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Activity 1 – Air Spelling
You need an adult for this one.
Choose a spelling word. With your index finder, spell the word in the air and say the letters
aloud. Remember you must be able to "see" the letters as they are written in the air. When you
get to the last letter, underline the whole word. *Adult: Ask your child if they can “see” the
word. Then ask these type of questions: What is the third letter?
What is the last letter?
What is the second letter? *Challenge spell the word backwards orally, Remember the word
should be floating in the air in front of you and you should continue to look at it throughout the
activity. When you are done with the word, continue on to the other spelling words.
Activity 2 – Shared Spelling
With a partner take turns writing each letter of your spelling words. Use different colored
markers, pencils, crayons or sidewalk chalk (outside on the sidewalk)
Switch who goes first and write your words again. This can also be done by sharing the
spelling of a spelling word out loud.
Activity 3 –Spelling Salts
Pour a layer of salt in a baking pan (rectangle cake pan works well).
Looking at your words, copy them in the salt, saying each letter as you write it.
Now try writing your words in the salt without looking back at the paper.
Activity 4 – Spelling Puzzles
Write each of your spelling words on index cards. Cut the words into pieces separating the
sounds. (keep each word in its own pile or envelope).
Take a break (do some of your other homework).
Now try to put the letters together to make all of your spelling words.
Activity 5 – Colored Letters
Write your words in colors
 red for vowels
 blue for consonants
 or pick your own colors
Activity 6 – Words without vowels/consonants
Write your words replacing all vowels with a line. Then try the same way but replace
consonants with lines.
Activity 7 - Surround words
Write your words on graph paper and outline in colors.
Activity 8 - Ransom words
Write your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and glue them on a paper.
Activity 9 - Pyramid words
Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid shape
of words.
Activity 10 - Delicious words
Write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter, or anything you can eat!
Activity 11 - Good Clean words
Write your words in shaving cream on a counter or mirror that can be cleaned safely.
ALSO: putting shaving cream on a mirror and then wiping it off, will help the the mirror
not fog for 3-4 showers. The cheap, white, foam stuff, like Barbasol brand, seems to work
For a no-clean-up alternative
Make a slate out of a zip-lock bag and shaving cream. Put a small amount of shaving cream in
the bag, seal, and lay the bag flat on the table. Write the spelling words on the bag with your
Activity 12 - Dirty words
Write your words in mud or sand.
Activity 13 - Pasta words
Write your words by arranging alphabet pasta or Alphabits.
Activity 14 - 3D words
Use modeling clay rolled thinly to make your words.
Activity 15 – Sticks and stones
Look for sticks and stones in your yard, neighborhood or park, arrange them into the letters in
your spelling words.
Activity 16 – Cheer your words
Pretend you are a cheerleader and call out your words! Sometimes you'll yell, sometimes you'll
Activity 17 – Sound words
Use a tape recorder and record your words and their spelling. Then listen to your tape, checking
to see that you spelled all the words correctly.
Activity 18 – Other handed
If you are right-handed, write with your left, or vice versa.
Activity 19 – Choo-Choo words
Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for
different words.
Activity 20 – Back writing
Using your finger, draw each letter on a partners' back, having the partner say the word when
Activity 21 – Telephone Words
Translate your words into numbers from a telephone keypad.
Activity 22 – Flash writing
In a darkened room, use a flashlight to draw letters in the air.
Activity 23 – Popsicles
Make words using popsicle sticks.
Activity 24 – Secret Agent words
Number the alphabet from 1 to 26, then convert your words to a number code.
Activity 25 – Cover all
Use items such as beads, beans, etc. to cover pre-written block or bubble letters.
Activity 26 – Jump and spell
You call out a spelling word as out loud as can while you jump rope.
Activity 27 – Ghost Writing
Write the spelling words on white paper with a white crayon. Paint the paper with watercolors
and watch the words appear.
Activity 28 – Stamp them out
Use rubber stamp letters to “stamp out” your words in clay or with an ink pad on paper.
Activity 29 – Word Detective
Use a magnifying glass and search out your spelling words. You may find them “inside” bigger
CLUES: look in books, mail, refrigerator, or cabinets.
Activity 30 – “Hopscotch”
Draw squares in a “hopscotch” pattern or grid. Draw one square for each different letter in all
your words (do not duplicate letters). Throw a rock and see if you can toss it right onto the next
letter in your word. For an extra challenge try to jump from letter to letter in order.
Activity 31 – Twist-n-spell
Use pipe cleaners or twist-ties to form the spelling words.