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The Java Media Framework
by wayne deprince
[email protected]
The Java Platform
• The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
– system services
– implemented on host platform
– extending the JVM through the Java Native
Interface (JNI)
The JVM Extensions (javax)
• Non standard services
• Usually implemented using another
technology of the host platform
• Multimedia extension examples
– JavaSound
– Java3D
– Java Media Framework (JMF)
• Javax package used to play streaming and
non-streaming media
• Application framework
• Plug-able media players
• Supports many media formats
• User defined players
JMF Implementation
• Win32
– Direct X Media
– DirectShow
– QuickTime
Pros / Cons
• Pros
– It’s Java
– Easy to program
– Takes advantage of all host platform
• Cons
– It’s Java
– Java Extension Problem
• non standard
• JIT/WAT Compilers
– Native technologies usually faster
The Road Ahead for JMF
• Depends on the success of Java
– the JDK problem
– the javax problem
• Time …