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How to Implement Sets in Java and C++
In neither C++ nor Java is Set is a language primitive structure, but both
provide low level utilities that can aid you if you wish to use them.
In general, if a programmer wishes to implement a Set without assistance
from the language support structure, the Set will be implemented either
as a bit vector, or as some variant of a list. The list could be stored in a
string, an array, a linked list, a hash table, or even a tree.
Bit Vector Representation
In a bit vector implementation, each set is allocated (ideally) as the same
number of bits as the size of the universal set. The universal set will have
a natural or imposed order, each 1 or 0 will represent the presence or
absence of that member of the universal set. Some languages, such as
PL/1 support bit strings, but most do not. Unfortunately, a bit array is
usually not an efficient option as most compilers will not allocate the
space correctly. An array of 100 booleans would likely be allocated as an
array of 100 bytes or even 100 integers.
For example, a Set of Capital Letters implemented as a bit vector in
C++ or Java should probably be stored as an int. Only 26 of the 32 bits
allocated would actually be needed. The 0th bit would indicate the
presence or absence of ‘A’, bit 1 would do the same for ‘B’, and so on.
Once a set has been created, the bitwise operations: and(&), inclusive
or(|), and one’s complement(~) would be used to support set intersection,
set union, and set complement operations. I/O is still problematic
however. For example, the set of vowels as a 32 bit vector would be:
vowels = {10001000100000100000100000}
List Representation
In the list representation, only those members of the set present are stored
in the list. The list could be stored as a character string or some sort of
array, or a linked list, or a hash table or even a tree. The list may or may
not be ordered, but ordering the list is preferred. A set of letters or
integers is easy to order, but a set of points may be difficult or impossible
to order. Most operations on list-based sets are more difficult to
implement than for bit vectors, except I/O which is now pretty easy.
Three basic operations can be defined that can assist with the
implementation of most of the others. The first tests whether a set
contains a particular element. The second adds an element to an existing
set if not already present. The third removes an element from the set if
present. The assistance provided by both C++ and Java is in the list form,
and both intrinsically reject duplicate values, and silently ignore
commands to remove values not present.
Java Support for Sets: Java provides hash sets and tree sets.
The code fragment below demonstrates a little of what can be done with
HashSets. Some of the methods used below are:
add( theItem)
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Scanner;
Set <String> names = new HashSet <String> ();
// HashSet of Strings
Scanner kb = new Scanner( );
while( true ){
System.out.println( “ Add a name. Q when done.” );
String input =;
if( input.equalsIgnoreCase(“Q”) )
names.add( input );// remove(input) could later remove it.}
Iterator <String> iter = names.iterator();
// If you get an iterator, then
while( iter.hasNext() )
// hasNext() and next() can
{ String theName =;
// assist you in traversing.
System.out.println( theName );
… or
for( String name : names )
// You can also use the “for
{ .. do some thing with the name }
// each” loop to traverset.
The Java TreeSet is also interesting in that it requires the Comparable
interface be implemented, and has the distinctly pleasant side effect that
it visits the elements in sorted order based upon your definition of the
“compare” method. Obviously, it creates a BST.
C++ Support for Sets
In C++, you would #include <set> and there are methods such as insert(
elementValue), erase(elementValue), begin(), and end().