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Quick Write
In this chapter, you will learn about
volcanoes and their characteristics.
Write down these questions and
answer them in complete sentences.
1. What comes out of volcanoes?
2. What are dangers of volcanoes?
3. Where are common places to find
1. Sketch and diagram the following parts of a
volcano: Slope/flank, crater, vent, volcanic neck,
magma chamber.
2. Caldera?
Formed when the top or slope
of a volcano collapses into the
magma chamber.
3. Shield volcano
Broad, gentle (not steep)
slopes, basaltic non-viscous
lavas, non-explosive. For
example: Hawaii
4. Cinder cone
Steep sides, formed when
fragments erupt, small,
more explosive than shield
but less than composite.
5. Composite
Alternating rock/ash and
lava layers. Larger than
cinder cones, smaller than
shield volcanoes, steep.
Most explosive because of
viscous (sticky) lavas which
are high in silica (liquid
glass) and volcanic gases.
Check for Understanding
What are the 3 types of volcanoes?
Sketch a volcano with slope/flank,
magma chamber, vent, and crater.
1. Shield
2. Composite
3. Cinder
a. smallest, made of fragments,
medium explosivity
b. largest, gentle slopes, non-viscous
lavas, non-violent exposions
c. med-size, viscous lavas/ash/gases,
most explosive
6. Size and slope?
•Shield is largest and slope
is gradual.
•Composite is larger than
cinder cone and smaller than
shield and slope is steep.
•Cinder cone is smallest and
slope is steep.
7. Pyroclastic flow?
Rapidly moving gas, ash, and
other material. Very
Sizes are not to scale…
8. Volcano locations
•80% are found at CPBs
•15% are found at DPBs
•5% are found at non-plate boundaries (hot spots)
9. At CPB?
Because of subduction, volcano chains and island
chains are formed.
10. At DPB?
Magma erupts on the ocean
floor or on land in rift zones.
11. Hot spots?
Super hot magma
burns a hole through
the Earth’s crust and
erupts away from
plate boundaries.
Check for Understanding
Fast moving volcanic gas and ash that
can reach 700 degrees C are called what?
Match the location with the % of volcanoes:
1. Convergent
2. Divergent
3. Hot Spots
a. 15%
b. 5%
c. 80%
_____ plate boundaries involve volcanoes, subduction,
and create island and volcano chains. _____ plate
boundaries involve rift valleys and mid-ocean ridges.
___ ____ are locations where super hot magmas
burn through the Earth’s crust creating volcanoes.
12. Examples of volcanoes
at PBs?
Convergent = Cascades
Divergent = mid-ocean
ridges and Iceland
Hot spot = Hawaii and
Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3
Check for Understanding
1. Convergent
a. Yellowstone/Hawaii
2. Divergent
b. Cascades/Japan
3. Hot Spot
c. mid-ocean ridge/Iceland
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