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Chapter 26 – Pakistan and Bangladesh
Physical Geography of Pakistan and Bangladesh
A. Pakistan and Bangladesh have few ______________ similarities
1. The western Himalayas and ___________ __________ mountains extend across northern
a. ______________ __________ is the only route through the Hindu Kush
b. For centuries, invading ___________ have used the pass to gain access to the region
c. K2, in the Karakorum Range, 2nd tallest mountain in the world (28, 250 feet)
d. Pakistan has a long history of deadly __________________
2. Bangladesh is __________ and _________; high point about 30 feet above sea level
a. Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers form the ___________ _________ – largest in the world
b. ___________: an alluvial deposit at a river's mouth that is roughly triangular
c. ___________ ___________ is a major source of water for Pakistan
B. Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra originate in the __________________
1. Annual ______________ deposits fertile alluvial soil on their floodplains
a. __________________: low-lying land along a river, formed mainly by sediment that
has been deposited by floodwaters
b. People rely on the rivers for farming, __________________, and power
2. Coastal areas vulnerable to flooding during heavy _______________
3. Cyclones and ______________ are a hazard in Bangladesh
a. ___________ ___________: an abnormal rise in the level of the sea along a coast
caused by the onshore winds of a cyclone
C. Like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh rely on the _______________ rains
1. Most of Bangladesh has a ______________ ________ climate; extensive wetlands
2. ________________ climate in mountains of northern Pakistan; most of the country arid or
3. Neither country has abundant ______________ resources
4. Bangladesh has ______________ and ______________ wood
McGraw-Hill (2015)
Human Geography of Pakistan and Bangladesh
A. ______________ civilization practiced agriculture 7000 BC in western Pakistan
1. Indus Valley Civilization (2500 BC) developed a ______________ system and built walled
cities with indoor plumbing and sewer systems
2. Aryan, ______________, Gupta, and Mughal empires ruled modern-day Pakistan and
3. Both regions were part of ___________ during the British raj; ended in 1947
a. ______________ (division): Pakistan separated from India
b. ___________ Pakistan and ___________ Pakistan – one country
4. India and Pakistan fought the first war over ______________ 1947-1948
a. Ongoing tension between Pakistan and India is seen as risk of ______________ war
b. ___________ also claims part of Kashmir – ongoing border disputes with India in several
5. Pakistan is a ____________________ republic
a. Instability and ______________ rule have been problems
6. People of East Pakistan ________________ different from those in West Pakistan
a. 1970-71 war for independence – India sided with __________________
b. Political and ___________ rivalries make stable rule difficult
B. Pakistan and Bangladesh have rapidly ______________ populations
1. Despite rapid urbanization, most of the population still lives in __________ ___________
2. ___________ _____________ _________: the average number of children a woman has in
her lifetime
a. Bangladesh most ______________ populated country in South Asia
3. Most people in Pakistan and Bangladesh are ______________
4. ___________ is the official language in Pakistan
a. Each of the _________ main ethnic groups has its own language as well
b. Bangladesh is predominantly ______________; most people speak Bangla
5. Literacy rates in both countries are _________
6. Lack of ___________ ___________ major problem
a. Tuberculosis and ______________ are problems in both countries
McGraw-Hill (2015)
7. Extended ______________ usually live close, sometimes in the same house
8. Arranged ________________ are common; increasing numbers of educated people
choose their own partners
D. __________________ farming is large part of the economy in both countries
1. _________ ___________ such as rice, cotton, and sugarcane are raised in the Indus Valley
2. In Bangladesh, most people are ____________________
a. ___________ is the principal food crop – wheat is also grown
3. Both countries have fishing industries and export _____________, lobster, and fish
a. Bangladesh one of the world’s leading __________________-producing countries
4. __________________, while still vital, now accounts for only about 20% of GDP
5. Industry is growing; ______________ industries account for over 50% of GDP
6. Growing ______________ industry in both countries – relies heavily on cottage industry
a. ___________: a fiber used to make string, rope, and cloth
7. ____________________: small loans to poor entrepreneurs
a. ______________________: people who start and build a business
b. Program has raised standards of living, especially among ______________
8. ________________ major form of transportation
9. Rural areas often lack ________________ and running water
10. Promoting ______________ development to improve the lives of citizens makes it
Difficult for developing countries to protect the __________________
McGraw-Hill (2015)