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Question 2: Animal Trapping Methods: Please include type of traps used, frequency of monitoring traps,
how animals will be handled during trapping process, how the researchers plan to deal with animal
emergencies that may arise during the trapping process.
Jaguars will be captured using snare traps. Each snare trap will contain a trap site VHF
radio transmitter, to check a distance if the traps are triggered or not. Each trap will be
checked every two hours daily. All captures will be supervised by our veterinarian
team. Captures, immobilization and management of all jaguar will be made following
standardized protocols for management and anesthesia for jaguars in the wild (Deem &
Karesh, 2005; Cassaigne & Alcumbrac, 2009) and following the guidelines for the
capture, handling and care for mammals approved by the American Society of
Mammalogists (Gannon et al, 2007).
Question 3: Immobilization Methods: Please include drug(s) and dosage(s), and method of
administration used for immobilization, care of animal during immobilization, procedure(s) to be carried
out during immobilization, how the researchers plan to deal with animal emergencies that may arise
during the mobilization process.
Administration of the drugs will be via a dart fired from a CO2 pistol. Drugs and dosage
of the capture darts will be: Medetomidine 0.06 mg/kg + Ketamine 3 mg/kg +
Midazolam 0.02 mg/kg. As supplemental doses we will use ketamine (Ketamine 1
mg/kg IV o IM). As antagonist we will use Atipamezole 0.2-0.4 mg/kg. Once the animal
is under the effects of the anesthetic we will implement the next procedures:
1. Jaguar should be place in lateral recumbency with its neck stretched allowing
correct breathing.
2. Check anesthesia deepness and respiratory quality by the veterinarian.
3. Physiological parameters will be checked every 5 minutes (Heart rate 70-140/min,
respiratory rate 8–24/ min, temperature 37-39.5°C).
4. Eye ointment and blindfold.
5. Remove dart and treat wound.
6. Blood samples and drip line.
7. Supplemental oxygen.
8. Physical exam by the veterinarian
9. As preventive medicine a long acting antibiotic must be administer (Penicilline G
Benzathine 40,000 UI/kg IM) as well as a dewormer (Ivermectine 0.2 mg/kg SC).
In case of emergency during immobilization process we will implement the emergency
procedures established in the protocols of Deem & Karesh (2005) and Cassaigne &
Alcumbrac (2009).
Question 4: Marking and Telemetry of Individuals: Please include details on marking, banding or tagging,
and telemetry devices.
Jaguar will be equipped with Satellital GPS Collar GEN IV of Telonics® (model TGW4480). This model included GPS and ARGOS System. In the snare traps we will use
trap site VHF transmitters of the model TBT-500 of Telonics®. Body measurements
and weight will be taken of all individuals captured. We also will take photographs of
the coat patterns and dentition of all jaguar captured.
Question 5: Collection of Biological Material: Please include details on material to be sampled (blood,
tissue, stomach contents, feathers, skin, fur etc), methods used in obtaining sample from individual
animals (in depth), method of preservation of sample (brief), method of analysis of sample (brief).
Collection of biological material will be implemented by veterinarian in charge. The next
table describes the type of samples and the diagnostic tests on material to be sampled:
Hair with root
1 drop of blood
Methods of preservation of samples
1 vacutainer tube of 1 ml with EDTA (purple
2 vacutainer tubes of 8 ml with gel clotting
acelerator. Centrifuge and freeze serum in
ependorf tubes of 1 ml
Ependorf tube with alcohol at 70%
Steril Hissop with saline solution, refrigerated
Bacteriological hissop / frozen
Ependorf tube with alcohol at 70%
Diagnostic Tests
Blood chemistry + TSH analysis,
ELISA and/or PCR for diseases
AGID or PCR for mycobacterias
Identification of ectoparasites
Leishmania/ Anaplasma