed to the right and highly peaked (leptokurtic) (15), the calculation of saliva! blood alcohol ratios in this work was based on log differences. This technique offers the advantage that confidence limits may be obtained (AN0vA), with directly from the standard the log differences as variates. In the model used, the subjects serve as random effects, and the time-to- time variation are the fixed effects. To test both the random the mean saliva/blood alcohol ratios at different sampling times and also for a new single observation are given in Table 1. These latter confidence limits provide the range of values CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 25, No. 8, 1979 1395 MEAN SALIVA! BLOOD ALCOHOL RATIOS meant 95/. confidence limits E 01 121- E 1.0 I 101- o-J I I I o 0 C.) -J .4 081MEAN ALCOHOL TIME COURSE 1.0 -J .4 U) F -j 0l F C) z meoneSD(n48) 05 .0 C.) 0 0 I 0 0 1.0 0.5 1.5 BLOOD ALCOHOL. mg/mi 120 240 360 480 TIME FROM START OF DRINI<ING, mint. Fig. 2. Above, variations alcohol ratios for 48 subjects during ethanol metabolism; below, mean blood and saliva alcohol profiles in the same subjects treated as in Fig. 1 gestion in mean saliva/blood within which 95 out of 100 single determinations of the saliva/blood alcohol ratio would be expected to fall, given randomly selected subjects from the same population. Variations in the Saliva/Blood Different Subjects over Time Alcohol Ratio among For each subject, the relationship between saliva/blood alcohol ratio and sampling time was determined by regression analysis; the 48 individual regression lines were compared by analysis of covariance. The slopes of the individual regression lines (regression Fig. 3. Correlation between blood and saliva alcohol in concurrent samples taken between 60 and 360 mm after alcohol in- coefficients), which represented the change in saliva/blood ratio through time, were not significantly different from zero. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences between the slopes of regression lines for the different subjects (F = 1.314, df = 47 and 240, p > 0.05), implying that there were parallel trends through time, with no interaction between sampling time and the saliva! blood ratio for different subjects. Correlation between Concentrations The relationship Saliva and Blood Alcohol between saliva alcohol (y), g/L, and blood alcohol (x), g/L, in the concurrent samples has been determined by regression analysis. A scatter diagram of this relais shown in Figure 3. The regression equation was y 0.003 + 1.075x (r = 0.962 ± 0.0148, p <0.001), and theyintercept (0.003 ± 0.0102) was not significantly different from zero (t = 0.296, df = 334, p > 0.05). The regression line thus tionship = passes through the origin, indicating that the saliva-alcohol concentration is zero when blood alcohol reaches zero, there being no time-lag apparent. The standard error estimate (S) was 64.2 mg!L, on the average, and increased with an increase in blood-alcohol concentration; i.e., the residual SD’s were not constant (Figure 3). Therefore, the mean saliva/blood alcohol ratio for all the data was calculated as the antilogarithm [sum (log saliva alcohol - log blood alcohol)!n], where n = number of saliva-blood pairs. The resulting ratio was 1.077 with 95% confidence limits of 1.065 and 1.088. Inter- and lntra-lndividual Blood Alcohol Ratio To separate Variations the components in the Saliva/ of variance attributable to was carried The elevations of the different regression lines representing the differences between adjusted means were, however, significantly different (F = 9.308, df = 47 and 287, p <0.001), biological sources of variation, a two-way ANOVA out. Based on the ANOVA (Table 2), a significant added vari- indicating that the mean saliva/blood alcohol ratios differed ance component was found between subjects (F = for different subjects. Table 1. Mean Saliva/Blood Alcohol Ratios and 95% Confidence Limits after Intake of Ethanola Sampling time, mln Mean ratio 95% confIdence limlis Mean New observation0 60 90 1.08 1.09 1.05-1.10 1.06-1.11 0.92-1.27 0.90-1.31 120 1.09 1.05-1.12 0.88-1.35 180 240 300 360 1.06 1.05 1.09 1.09 1.02-1.09 1.02-1.09 1.05-1. 12 1.06- 1. 12 0.85-1.31 0.84-1.32 0.87-1.36 0.90-1.32 ethanol intake = 0.72 g/kg of body weight. Computationsbasedon the mean and variance of the difference (log saliva-alcohol - log blood-alcohol) at each sampling time. Confidence limits are not symmetrical about the mean = 48; value in all cases when transformed from logs to absolute values. b Separate new single determination estimated for the population. 1396 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 25, No. 8, 1979 9.72, df = 47 and 282, p <0.001). This confirms the results from the covariance analysis, in which the differences between adjusted means, after allowing for regression through time, were statistically significant (p <0.001). The time-to-time variation Table 2. Two-Way ANOVA Based on Variations in the Saliva/Blood Alcohol Ratio between Subjects (n = 48) and Between Sampling Times (n Variance = 7) Source of variation Subjects (s) Times(t) Error (e) Total Degrees of freedom 47 6 Sums of squares Mean squares (MS) 0.3933 1 0.00836 0.01113 0.00185 282 0.24240 0.00086 335 0.64684 ratio (F) 2.15c Sampleswere taken between 60 and 360 mm after the subjects drank 0.72 g/kg ethanol.Variance component between subjects is given by (MS - MSe)/flt 8 = 0.00107. bp <0.001. Cp <0.05. derived from the two-way ANOVA just (F = 2.15, df = 6 and 282, p <0.05). approached significance This technique of statistical analysis is considerably more sensitive than the oneway ANOVA used earlier because the intersubject variation is now removed from the error variance by the two-way de- less alcohol than parotid saliva; this would support the present finding of a ratio of less than 1.17. In an extensive study by Coldwell and Smith (5), in which venous blood and stimulated whole saliva were used, a mean saliva/blood alcohol ratio of 1.12 was reported. In their experiments saliva and blood samples were taken between 30 and 150 mm after subjects had sign. The error mean square, 0.00086, represents the error vari- ance per observation and corresponds to a relative standard deviation (CV) of 6.75% (Table 2). This estimate is a com- posite of within-subject subject/time interaction, variance, analytical variance, and with the latter assumed to be in- consumed alcohol immediately after a meal. Because the alcohol concentration in venous blood is less than that of capillary blood until onset of the post-absorptive phase of ethanol metabolism, this may explain, at least in part, the higher ratio of 1.12 they report, compared with the 1.077 I found. significant. The within-subject variance has also been estimated in another way, viz., by pooling the variances of the In a recent paper (23), ethanol in human parotid saliva and in plasma was determined in five subjects between 15 and 120 seven determinations on each subject. This result, 0.00088, corresponds to a CV of 6.83%, with the range for the 48 subjects at 2.3-12.7% of the mean. The 6.83% is only slightly greater than the error variance based on ANOVA, 6.75%. The difference is not significant (F = 1.02, df = 288 and 282, p> mm after they consumed neat whisky (1 mL/kg). The mean saliva/plasma ratios at the different sampling times ranged 0.05), which independently confirms that the interaction effect is negligible. The true intra-individual variation may be found by correcting the error variance (Table 2) for the analytical variance inherent in the saliva/blood alcohol ratio. The analytical variance was estimated at 1.75% and the within-subject variance based on ANOVA at 6.75%; the true within-subject variance is therefore V’6.752 - 1.752 = 6.51%. In the same way, the intersubject variance component (Table 2) was found to be 0.00107, CV = 7.53%, which after allowance for analytical error reduces to 7.32%. The biological variation in the saliva/blood alcohol ratio is derived more from intersubject than intrasubject sources; the ratio of inter/intra is 7.32/6.51, or 1.12, with the inter- component contributing 53% and the intra- component 47% of the total. The relative SD of the saliva/blood alcohol ratio determined once in a single subject between 60 and 360 mm after ethanol intake is V’7.322 + 6.512 = 9.79%, and may be attributed to biological variations In contrast to both the urine/blood and breath/blood alcohol ratios, which vary according to the phase of ethanol metabolism (19,20), the mean saliva/blood alcohol ratio shows no such variation. The applicability of saliva as a biological specimen for ethanol determination in clinical and medicolegal work should perhaps be reconsidered in view of this finding. The saliva samples analyzed throughout these ex- periments were of mixed whole saliva ejected directly from after a few seconds of tongue and lip movements by the subject. For practical purposes, obtaining a saliva specimen, although a noninvasive procedure, requires a certain amount of cooperation from the subject, and therefore mixed resting saliva (as used in these experiments) or perhaps a stimulated sample (e.g., by having the subject chew Parafilm before ejection) would seem to be the most appropriate medium for analysis. The relative alcohol concentrations of mixed whole saliva, parotid saliva, and samples results of saliva-ethanol determinations, then a low biological variation in the saliva/blood relationship is a necessary and critical factor. At a 1.0 g/L saliva-ethanol concentration, the corresponding blood-ethanol concentration will be either 850 mg/L or 930 mg/L, based on the theoretical ratio of 1.17 or the experimentally observed ratio of 1.077. Given this small ab- solute difference in blood-ethanol concentration (80 mg/L), the pharmacologic effects of ethanol elicited should be indistinguishable. For medicolegal or clinical applications, an upper confidence limit, depending on the degreeof probability required, could be used for converting from saliva ethanol to the estimated blood concentration instead of the mean ratio. This would ensure that an overestimate of the true bloodethanol concentration would be highly improbable. This study was supported by grants to Prof. L. Goldberg from the Swedish Medical Research Council and the National Swedish Police Board (Rikspolisstyrelsen). Jan Buijten and Aldo Neri provided technical assistance in this study. in this relationship. Discussion the mouth from 0.95 to 1.13 (overall mean, 1.04), and the coefficients of variation ranged from 14 to 28%, indicating considerable intersubject variation. If blood-ethanol concentrations are to be estimated from from the submaxillary or sublingual glands remain to be studied. The mean saliva/blood ethanol ratio determined in these experiments was 1.077, with 95% confidence limits of 1.065 and 1.088. This is lower than that expected on the basis of relative water contents of blood and saliva specimens. If whole blood and saliva contain 850 and 994 g of water, respectively, per liter (21), the theoretical saliva/blood ethanol ratio should be 1.17. The reasons for the lower ratio observed in this study are not completely clear. Dilution of saliva specimen with mucus secretions from the oral cavity that perhaps have less water than saliva, or even evaporation of ethanol during the sampling procedure, may partly account for this observation. 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