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CEAP. 217.-An act for the relief of F. V. Fhycien
adoroh 8,1875.
Be i t enacted by the Senate and Rome of Representatives of ths U&e&
States ofAmerica in Congress msembkd, That the proper accounting- Credit in acconnta of F. V.
officers, in settling and adjusting the accounts of I?. V. Hayden, geologist myden.
in charge of the survey of the Territories, are hereby directed to crediQ
the staid F. V. Hayden with the sum of three thousand eight hundred
and twenty-five dollars, on account. of loss of that amount, in eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, by highway robbery, committed on his clerk
while traveling on stage-coach between Virginia City, Montana, and
Fort Ball, Idaho, bearing said sum of money fkom one division of said
surrey to the other ; said amount having been lost without any fault or
neglect of the said F. V. Bayden or said clerk.
Approved, March 3,1876.
CHAP. 218.=+ act to remove the politicdclisabilities of Robert W. Johnson, formerly
of Arkansas.
March 3, l d b .
Be i t enacted By the Smate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America <a Congress assembled, {two-thirds of ea& H0w.e con- Disabilities of
curring therein) That the po$itical disabilities of Robert W. Johusou, Robcrtwof Arkansas, incurred under the provisiou8 of the third section of the
fourteenth article of the Constitution of the United States, be, and the
same are hereby, removed.
Approved, Mar& 3,1875.
CHAP. 219.-An act for the relief of William N. Denny, major of the Fim-fmt Mwch 3,1875.
Indiana Volonteer hifantry.
Be i t enacted @ the Smccte and House of Representatives of the Unit&
States of America in CAngrws assembled, That the Paymaster-General of
the United States Army, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed
to pay, out of any money appropriated or hereafterto be appropriated for
the payment of t h e b y , to WilliamN.Denny,latemajorin the Fifty-first
Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, the pay and emoluments of a major of
infantry, from the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three,
the date his commission was received a t the headquarters of the cornmand to which he belonged,, to the fifteenth day of May, eighteen hnndred and sixty-five, the date of his muster-in as lieutenant-colonel, as if
he had been mustered in as major on the date of the receipt of his commission, first deducting whatever sum may have been paid said William
N. Denny as captain during the period for which pay is hereby allowed
as major.
Approved, March 3,1878.
CHAP.220.-An act for tho relief of Alexander &nor, pf Wcst Virginia.
Ma-rch 3,1875.
Be it enacted by the Benate and House of Representatives of the United
States of Abertka in. Congress asseznbZed, That the Secretary of tho Treas- Pnymontto Alexury is hereby directed to pay oat of any money in the Treasury not m k r Minor.
otherwise appropriated, to Alexander Minor, late a private in Company
B of the Twelfth Regiment of West Virginia Voluntaer I n i h n t r ~United
States Army, the sum of two hundred and thirty-four dollars, being the
amount of bounty and pay improperly withheld from him on a charge of
absence without leave.
Approved, March 3, 1875.
FOEIT-THIRD CON<fItESS. SESS. 11. CH. 221,222,223,224,225.
M r o h 3,1875. CHAP. 221.-An
Services of EWa$
Lams. how
m t for the relief of E. Laws, chief
United States Navy.
Be i t enacted by the Senate and House of Representatiaes of the United
States of America Q Congress assembled, That the services of Eiijah Lams
a s first assistant engineer of the United.States Navy shall be considered
in every respect except in that which may change his present rank as
though he had received a warrant appointing him to that position on
the seventeenth day. of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, the
date of the warrants as first assistant engineers of those who entered
the service next after him ; and as chief engineer shall be considered in
every respect except in that which may change hie present rank or
position on the Navy Register as having commenced on the thirteenth
day of August, eighteen hundred a;nd sixty-six, the date of the completion of the two years' sea-service required for &st assistant engineers
before promotion after March seventh, eighteen hundred and sixtythree.
Approved, March 3,1878.
~~~~h 3,18/5.
CHAP. 222.-A.n
aot to relieve James Jackson, of Georgia of his politicd disabilities.
Be i t enacted by the Senate a& House of Reprmcntathes of the hertitek
Disabil i t i e s of 8tiztes of America i n Oongress assembled, 1'zco-thir& of each House concurJames Jackson re- ring therein) That James Jackson, of Bibb. County, Georgia, be, end is
hereby, relieved of all political disability imposed by third section of
fourteenth article of amendments to the Gonstitution of the United
Approved, Baarch 3,1876.
act for khe relief of Samnel 5. Potter.
CHBP. 223.-b
March 3,1875.
Be i t enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the UiaitetE
.Payruenttosam- States of America in Ooiygress assem6Zet3, That the Secretary of the
nel S.Potter.
Treasury be, and isherdby, authorized and directed to pay to Samuel 5.
Potter, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,
the sum of seven handred and fifty dollars, the same being in full of all
claims against the Government for expenses incurred by the said Potter by reason of the seizure of his seminary-building by J. F. Head,
medical director of the District of Kentucky, for hospital-purposes.
Approved, March 3, 1876.
C W .224.-An
Maroh 3,1875.
act for the relief of Washington ~rokmd. :
Be i t enacted by the Bemate and Hoz~seof Representatives of the United
m e u t t o States of Awzeriea in Congress ussemMed, That there be. paid to WashP
Washington Cros- ington Crosland; of Saint Louis, Nissouri, out of any money in the
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two thousand dollars,
in satisfaction of all damages which accrued to him by reason of the
constguction of a railroad across his two lots of land in the city of Saint
Louis by the United States for military purposes.
Approved, March 3,1875.
March :3, 1875.
CHAP. 225.-An act for the relief of the survivors of the Polaria.
Be it enacted by the B w t e and' Home of Rqresentatives of the United
Payment to sm- States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting
of the officers of the Treasury be authorized and directed to pay, out of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the survivors of
the Polaris engaged in the Arctic exploration undex command of Cap-