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Honors Global Studies I
Teacher: Mr. Mark Hladek
Course: Global Studies I Honors
Carnegie Unit: 1 *Meets A/B day
Textbook: World History: Patterns of Interaction (McDougal Littell)
Room: E-216
Phone: 881-8200 ext. 23946
Email: [email protected]
Course Content: During the year, the students will explore World History from its
beginning through the Age of Exploration. World Geography will also be emphasized
throughout each period of history. Students will explore political, economic, and social
topics in traditional classroom settings as well as in groups. Primary and secondary
sources such as maps, graphs, charts, timelines, tables, diagrams, paintings, letters, and
multimedia sources will be examined. Students will use information to discern position,
opinion and bias, recognize cause and effect, make generalizations and inferences,
evaluate relevance, identify differences and similarities, evaluate decisions and course of
action, think critically, and recognize problems and solutions. Students will express
information by writing outlines, summarizing informational sources, writing paragraphs,
theses, and a research paper; and presenting to an audience.
Topics Covered in Class:
1st Semester: Physical Geography
Early River Valley Civilizations
People and Ideas on the Move 3500 BC – 259 BC
First Age of Empires 1570 BC – 200 BC
Classical Greece
Ancient Rome and Christianity
The Muslim World
2nd Semester: The African Civilizations
The Americas: People and Empires in the Americas
Empires in East Asia 600-1350
European Middle Ages 500-1200
The Formation of Western Europe 800-1500
European Renaissance and Reformation 1300-1500
Age of Exploration 1500-1800
1. A three-ring binder notebook with dividers (recommended)
2. Blue or black pens or pencils (other colors not accepted)
3. College-ruled notebook paper
Grading Procedures/Weights:
Exams will be counted per guidelines established by the school.
Depending on the length and time given, writing assignments are either graded as
homework, quizzes, or tests. During the first grading periods, students will be required to
present historical interviews. For the second semester, each student will give an oral
presentation and complete a research paper.
Communication with parents:
If you ever need me, I can be reached at 881-8200 ext. 23946 or by email at
[email protected]. If you would like a conference, you should call the
school at 881-8200 and request an appointment through the guidance department. If you
want to know what is going on in the class, I also post online a calendar for homework,
quizzes, and tests. It is through SharpSchool at My
powerpoint notes can also be accessed from this website.
Class Rules:
As I firmly believe that lifelong success depends on self-discipline, I have developed a
Classroom Discipline Plan that affords every student the opportunity to manage his or her
own behavior. Each student deserves the most positive educational climate possible for
academic growth. Therefore, this plan will be in effect at all times.
1. Follow the three P’s:
a. …be prompt; be on time (when the bell rings)
b. …be prepared: have all materials needed for class
c. …be polite: respect your school, its members and yourself
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Keep the classroom clean.
1. Warning (unless a major offense is committed)
2. Student/Teacher Conference
3. Student/Teacher conference with phone call to parent
4. Administrative referral
Each student must also follow the rules in the Student Handbook.
If a student is severely disruptive, an administrator will be called to the classroom. It
should also be noted that I reinforce students who behave appropriately.
Cheating: (Giving or receiving information of ANY work)
0 for that grade, phone call to parent, and administrative referral
*This includes borrowing homework and/or classwork unless allowed by me.
Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones are to be powered off during school hours. In the event
that a cell phone goes off during class or a student is caught texting, taking pictures, etc.
during class, the phone will be sent to an administrator. Parents will have to pick it up
from the administrator.
Make up work:
This is completely the student’s responsibility. An assignment sheet will be given out
for each unit with the details for homework, quizzes, and tests. Students should check the
assignment sheet for what they missed. When the student returns, he or she should pick
up the missed handouts in the folder and make arrangements with the teacher to complete
any tests or quizzes. All work must be made up in a six-day period. Extenuating
circumstances will be considered individually.
This is a fast-paced, in-depth study of World History. Because of this, it is important that
each student keep excellent notes, complete all assignments, and read each evening. It
should be noted that an assignment sheet will be given out at the beginning of each unit
of study.
Each student is expected to be on time for class. The consequences for being tardy are
explained in the student handbook.
Extra Help: E-216
8:00 a.m.-8:20 a.m.
3:40 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Student Name (Print):________________________________________________
Student Signature: __________________________________________________
Parent Signature:____________________________________________________
Phone No.:__________________________ Cell No.:_______________________