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Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
Multiple comparisons
“The more you look, the more you discover ... that’s actually false!”
Data dredging, data snooping, fishing expedition.
Suppose you do K hypothesis tests. Let’s evaluate the strategy:
“report the best P-value”.
Suppose all the H0’s are true! (No “discoveries” to be made.)
Suppose they are all statistically independent.
(Assume continuous data & continuous P-values.)
Then the P-values, P1,...,PK, are i.i.d. Uniform(0,1). What is the actual distribution
of the reported best P-value? Hint: it’s not Uniform(0,1).
Pr(at least one P-value ≤ 0.05)
= Pr( Pmin ≤ 0.05)
= Pr( P1 ≤ 0.05 or P2 ≤ 0.05)
= 2×0.05 − 0.052
= 0.0975
The classical view of multiple testing (independent case)
If you test
H0 versus
HAi for i=1,…,k,
and then you report the best of the k P-values (“nominal”), Pmin= Pbest=
minPi : i  1,..., k ,
a) the true Type I error for this procedure is bigger than the nominal Type I
b) the true P-value is bigger than the nominal
Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
For (a), the reason is that the actual Type I error = Pr(rejection region | H0), and
overall rejection region =
rejection region i.
For (b), the reason is that the true “tail of surprise” includes tails for other
not just the tail for Hibest (where ibest  argminPi : i  1,..., k ).
Disturbing examples with multiple testing adjustments
Example 1: Response of cancer pts to IL 2: effect of immunologic HLA type Rubin
et al, 1995.
Data = 2x2 table, the HLA type DQ1 = present or absent, response to IL2 = yes or
Fisher “exact” test P= 0.01.
Data = three 2x2 tables, for HLA types DQ1…DQ3.
Minimum P-value = 0.01 for DQ1. Times 3  0.03
Data = 3 groups of 2x2 tables, including 3 DQ types, 5 DP types, and 7 DR types.
Minimum P-value = 0.01 for DQ1. Times 15  0.15
Data = 2 groups of groups of 2x2 tables,
including MHC1 (A, B, C) and MHC2 (DP,DQ,DR).
Total # tables = 120.
Minimum P-value = 0.01 for DQ1. Times 120  1.2. Sidak: 0.70
What is the “proper” collection of tests to control the Type I error over?
Just the DQ1 test? All DQ tests? All MHC2 tests? All HLA tests?
Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
Example 2: “Comparisons of a priori interest” Cohen Anwar, Day 1983.
Testing 6 methods of measuring echocardiograms—are they equivalent?
6x5/2 = 15 comparisons
Nominal P for method B versus method C = 0.005.
But not “of a priori interest”, so P = 15 * 0.005 = 0.075, “not significant”.
But now investigator states “the comparisons of a priori interest were:
A versus D, A versus E, A versus F, D versus E, D versus F, E versus F
Now the adjusted P values for B versus C is
P = (15-6) * 0.005 = 0.045, “significant”.
So the inference on B versus C changed depending on how many others were “of a
priori interest”.
Example 3: ECOG 5592 cooperative group clinical trial
Arms: (A) etoposide + cisplatin, (B) taxol+cisplatin+G-CSF, (C) taxol+cisplatin.
Should multiple comparisons adjustments be made? Which ones?
The mystery answer: “There are four comparisons:
B > A, C > A, B > C, C > B
so the required significance level will be 0.05 / 4 = 0.0125”.
Issues with multiple comparisons methods
 This is sometimes too cautious (“conservative”), if the tests are positively
 Sometimes it’s difficult to decide what collection of tests to throw together into
one “bag”.
Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
 For huge numbers of tests (for example, high-thoughput biological data;
degrees of freedom is negative, n < K), the “family-wise error rate” (FWER)
may be far too conservative. One would allow a high probability of at least one
“false positive” (Type I error) in exchange for making some true discoveries.
Classic methods for multiple comparisons
Bonferroni and Sidak
The simplest multiple comparison method is the Bonferroni correction:
Padjusted = k Pmin.
Almost identical, and slightly more justified perhaps, is the Sidak correction:
Padjusted = 1- (1 - Pmin) k , which is roughly k Pmin - k (k-1)/2 Pmin 2
This is exactly correct when the k P-values are statistically independent U(0,1)
given H0.
Since the P values are generally positively correlated, it is usually conservative (too
Non-independent cases
There are many many special adjustments in special cases to avoid being too
conserative: Tukey LSD, Duncan range test, Neuman-Keuls, randomization tests,
permutation tests,…
Permutation and randomization methods
Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
Randomization tests are often used as a basis of these methods, or to evaluate
their performance. These tests condition on the collection of numbers, but break a
connection in order to assure that the null hypothesis is true.
In the simplest case there is just ONE test, and one wants to check a questionable
Example: checking a chi-square test.
Dark Hair (D)
Responder (R)
Nonresponder (N)
Light Hair (L)
Is hair color associated with response?
Chi-square P-value:
See randomizationTest-example.R
Benjamini-Hochberg method (1995) for “false discovery rate”, ;
implemented in Statistical Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) and BRBTOOLS
from the NCI
B-H is a classical frequentist technique.
False discovery rate could be defined as
Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
But what if R = # declared significant can equal 0? The Qe will be infinite.
And when all null hypotheses are true, then all discoveries are false and FDR=1.
Instead we define
The BH procedure is:
Then FDR is no bigger than q*.
Example: An RCT of rt-PA versus APSACj when myocardial infarction occurs.
There are 15 different clinical endpoints. The 15 P values, ranked, and the critical
values with q*=0.05, are
Pvalue 0.0001 0.0004 0.0019 0.0095 0.0201 0.0278 0.0298 ... 1
cutoff 0.0033 0.0067 0.0100 0.0133 0.0167 0.0200 0.0233 ... 0.05
The first 4 hypotheses are “significant” with this rule.
This method does not really help with the problems listed before.
Storey-Tibshirani method for “Qvalues”: conditional false discovery rate
Define pFDR = E(V/R | R > 0). (If R = 0, why would we care about FDR?)
(In this paper, V/R is written as F/S.)
Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
Write FDR as a posterior probability:
where m0 = “prior probability a null hypothesis is true”.
We estimate m0 from the observed distribution of all the P-values, assuming a
mixture of a uniform multiplied by π0 = m0 /( m0 + m1 ) and a portion near zero
multiplied by 1 − π0. Different methods can estimate π0. In the Figure, the
LOWER dotted line corresponds to p̂ 0 . See the R package qvalue by Dabney and
Storey. For each threshold t, define
Finally, for each null hypothesis i , qvaluei =
The interpretation is the minimum FDR you get if pi is called “significant”.
Multiple comparisons, multiple testing, permutation testing, bootstrap
The Bootstrap
The bootstrap is a technique for checking calculations of standard errors and
confidence intervals. It is a non-parametric non-model based version of the classical
rationale for estimating a property of a statistics S. (S must be a continuous statistic.)
F̂ “is near” FTrue .
distribution S | F = Fˆ is “near” distribution (S | F = FTrue )
And likewise for any feature of the distribution, for example
var S | F = Fˆ is “near”
Our sample = {Y1¼Yn } . Our statistic S = S(Y1 ¼Yn ) . Our question: what is var  S  ?
If we had many other independent samples of size n, we could calculate S on each one to
get S1, SB , we’d use:
But you only have one sample, so RESAMPLE to create the samples--WITH replacement.
Again we are assuming that F̂ “is near” FTrue -- but this time F̂ is the empirical c.d.f.
various summaries
Then for example we estimate
There is MUCH MUCH more to the bootstrap, but this is the central idea.