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FORTY-THlED CONGRESS. SESS.I. Cn. 415,4LG, 417,41S. 1374.
CHAP.415.-An act authorizing the Secretary cf War to relinquishand turn over to
the Interior Department parts of certain reservations in
as may be no longer required for military purposes.
J o u e 22, 1874.
Territory of Arizoue
Be i t enacted by the Smate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America i n Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Certain resurvai n ArizOua
and he is hereby, authorized to relinquish and turn over to the Depart- t i O
~ n e n of
t the Interior, for restoration to the public domain, mch parts of
a h a t are known as the Fort Puma, Fort Whipple, and Camp Datedomain.
Creek reservations, in the Territory of Arizona, as may i n the opinion
of the Secretary of War, be no longer required for military purposes :
Provided, That the Secretary of the Interlor shall expose the same a t To be offered r t
public offering for sale to the highest bidder in the legal subdivision net publio
greater than one quarter section when the same can be made, and no6 C O ~ ~
below the minimum price provided by law. And any land left unsold Unsold portion,
a t such offeriug to be held thereafter for disposal as other public lands.
Notice of such public sale shall be published for sixty daysin two news- Notice of sale.
papers each, one published in the capital of the Territory, and theother
circulating nearest the place of s3le : Provided further, That bona fide
settlers, upon any part of said lands prior to the declaration of the res- Righh of settlers.
ervation lines, shall have a right to acquire title to the lands so ocoupied by them a t said time, not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres
each, under the laud-laws of the United states.
Approved, June 22,1874.
CHAP. 416.-An act to extend ths junedict.ion of the Light-House Board.
June 22, 1874.
Be i t enacted by the Semte and Home of XepresL-ntatives of the Utited
States of Antarica in. Congress assembled, That the Light House Board are Light
hereby directed to cause examinations to be made, sud to report to the to i,n,
reSecretary of the Treasury what light-houses, lights, beacons, and buoys port what 1i g h t are required for the better semrity of navigation on the Nississippi, llome 8 , & c ., re Ohio, and Missouri Rivers, including specific statement as to the
spective localities where and by whom now maintained, where required, ,i
and estimated cost of their construction and maintenance.
Approved, 3une 22,1874.
for tbe transfer of twenty condemned Bronze cannon for the June n,1874.
erection of rt shtue to the late Major General George Gordon Mede.
Be i t enacted by the Senate atzd R o m e of Repesentutives of t7~e United
States of America i n Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, n$"f~,","f,"tu~;
and he is hereby, authorized and directed to transfer to the Fairmount Genera Meade.
Park Art Association (a corporation created by the laws of Pennsylvavia) twenty condemned Bronze cannon to be used by the said association for the erection of a Bronze Equestrian statue to the late Ma.jor
General George Gordon Meade within the limits of the City of Philadelphia.
Apprmed, Juue 22, 1874.
CHAP. 417.-An
CHAP.418.-An act reforring tho claim of the owners of theschooner Ada A. Andrews
June 22,1874-
Be it enacted by tile Senate and abuse of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That the claim of the legal o f c ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~
owner or owners of the schooner Ada A. Andrews, her cargo, freight, ~
~ to
and personal effects, alleged to hare been sunk by collision with tho Court ofclsims.
United States vessel of war Ticonderoga on or about the first day of
May, eighteen hundred aud seventyone, be referred to the Court of
Claimg to hear and determine the s a u e to judgment, with right of appeal Proviso.
as inother cases: Provided, That no suit shall be bronght under the
provisions of. this act after six months from the date d the passage
Agproved, June 22,1874.
t o the Court of