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Sample Astrology Natal Chart Reading:
Ernesto ‘El Ché’ GuevaraMay 13, 1928
Rosario, Argentina, 530 PM
General interpretation of your natal chart
The Zodiac
The Zodiac is a belt of stars that circles our Earth and it is the correlation between these
stars, the changing seasons, as well as human behavior which have become what we
now call astrology. The Zodiac consists of twelve constellations (signs) that each make
up 30 degrees of your natal chart and tend to last roughly four weeks of the year. The
constellations of the Zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each astrological chart will vary
with Zodiac positions as the planets as well as the constellations are shifting
continually. The names that have been given to each of the signs correlates to the
patterns that they make and oddly enough, astrology from distinct regions of the world
recognize the same constellations as well as subsequent human personality traits.
The Planets
Astrology is influenced by the ten planets in our Solar System: the Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The planets bring us
raw energy, and their relationship to the Earth in their movements are the core of what
is studied to determine personalities of human beings. No matter what, we are affected
by these energies, but it is a question of whether we choose to respond to it or not. The
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are called personal planets because they move
very quickly and are close to each other and the Earth. They take about two years to
complete their orbits and so have a noticeable impact on our lives. Jupiter and Saturn
are considered viewpoint planets because their orbits are longer and they tend to impact
decades of our lives. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are transpersonal planets, which have a
generational influence rather than an individual one.
Karma and Afflictions
Karma and afflictions are two words that you will see periodically throughout your
chart reading. Karma relates to the ancient concept that our soul’s are on a distinct
journey through various physical bodies, and many times issues left unfinished from
past lives will resurface into our current one. During the course of our soul’s journey we
will come upon lessons that we must learn in order for our soul to move forward, and
this is true in a long-term sense of the entire existence of your soul, but also in this life
we live in right now. Have you noticed patterns in your life that continue to repeat
themselves, whether this be in relationships or work, or whatever may be the case? This
is karma, and the patterns will continue to repeat themselves until you learn and
integrate the lesson into yourself, and only then will you be able to move on. Karma is
also the result of our actions, be they in this life or in past lives. Karma is the wheel of
justice that turns and promises us that what we send out, we will receive back threefold,
good and bad. Karma can also relate to our ancestors, for many people carry the burden
of unresolved family issues which can go back ages into one’s family tree. In all cases,
karma indicates unresolved issues as well as the fruits of your actions, positive or
Throughout the chart reading, you will see references to afflictions, and this is a more
general way of indicating problematic areas. Affliction is a stronger word because they
are not necessarily problems, per se, but more opportunities of conflict in which your
soul is given a chance to reconcile karma or what be it and thus move forward to the
next lesson. Afflictions are usually the result of negative emotions such as anger, greed,
vengeance, hatred and the like, and tend to lead us down dark roads and destructive
habits. It is important to be aware of potential afflictions in order to recognize them in
our actions as well as eliminate their negative results, learning from them.
The Houses
While the Earth completes her rotation every day, the entire Zodiac will pass over her
sphere. Like the signs divide the Zodiac into twelve four-week groups, the houses
further divide the chart into twelve two-hour periods of the day. The first house begins
approximately at dawn, and each house carries with it a different facet of life as well as
other social conditions. Empty houses represent our free will as there is no planetary or
Zodiacal influence upon them, save the other influences in your chart. The opportunity
the empty houses present is vital, and can allow us to untangle the difficulties of other
aspects of our chart/life and work towards balancing out all of our potentials.
The 1st House is the entrance of the ego and relates to the Self. When there are planets
here it signifies a reconciliation with one’s ego, and without planets there is no ego
problem. It also represents your appearance, your best foot forward and the traits that
you project to others. All things related to the Self are in this house, personal actions,
instincts, personality and outlook are among some. You have Saturn in the 1st House.
The 2nd House is personal concepts and ideas, the house of resources, and the mode of
which you display your values and personal obligations. Earning, spending, and the
establishment of financial standing enter here. You have no planets in this House.
The 3rd House is communications, memories, and the space associated with learning (or
the inability to learn). It is the house of siblings and also related to short or local travels.
You have no planets in this house.
The 4th House is the soul’s entrance and inheritance, family and the home. It is
nurturing, roots, and most significantly our mothers. This is a house of beginnings and
endings, and people with prominent planets in this house tend to deal with real estate
and property. You have the Moon in this House.
The 5th House is of talent and procreation, this coming in the form of creativity, selfesteem, children, or other endeavors. It is also the house of romance, drama, and selfexpression. You have Mars and Uranus in this House.
The 6th House is our internal and external environment, and also becomes a house of
health. It also represents ambitions and service to others. Jupiter, Venus and the Sun are
in this House.
The 7th House is the house of partnerships, relationships, marriage, legal collaboration,
and cooperation; the place where you balance your ego with that of others. Sociability,
competitors and even enemies will emerge here. You have Mercury in this House.
The 8th House is the house of sexuality and psychic energy, and is also a house of
inheritances and losses. It is where your ideas meet other people’s ideas and how this
union would be reconciled. Many people with planets in this house tend to lose their
inheritances. You have Pluto in this house.
The 9th House is the elevation of the mind through various means, education, religion,
philosophy, and also the ability for abstract knowledge. This is where understanding is
acquired that will then shape your attitude. Also, it is a house of teaching, education,
publishing and long journeys. You have no planets in this house.
The 10th House is the house of duties, responsibilities and personal status. This is the
culmination of what you have done with your gifts from the 4th House, and is a point of
judgement for the movement of your soul. You have Neptune in this house.
The 11th House is the house of social responsibility, what we owe to humanity and the
world. It is also like Harry Potter’s sorting hat, it figures out who are our friends,
associates, and what we will do with our creativity. It is a house of goals and objectives,
as well as how you will relate to the children of others. You have no planets in this
The 12th House is the house of the soul’s transformation, and is the source for tapping
into information, knowledge, and past-lives. The objective of the 12th House is to
confine your ego so that your ego can transmute, mature, develop and rise beyond the
banalities of our physical existence. Here arises the conflict between what you need and
what you want, something that can be desires in opposition and ultimately destructive to
your soul. It is the house of confinement, but also holds the greatest depth of creativity,
knowledge and resources for your soul; it is the house of karma, or the end of karma.
Hospitals and institutions enter here. You have no planets in this house.
The Elements
Every constellation in the Zodiac is associated with an element, Earth, Air, Fire or
Water. Fire represents will and determination, spirited energy that keeps us moving
forward. Earth signifies structure, that which is tangible and relates to the five physical
senses. Air deals with abstract concepts and ideas. Water relates to intuition and one’s
ability to feel, as well as our connection to our sixth sense but can be problematic as it
lacks consistency.
The balance of elements in your chart is key; having one or no planets in an element
indicates a lack, having four or more planets in an element demonstrates an abundance.
A balanced chart would have 2/3 planets in each element, and it is interesting to point
out that most people who lack a particular element in their chart will undoubtedly be
attracted to someone who possesses that element.
You have 4 planets in Fire, 1 in Air, 2 in Earth, and 3 in Water. Your Earth and Water is
in balance, bringing you the positive aspects of these two elements. Water and Earth
will bring you the ability to nurture creative ideas and bring them to fruition, as Earth
brings structure and Water brings nourishment.
You do also have an abundance of Fire, which will create a powerful and determined
individual, ones whose stubbornness, willfulness and inflexibility may cast an
overwhelming shadow over challenges that you may encounter. This will be a difficult
quality within your relationships as it will become a case of your will over the will of
others, and you may see fit to stampede over other people’s lives as you see fit, or as
serves you.
Your lack of Air will bring you an almost desperate need for learning and an eternal
quest for concepts and ideas that you can take and run with. You will be considered a
borderline genius as this quest for knowledge will continue throughout your life, and
ultimately creating an extremely intelligent and quick individual.
The combination of your dominant elements, Fire and Water, makes you very
combustible as when water and fire meet they boil and bubble. You have the tendency
to be brash and impulsive, taking your feelings and putting action behind them without
thinking about whether it is right or wrong. Logic with you will be overshadowed by
emotions. Individuals with this combination tend to be very sensitive, and very
concerned about what other people think. You feel a strong need to sell yourself to the
world and explain who you are and what you will bring. There are severe emotional
mood swings indicated here as well as Water’s desire for security will clash with Fire’s
desire to go forth and conquer. You need discipline in order to express emotions without
losing boundaries, and once you have this you will be able to accomplish a great deal
with your life. However, at your worst, you will be frenetic and erratic, bursting out all
over the place because of deep internal frustrations, and your relationships will be very
troubled by your chaotic mood swings.
The signs of the Zodiac are also broken down into three groups, Emotional, Intellectual
and Theoretical. The Emotional group is unable to control their emotions, even when
they attempt to deal with something at an intellectual level. The Intellectual Group tends
to disassociate from their emotions and instead takes all of their thinking, responses, and
emotions proceeding to filter them through their intellect. Theoretical Signs tend to live
in the world of what should be, rather than what is, and as a result of this innate
idealism they tend to have extreme actions and extreme illnesses.
The majority of your planets are in the Emotional Group, which signifies a difficulty in
you in controlling your emotions before you speak or act. Even when you will attempt
to do things at an intellectual or theoretical level, your emotions will shine through with
a passion. Be careful to not suppress your emotions otherwise you will start to develop
psychosomatic illnesses. Learn how to displace your emotions productively. Think first
and then react. The objective of this group is to learn how to identify the Self.
The signs of the Zodiac also come with a gender of either masculine or feminine.
Gender can also be stated as positive/negative, active/passive, extroverted/introverted,
although this is not placing a qualifying good or bad on any of the qualities. Imagine the
yin and the yang, which is seeking and ultimately obtaining a balance between opposing
traits. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are the male/father
dominated signs, while Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are
female/mother dominated.
Your Sun Sign, Taurus, is Feminine, indicating that you will have some issues to
resolve with your mother. But in fact, you have an equal number of planets in feminine
and masculine constellations, indicating that you will also have serious issues to work
out with your father. The key here is to make peace with them, and forgive them, in
order to help yourself move forward in your life.
Gemini/Sagittarius Polarity
Polarities represent the path of the Moon as it circles the Earth and these points of
opposition have karmic relevance to an individual. The issues that arise from one’s
polarity must be reconciled to find a middle ground if one is to be well-centered and
grounded. Since most humans have difficulty and frustrations with seeking this middle
path, frustrations will emerge as the individual goes towards one polarity or the other. A
balance must always be found in this reconciliation process.
The Gemini/Sagittarius Polarity is the self versus others. Gemini collects information
while Sagittarius processes it, and when balanced there is a gorgeous integration of
words, concepts and emotions which creates knowledge. This is referred to as the
teaching node, and when in balance makes a wonderful communicator and expressive
human being.
Crosses (Quadruplicities)
When the astrological chart is squared like a pie, it creates four segments that carry with
it a particular value and area of personal development. The first segment contains
Houses 1-3 involves the development of the ego, the second segment (Houses 4-6) is
the development of intuition and awareness of the self, the third segment (Houses 7-9)
is the development of reflection and objectivity, the fourth segment (Houses 10-12) is
our karma. Your chart contains all of your planets in the 1st and 4th Segments relating to
the development of your ego and karma, signifying clearly that you have work to do in
this life reconciling these two areas. I will go further in detail on this as I begin detailing
the planetary and Zodiacal placements in your chart as a whole.
The division of your chart into these four areas leads to the concept of Crosses, which in
our chart are related to our spiritual and emotional development. Crosses relate to four
signs being in opposition, and gives you an opportunity for objectivity, and there are
three Crosses in astrology, the Cardinal Cross, the Fixed Cross and the Mutable Cross.
The Cardinal Cross represents the opening of the psyche and the initiation of new paths;
Cardinal signs tend to be leaders and initiators whose work can benefit fellow sentient
The majority of your planets were in the Mutable Cross which signifies someone who is
flexible and adaptable, but can also be volatile, kaleidoscopic, and unstable with a need
to learn how to handle things in a calm way. If you are not careful, afflictions can lead
to health problems relating to your central nervous system. Mutable signs tend to
signify past lives spent as holy men or women, and as a result these signs carry with
them a sense of introspection and sometimes inhibition.
Aspects are the angles formed by two planets in relationship to each other, and
collectively these are the areas that bring a chart truly to life. Aspects are to be seen as
further opportunities, some of which are horridly frustrating, extremely difficult, or soft
and joyfully easy. Aspects are potential energies, and of course it is up to you how you
will interact and use these energies. Harder aspects will present challenges but have the
more strengthening effects once the difficulty is conquered, and softer aspects will bring
a free-flowing and gentler energy to assist your other challenges.
When two planets are 90 degrees apart they create a powerful position in the square.
Squares are obstructed energy and create a necessity to work things out. Without
squares, we have no energy to do anything. In its role as an energizer, the square carries
a quality that must be reconciled, and it is the kind of thing that makes you better as you
When two planets are 180 degrees apart from each other they form an opposition, which
is also a hard aspect as the energy of the two planets are opposing each other. In
oppositions, the energy of the planets is polarizing and becomes extreme. But always
there is a middle point where the balance will be found between the two. The key thing
to remember here is objectivity, and with oppositions we begin to gain awareness of
causes and effects thus granted an objectivity we don’t normally possess. Three or more
oppositions creates a medical chart, where hell is paid at the physical level and will
create illness. If this is the case, you must pay special attention to the oppositions and
reconcile them.
A conjunction can also be considered a hard aspect as it signifies that two planets are
within 10 degrees of each other. Conjunctions invoke the energies of both planets
simultaneously, and so you must work through them at the same time. A transit of one
planet in conjunction may trigger another planet and will bring with it a domino effect,
which can be powerful if controlled carefully but painful if unaware. Conjunctions tend
to produce overbearing and demanding individuals.
A trine is three planets placed 120 degrees apart from one another, and they are seen as
lucky and beneficial. They create a smoothness, agility, and harmony in a personality.
They indicate that you will develop and function with an ease in all aspects of your life,
be creative and harmonious. But too many trines produces a laziness and a false notion
that you don’t have to work to produce things. Trines and squares combined create a
dynamic personality with the combination of luck and energy to move forward and take
ideas from their nascent stage and move them through fulfillment.
A sextile is created by two planets 60 degrees from each other and is a very soft aspect
that is easily compatible with others. Two planets in sextile can be easily reconciled and
thus produce opportunities which you can choose to utilize or let go.
Your Horoscope
Sun in Taurus, 6th House
The position of the sun in your chart determines your position in life, how you see the
world, your success, your progress and most importantly how you know yourself. The
Sun is the most vital, energetic and powerful of the planets in our universe so it has a
huge impact on an individual. The Sun signifies your unconscious and it moves you
to follow your instincts. The Sun is the collection of all that you need to survive
especially in how you relate to and respond to the world. The Sun is your destiny,
your personal spirit and your determination. The Sun also represents the father, and
is the chosen destiny that you are here to fulfill.
Basic Personality of Taurus
Taurus are usually conservative, meticulous planners, and artistic individuals. They tend
to be honest, childlike, consistent, dependable, selfless, and generous, with great
willpower, self-discipline and an innate tenacity. Taurus claims power of the body and
will have a muscular or strong physique. It is very easy for Taurus to give of themselves
and then regenerate quickly to give more; they possess healing abilities that can greatly
benefit others. This is a very sexual sign, and Taurus tend to be very aware of their
sexual needs as well as their partners. Taurus have a keen awareness of the five senses,
and it is only if a Taurus is old or sick that they will lose the use of a sense or senses.
Taurus also tends to derive a sense of security from material possessions, and will
amass things to compensate for what they feel is lacking in their life; this also lowers
their anxieties about insecurities. Severe contradictions in the personality emerge if
there are afflictions for a Taurus as suddenly they can become rigid, stubborn, selfish,
and self-restricting. If what a Taurus gives is not returned blindly, they may become
hostile, resentful, suspicious, and oversensitive and their temper will emerge. Loyalty is
one of the key issues for Taurus, and they will test other’s loyalty constantly. If a
Taurus’ loyalty is abused in some way, most likely the individual will never be trusted
by them again. A Taurus will automatically hold back emotions and repress
Taurus are endowed with a sense of refinement which can make them embarrassed and
self-conscious by things that are considered gross and distasteful. Suppressions will
wind up producing over-indulgences and excesses in food, drink, sex, whatever can be
indulged in. Taurus also carry with them a morbid dread of change as they find it
difficult to shift emotions and adapt to new situations. Concepts can be changed fairly
easily, but emotions are a indecipherable entity within them and so remain bottled up.
Taurus is one of the masters at holding grudges, although a Taurus will simply keep
holding onto every little slight until they are overflowing and then will explode
everywhere. Taurus can throw wicked tantrums, and these will be triggered by very
small things. Taurus must find a productive method to release old wounds and
overcome them. It must be learned how to hold emotions, temper and stubbornness in
balance, and most importantly must learn how to forgive. A good education and
development of thought is extremely important to Taurus as they will base their security
on knowledge. A Taurus will tend to reach maturity over the age of forty, and at that
time they will be knowledgeable, stable, and still retaining their youthful personality.
Once a Taurus has learned how to understand and control their temper, they will work
well under pressure, be creative, talented, capable and very productive.
Talents and abilities
Taurus rules the throat and so individuals usually posses a lovely speaking or singing
voice. They will have an artistic sensibility and appreciation that make for a great artist
or writer. Taurus are also good with money and can be excellent in fields relating to
finances. Since a tendency of Taurus is to amass and preserve, they can also be
successful in the restoration of antiques. Any field that can allow Taurus to be in contact
with beautiful things will suit them well.
Taurus rules the thyroid gland, the throat, the bloodstream as well as the pancreas. If
afflicted, these areas can tend to be sensitive. Taurus need a lot of exercise, especially
aerobic exercise that helps to clean the blood, expand the lungs and clear their
bloodstream. Taurus tend to retain carbon, which in turn makes them tired and lazy at
times. It is very important for Taurus to be physically active in order to eliminate the
propensity for physical illnesses.
Taurus is a mother-dominated sign and so they will tend to be reflections of their
mothers. Until they mature, they will wind up emulating their mothers, who may have
been strict and demanding, which is one of the things a Taurus must learn not to
become. Taurus must be wary of being overbearing and imposing concepts on others.
As a result of having a strong mother, some Taurus males may have a fear of women
that can create power struggles within relationships. As a parent, Taurus is wonderful
with babies as they have this natural healing, soothing quality that is nurturing with
children. The problems begin as the child ages and begin to have their own ideas, at this
point Taurus must let go so that there is no uncomfortable clash of egos. Taurus has a
personal need to have the cleanest, smartest, most refined children, and although loving
and meaning well, they may tend to project themselves onto their children which can
create an array of problems. Taurus parents tend to be generous, indulgent and loving
with their children.
Taurus tend to make very good partners, but they may have the tendency to project their
energy onto their partner. They are loving, and caring, but sometimes to the point of
smothering the other person and can also become jealous and possessive. Taurus also
wants adulation and recognition, especially from their families, and because they tend to
be good providers they need their family to demonstrate appreciation for their efforts.
Third Decanate: Taurus/Capricorn, May 11-May 20
This decanate works under the influence of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, who tends to
bring restrictions. Taurus tends to be even more materialistic than usual in this decanate,
and if there are afflictions then there will be a fear of deprivation and all associated
stresses. You must trust in your ability to make and maintain your economic foundation,
otherwise you will become miserly, negative, conservative and incapable of taking
risks, even safe ones. You must develop a sense of faith and take into your heart the
idea that hard work and mastery will always bring rewarding results.
The Sun in the 6th House creates a workaholic and a loner. If afflicted, you will have
difficulty understanding how to interact with the world and you will find yourself
continually exhausted by the company of other people. This will subsequently affect
your central nervous system, and you will periodically need to remove yourself from
external stimulation in order to regenerate your forces. Healthwise, this is not a very
strong House for the Sun, and so you will have to compensate for this lack in other
Sun sextile Mars
Careful and flexible, you will work towards achieving success with
determination and force, and the opposite sex will always find your
energy attractive.
Sun square Neptune
You must serve or sacrifice for the good of others. Your past life debts
and karma will need to be repaid in this life
Ascendant in Scorpio
The Ascendant, or rising sign, is the sign that was on the horizon at the moment of your
birth. The rising sign is the third in the astrological trilogy of the Sun and the Moon.
The Ascendant indicates how you see yourself, and represents your future. It acts as a
protective shield for your Sun sign and Moon sign, and the Ascendant also represents
your socialization process. It is the part of your personality that will not leave you open
and vulnerable to the ideas and actions of others. Your rising sign is your best foot
forward; it is how you operate and who you let the world think you are.
Scorpio rising creates a personality so strong that it is either loved or hated, very little in
between about it. This is a sign of extremes, possessing either extreme magnetism or
causing total repulsion, vacillating between being a delight or being completely hateful.
Like the children’s song, when you are good you are wonderful, but when you are bad,
you are the worst that can be imagined. Scorpio rising sees very clearly who is worthy
to be in their life and who will be annihilated. Your energies flow freely and without
guilt; you don’t give a damn what others will think about you in the least. This attitude
will make you stoic and severe in your appearance to others. The eyes are the window
to the soul, and your eyes are piercing with the goal to intimidate, sending out the
message to keep away or looking right through someone. These are eyes that mesmerize
with an intense power. You have a charismatic and magnetic personality that draws
others to you, also emitting a psychic and sexual energy that flows freely and is
extremely attractive. If you don’t realize that you have this power, most likely you will
end up misusing it.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet that represents the underworld and also our deepest
subconscious. With afflictions, this could lead you into a controversial lifestyle and
questionable dealings which can culminate in jail time or death if you are not careful.
Positively, Scorpio rising’s intensely powerful energy can lead and influence large
groups of people. If you dedicate yourself to the service and welfare of others, you will
be a truly exceptional and formidable individual.
Moon in Pisces, 4th House
The Moon represents our mothers, our inheritances as well as our subconscious
motivations, which at times can obstruct us from connecting with our emotions.
Remember that the Moon has no light of its own, it reflects the light of the Sun. The
Moon takes about 29 days to revolve around the Sun, and thus spends two to three days
in each constellation. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer as well as the 4th House which
is the entrance of the soul. The Moon also signifies our body, and will tend to determine
how you look, what your health will be and how you respond emotionally to the world.
The moon also personifies your physical and emotional inheritance that will lead to
your medical history and karma.
The Moon in Pisces is extremely sensitive, and even though this is not considered a
very strong placement of the Moon, it gives you the ability to survive and surmount
life’s obstacles. You will have the power and force to withstand anything and continue
moving forward towards your goals and dreams. Nobody really understands the entire
depth of your emotions. You will suffer a great deal and it is important for you to
withdraw from the world now and again in order to reenergize your forces. The Moon in
Pisces, if the rest of the chart is strong, will create one of the most incredibly sensitive
visionaries: a dreamer with the ability to brings these grand dreams to fruition.
Whatever you feel or sense can eventually be realized. This Moon brings with it many
talents, and unless you are afflicted, you will most certainly be successful in achieving
your goals.
The Moon in the 4th House creates an emotional bond with your mother that will make
independence difficult for you. Your need to protect yourself will take precedence over
all other needs.
Moon square Mercury
Your objective is to feel and think in harmony. You may end up bringing
troubles to yourself with the written word.
Moon sextile Venus
Pleasant, sedate, orderly, you will flourish in an artistic and creative
atmosphere and could make your living with it.
Moon opposing Neptune
You must make the great leap of faith to conquer the fears that are the
root cause of your limitations. You must keep a cool head and overcome
the doubts that inevitably will surface from thinking too much.
Moon trine Pluto
This placement brings with it a survival instinct that will help you to
overcome obstacles. You will rise above the impossible, this coming
from your wellspring of incredible inner strength, not from luck.
Mercury in Gemini, 7th House
Mercury revolves around the Sun every 88 days which means it makes a full revolution
several times a year. Mercury is the planet of communications as well as mental
activity. It represents that which you tell yourself and that which you tell others,
problems arising usually because these two do not agree.
Mercury in Gemini is a comfortable placement, creating a keen and alert mind that is
restless and so produces a multitude of ideas. The flip side is that you will also have the
tendency to think too much and mentally exhaust yourself. Furthermore, this kind of
intense overthinking that is better stated as obsession, can lead to confusion in your own
mind, the vampirizing of other people’s minds, as well as serious jumping to
conclusions. When afflicted, you will lack the consistency to gather facts and concepts
and use them productively. You must remember that you cannot master something
unless you remain focused and pace yourself to avoid depleting your mental and
physical energies.
Mercury in the 7th House will create marriage and partnerships as more of an
intellectual experience rather than an emotional exchange. You may spend a lot of time
arguing and fighting about small things with those around you.
Mercury sextile Uranus
You will be of a fast mind and ahead of the pack, but you will also tend
to lose patience with those who are not as quick as you. Your
individuality will be well expressed through writing.
Mercury square Neptune
This position will create an illusion that eventually will do you in. You
must how to depend seriously on your own mental faculties, instead of
leeching on the brains of others.
Venus in Taurus, 6th House
Venus revolves around the Sun every 225 days. It is displayed as harmony, devotion and
cooperation with others. Venus in a chart deals with refinement, class and beauty, and
is associated with the ability to produce self-love, which when kept in balance is an
important quality for a healthy soul. But on the negative side, Venus can bring selfindulgence and self-serving actions.
Venus rules Taurus so this is a very comfortable placement. You will possess a
powerful and earthy quality, and your physical, sensual and emotional responses will be
magnified. It will bring into your personality qualities of a nurturer, and one who also
craves that nurturing from others. This will lead you to be meticulous, generous, and not
easily bothered by those around you. Unless afflicted, this does not create for a jealous
personality, nor someone competetive who wishes to upstage those around. You
recognize your self-worth and you live comfortably with yourself, content in what you
bring into the world and to others.
Venus in the 6th House brings a peaceful atmosphere in your work or at home. You will
benefit from any work that requires diplomacy. If there are afflictions in your life,
illnesses will be caused by excesses or a loss of balance. Remember that moderation is
the key.
Venus sextile Pluto
Your understated but intense magnetism will ensure an abundance of
money, respect, love, and whatever opportunities you may need to be an
extremely successful individual.
Mars in Pisces, 5th House
Mars revolves around the Sun every 687 days taking approximately two years to revolve
around the Sun. Mars is the planet associated with temperament, energy, and
determination if well placed. But it can also be a destroyer as it may encourage action
without thought if badly aspected. Mars represents the initiation of all forms of
relationships, and it is interesting to note that relationships tend to go through two-year
cycles that relate to Mars’ orbit. When Mars returns to its original position in a chart it
creates upheavals in a partnership, and gives an opportunity to review and assess the
current state of things. Careers are also related to Mars and their cycles will also relate
to the orbit of Mars. Mars is a generator and tends to get people going, for good or bad.
Mars rules muscular structures and thus creates energy that spurs on movement. Mars
in conjunction with any planet will energize it.
Mars in Pisces tends to be a control freak, as Pisces with its ruler of Neptune produces
fears that are then exaggerated by the warlike nature of Mars, creating an aggressive and
domineering personality that will continually jump over people’s heads purely out of
fear. Pisces carries with it subconscious fears and memories of past lives, and you must
try to conquer and overcome these irrational fears, irrational because they probably do
not come from this life. Once you have made peace with these fears, you will become
calm and your vitality will begin to be restored. It is very important you seek calmness
in your life, because if not and if afflicted then the innate fears and violence of this
placement will create illnesses in your life.
Mars in the 5th House will propell you to seek out the limelight and bask in center stage.
You will display remarkable and unusual strength in the pursuit of your goals, and will
pursue them with fixed determination. Should you be afflicted, your children will be
surrounded with and suffer from great disappointments and sorrow.
Mars conjuncts Uranus
Your temper may lead to your demise, and although you appear fearless
to others, your impatience will make you dangerous. The best thing you
could do for yourself is to care for others tirelessly and dedicate yourself
to the service of making the world a better place for all beings.
Jupiter in Aries, 6th House
Jupiter takes 12 years to revolve around the Sun, and is the planet of good fortune and
realizations. It is the planet of emotions and can increase our ability to empathize with
others and ourselves. Jupiter helps us to distinguish between what we think and what we
feel, and the result is self-awareness. Jupiter actually triggers human development and
influences the onset of puberty which usually begins around the age of 12, the time it
takes for Jupiter to make a full revolution. Jupiter rules the liver, which is the home of
anger. If negatively aspected, Jupiter can create physical or hormonal difficulties,
within an individual.
Jupiter in Aries will produce a good sense of the Self and high self-esteem. You will
have a strong mind and a great deal of physical strength and energy. If you have a good
education, you will have incredible leadership capabilities. You may also be a risktaker, and you will go forward with an ‘I can do anything I want’ attitude and a sense of
optimism that will fulfill your goals. If afflicted, this risk-taking can switch to
dangerous dealings such as gambling or living on the edge. In any case, this is a
successful placement.
Jupiter in the 6th House creates a pleasurable work environment as well as good health.
Your hard work and dependability will be rewarded. But on the other hand, if there are
afflictions then your health will suffer. Jupiter rules the liver so a bad temper and poor
diet can stress out this organ and create related illnesses.
Jupiter trine Saturn
This aspect will not allow you to lie to yourself. You will work
steadfastly for what you desire, and subsequently you will achieve.
Jupiter trine Neptune
The opportunity to merge thought and action will result in a sedate,
caring and mystical personality.
Jupiter square Pluto
Your power will continually be tested by yourself and those around you.
Be careful about self-deception, especially when it relates to how others
see you.
Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius, 1st House
Saturn revolves around the Sun just about every 29 ½ years. This is a serious and
somber planet that deals with the responsibilities that you take on and must work
through. It carries with it a warning of limitations, and is the first of the karmic planets
which relate to unfinished business from past lives. Wherever Saturn is placed, it will
confine you until you reconcile its energies, and it will accomplish this confinement
through limitations of all sorts, physical, financial, health, etc. Saturn is associated with
maturation and makes sure you will reap what you sow. With Saturn, there is a lesson
to learn and a lesson to teach, so in turn we will grow and develop both physically and
mentally. Saturn will not let you get away with anything that is not part of your positive
A planet in Retrograde motion means that the planet has slowed its orbit and in a natal
chart it signifies work that must be achieved in this lifetime as it was never reconciled in
a past life. A Saturn Retrograde has to do with self-worth, and the inability to judge
oneself accurately emerges in a retrograde Saturn. Saturn, as one of the energetic
leaders of our maturation processes, helps to put your self-worth in perspective. For
example, people who place more importance on themselves will learn a strong lesson as
Saturn will restrict them until they balance their worth with the worth of those around
Saturn in Sagittarius will have a lifelong quest for The Truth, and is constantly looking
to understand. Naturally you are philosophical, regardless of your upbringing or
religious education. You have an innate prophetic quality that will allow you to accept
various strange situations because somehow you know and are familiar with them
already. Saturn in Sagittarius is outspoken and fearless. Even when you come up against
a daunting challenge, you will smile and continue forward not bothered by its presence.
You have a strong intuition that will empower you with self-assuredness and a
confidence that others will trust. This position gives you the potential to be a great
communicator who can surmount any and every challenge that comes your way. Your
mind is keen, adaptable, extremely intelligent and able to hold its own in large groups
and your peers.
Saturn in the 1st House creates an old personality that will be responsible for large
groups of people. You may tend to work towards approval from others because you feel
unloved. This brings you a shy and unassertive side, and you may need to overcome the
feeling that you are not important. If afflicted, selfishness, egoism, and a puffed up selfimportance will take over and create an insufferable and intolerable human being.
Saturn trine Neptune
Your psychic abilities can produce tangible results in your life and with others.
Uranus in Aries, 5th House
Uranus takes 84 years to revolve around the Sun, spending 7 years in each house,
moving slowly and impacting similarly. It is a subliminal planet, another planet of the
subconscious. Uranus affects your individuality and personal identity, the one you will
discover as you mature. Uranus brings uniqueness and unconventionality to a
Uranus in Aries is a difficult placement, and will create a personality who will do the
unexpected. You are ready to pioneer and explore, possessing an inquisitive spirit that
will motivate you to blaze new trails for others to follow. With afflictions, you will be
rebellious, and tend to undo your own self, resulting in the losses of jobs or even
physically endangering your being. You may have an innate suspicion and fear in your
personality, one of the predominant fears being rejection.
Uranus in the 5th House creates unconventionality, and your children may prove to be
exceptional, or if there is little discipline then incredibly destructive. Cooperation is
something you must learn if your relationships are to survive. You have great creative
energy, but it may tend to be expressed in unusual ways.
Uranus square Pluto
Your life will be prone to upheaval and you will have a hard time staying
put in one place. Regeneration of your Self and your vital life forces are
key if you are to function healthily and successfully.
Neptune in Leo, 10th House
Neptune takes 165 years to revolve around the Sun and lives in each house for 14 years.
This is one of the more intense planets as is brings illusions, delusions as well as
enlightenment. Neptune is elusive and difficult to harness, like water running through
our fingers no matter how hard we try to hold on. Neptune can inspire incredible and
creative forces in an individual as it is an endless wealth of information and talent, but
it can also produce fears and in certain areas of the chart can hold a personality back
and prevent it from flowering until something is learned. Neptune is associated with the
subconscious, with karma and also tendencies towards drug and alcohol abuse.
Neptune in Leo is not a good placement, as it will cloud your judgement and make it
difficult for you to see facts and truths clearly, as well as make good decisions. As a
generation, people with Neptune in Leo were raised during World War I and it was not
entirely clear what was happening politically in Europe at that time. Many were taken in
by the rising number of infamous dictators. People with Neptune in Leo tend to have
difficulty when afflicted in giving, receiving and understanding love.
Neptune in the 10th House will extract from you a karmic lesson. You will never receive
credit for work unless you in fact did it. It may prove that authority figures in your life
were irresponsible in assisting your development, and therefore you must take the
higher road and overcome your obstacles yourself and with your own mental and
physical resources.
Pluto in Cancer, 8th House
Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun and takes 248 years to revolve, but unlike other
planets, its course is erratic and since its discovery it spends less and less time in each
house. Pluto rules the subterranean. Pluto will provide the greatest challenges of one’s
life, and tends to produce generational changes as opposed to personal ones. On the
positive side, Pluto has a grace and calmness that allows you to transform and grow,
taking you deep within your soul to bring forth the power that lives within you. Pluto
allows you to make contact with yourself and flourish. But on the negative side, it
carries an intensity that leads to loss of balance, destruction, obsessiveness and even
death. Pluto has boundless regenerative powers for a personality, and the enormous
fortitude and strength of a human being is projected through Pluto. Pluto, like Saturn,
will not let you get away with anything, but the hardest lessons we learn will
undoubtedly leave us with a courage and confidence that can not be shaken. The law of
retribution lives with Pluto.
Pluto in Cancer either heightens or displaces the emotions and intuitions of those who
fall under its sway. For example, during the transit of Pluto in Cancer, the United States
had isolated itself from the rest of the globe under the mask of patriotism, resulting in
great wars that changed the face of our globe. Afterwards, the economic and emotional
depression of the nation ended up uniting people for a common cause.
Pluto in the 8th House has always been associated with death, the ultimate change. You
are able to produce and sustain great changes with this aspect, as it is only after rebirth
that we can progress and move forward. The only alternative is to not use these energies
until you descend into the darkest pits of physical illness or the demonic depths of your
mind. To reach self-mastery is a quest that can only be undertaken alone, thus making
the victory that much sweeter. Your rewards will be extraordinary strength and
fearlessness which will help you do anything you could possibly desire.
Summary of major points
You are a very emotional and sensitive man, with incredibly powerful leadership
qualities indicated throughout your chart. You have an ease with communication,
especially with the written word, and your mind is borderline genius. A strong will and
determination are also in your bag of tools, and these along with many other dynamic
qualities will make you successful in whatever you choose to do. In fact, success is
indicated in just about every corner of your chart. Although, it is also indicated that with
afflictions your lifestyle could take violent turns into dangerous and life-threatening
situations. With a feral magnetism evident through your piercing eyes, you will draw
others to you and will have the ability to survive just about every obstacle that life will
hurl at you. Constantly seeking ideas, you will be creative, artistic, exceptional and
formidable. The type of person who will set their mind to accomplish something and
will do it, just like that. You are a survivor, with an admirable inner wellspring of
strength that will nurture you through your journey. Naturally philosophical, your
intelligent mind is keen and capable of assisting your leadership and pioneering
qualities in unexpected ways. A mystical personality, caring and adaptable, you will
never lack for what you require in your life. Success is more or less assured by your
But on the flip side, there is a lot of violence indicated in your personality and also in
your life if you should be afflicted. You will suffer from extreme mood swings that will
torment all of your personal relationships, and you may tend to act brashly without
thinking things through, or reviewing possible consequences. This could lead you to jail
or an early death if you are not careful of your various dealings. Your strength of
personality and self-confidence can turn to egoism and an overbearing tendency to force
your ideas on other people. In fact, much of your personality will be extreme, extremely
calm or extremely volatile, but it would seem very little in between. You may end up
bringing serious trouble on yourself with the written word. A bad temper will also be
your undoing, both in your personal relationships as well as in matters of your health, so
be aware of this aspect. Make sure you keep your ego in check because it could
transform you into a selfish and insufferable human being. You have a propensity for a
clouded judgement, and it is only through calmness that this haze will lift and you will
be able to see clearly.
There are indications of past life karma that you should try to reconcile in this life, and
much of this will be demonstrated by so-called irrational fears. It appears that you will
vacillate between an absolute fearlessness and a crippling fear that will prevent you
from moving or seeing clearly. Very possibly, you were a holy person in a past life and
still carry with you some of those inhibitions and that monk-like style of introspection
which can be a great asset should you choose to dedicate yourself again to a life of
service to others. In fact, it would be the best thing that you can do in order to tone
down the more violent aspects of your personality.
In terms of health, your chart is not very strong, and it would appear you will have a lot
of illnesses, especially if you are suppressing emotions and are under a lot of stress. The
first areas for trouble will be your central nervous system (lungs, heart, etc), along with
your liver if you are indulging in an unhealthy diet as well as anger. Be aware of
psychosomatic illnesses as well, for these may be very common in your life and are
easily cured by self-awareness. You definitely need exercise in order to expand your
lungs and clear out your bloodstream of toxins, but you also need to be honest with
yourself about your emotional life and be willing to recognize when emotional or
spiritual problems are manifesting in your body. Periodically, it is important for you to
withdraw from all of those around you in order to heal yourself and regenerate your
intense forces. Without this, you will retain too much energy from others, from your
own overworking mental processes, as well as physical weakness in general, and thus
your illnesses will emerge or worsen. Illness will emerge due to excesses of whatever
kind, so moderation will be the key for you.
Yours is a leadership chart, and depending on what you do with these potentials, you
could be a great leader, truly capable of moving large groups of people and getting
things done. You are an artistic and truly creative soul, with the potential to be an
incredible writer and communicator. You may also posses a beautiful singing or
speaking voice, which will assist you in addressing large groups of people. Diplomacy
could also be a strong point for you, and it is certain that your personality would do well
serving and sacrificing for the common good of humanity.
Unlike most charts, yours has very little to do with family and children, although it is
indicated that if you are afflicted, your children will suffer much disillusion and
disappointment. Relationships are not indicated very strongly, and it would appear that
your chart is more related to humanitarian issues than relationships and family. That
said, you do have some issues to work out with your mother especially, but also your
father, and this could help you to assuage some of your accumulated karma and also
alleviate your stress-related health problems. Forgiveness is an important thing for you
to learn, and your parents would be a great place to start.
Pluto in the 8th House is a very strong position and indicates that there will be
unexpected, possibly violent, deaths and grand losses in your life.
You must learn how to integrate thought and emotion calmly and rationally, without
aggression or the emergence of violence. Faith will help you to overcome your
limitations and conquer many of the irrational karmic fears that you carry with you. It is
vital that you have discipline in your life, in some form, as well as something that
encourages you to become a true master and succeed. Be aware that you have the
tendency to vampirize the minds and ideas of others, and you must remember that you
come with many incredible resources already, begin with what you have before you
move onto the minds of others. Find a balance between your extreme fear and
fearlessness, along with your tendency to be either overly emotional or cold. With this
balance will come a feeling of calmness, and through this you will be able to see clearly
what you need to do and how is the best way to get it done. Clearly, your chart indicates
a level of success that is quite rare, and truly you could accomplish absolutely anything
that you wanted to. You have the power to change things and mobilize people for the
common good. Trust in your abilities, beware of your comrades who may lead you
down dangerous paths, have faith in your powerful spirit which will protect you and
assist you in your quest for Truth. Most importantly, find your way to serve and
sacrifice for others, it is only through this that your soul will feel truly fulfilled.