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SOS – Save Our Sturgeon
Protect the globally threatened sturgeon species in the Caucasus (Azerbaijan and
Georgia) trough addressing key issues at the national and local levels
Our vision: “A healthy marine ecosystems of the Caspian and the Black seas sustain
the viable populations of sturgeon species, flourishing within their natural habitats in
benefit to people, who locally and globally recognize the unique value of this ancient
The Caucasus, as part of the newly defined Greater Black Sea region, is one of WWF’s
35 Priority Places, identified as priority among globally outstanding Ecoregions.
Conservation International ranks the region among the planet’s 34 most diverse and
endangered hotspots.
The sturgeon group is priority footprint species of WWF Global Programme Framework,
One of focal species group of the Ecoregion Conservation Plan for the Caucasus and one
of the main targets of 2012-2016 Strategy of WWF-Caucasus Programme Office.
The Caucasus region, historically interpreted as the isthmus between the Black and
Caspian seas – two main marine ecosystems of the Ecoregion is especially diverse in
sturgeon species. There are totally seven sturgeon species:
Russian sturgeon - Acipenser gueldenstaedtii
Persian sturgeon - A. persicus
Ship sturgeon - A. nudiventris
Stellate sturgeon - A. stellatus
Atlantic sturgeons - A. sturio
Sterlet – A. ruthenus
and Beluga – Huso huso
Recent studies show dramatic declining of sturgeon stock in the Black Sea (37 times
during the last 100 years in Georgia’s waters) and alarming negative trend in the Caspian,
inhabited by 90% of the total world supply of sturgeons . Along with that, number of
spawning rivers, as well as length of spawning grounds is dramatically decreased.
Because of these causes, all above listed species are included in IUCN Red List (2012.2.)
as globally threatened: six of them as CR – critically endangered, and Sterlet as VU –
vulnerable. Apart from this, by resolution of Conference of Parties of CITES of 1997, all
sturgeon species were included into the Appendix I and II of the Convention.
Additionally, all sturgeon species are included in Red List of Georgia, which means that
any sturgeon fish caught in Georgian waters is considered as illegal. The ship sturgeon
(Acipenser nudiventris) has been included into the Red Data Book of Azerbaijan. This
status implies a ban on its removal from nature except exceptional cases and a ban on
commercial use of this species on the territory of Azerbaijan. All other sturgeon species
are commercial and fishable under licenses, issued by executive authorities of Azerbaijan.
Overfishing and/or poaching are main causes of declining sturgeon populations. When
sturgeons swim upstream to spawn, they are also poached or find rivers dammed.
Although fishing licenses are issued in Azerbaijan with specified regulations and quotas,
fishing boats invariably take more than their limit. Either spawning grounds are not
protected, or the law enforcement is ineffective. If measures are not taken to stop the
commercially motivated overfishing, as well as poaching, these species could disappear
in near future.
The goal of this project is to adequately address and reduce the most critical threats to
sturgeon populations in Azerbaijan and Georgia. The project has several main objectives
addressing policy, institutional and public awareness dimensions, as well as field
conservation issues.
(1) Improve policy framework trough developing the National Action Plans for key
sturgeon habitats, considering local population needs
The project aims to develop an Action Plans to address important issues for protection of
key sturgeon habitats in Azerbaijan and Georgia.
The main characteristic of all sturgeon species is that they spend greater part of their lives
in the sea, but for the reproduction, they migrate to the rivers flowing into the sea.
Therefore, the effective protection of spawning and feeding areas of sturgeon species is a
basic condition for the conservation of these species in both the Caspian and the Black
seas. Firstly, all key habitats that are important for sturgeon survival will be identified
and researched, as well as mapped using GIS tools; in parallel, actual threats and possible
measures to tackle them will be identified with consideration of all social aspects. Based
on study results, the national action plans will be developed in close collaboration with
stakeholders, including responsible governmental agencies, local authorities and key
communities, taking into consideration vital needs of local people. The Action Plans will
be transferred to the respective Ministries for approval and further implementation.
(2) Improve institutional capasity
The Department for Reproduction and Protection of Aquatic Bio-Resources of the
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources is responsible for state fishery regulation and
control of conservation and use of aquatic biological resources in Azerbaijan Republic.
The Department focuses on the organization of protection of aquatic bio-resources,
regulation of trade in fishery products, organization of measures for restocking of fish
reserves, and conducting scientific researches. Approximately the same functions have
Biodiversity Service in Ministry of Environment Protection of Georgia and its fishery
sub-division. The project will help both responsible governmental agencies to conduct the
assessments of institutional gaps and capacity needs. This study will reveal the main
weaknesses to be addressed in the special programme. The programme will propose not
only improvement of existing capasity but also the institutional changes required for
better performance.
(3) Increase knowledge and awareness of stakeholders
The project also plans to work with local communities and other stakeholders who lives
in the priority sturgeon habitats. Support and participation of these people is an essential
prerequisite for achieving the main goals of this project. An important component of the
planned activities is to conduct the informational meetings with local people and explain
face-to-face the importance of preservation of these ancient fish, and take into account
their concerns and suggestions related to these issues. Based on meetings results and
some additional socio-economic assessments trust building program will be designed and
Second important direction is awareness rising of wide public, especially in Azerbaijan.
For that, organizing one-year public campaign is planned. The campaign was
comprehensively designed several years ago by WWF-Caucasus with assistance of
external expert Karl Wagner, but was not implemented due to the lack of funding.
The campaign will have distinct phases, following a dramaturgic approach:
 To bring the issue of poaching to the attention of media, people and politicians;
 To create awareness in the public using broad engagement mechanisms;
 To try to get politicians to decide on effective measures and to consequently
implement them.
Key messages include:
 Illegal fishing is a crime against Azerbaijani people and crime cannot be tolerated
 Illegal fishing of sturgeon can harm fish stocks for many years to come
 Illegal fishing benefits a handful, but robs Azerbaijani people of a potentially
important source of income
 Sturgeon and caviar will become more important even as oil resources dwindle
(4) Establish proper protection/site management in the most important spawning
areas in the Caucasus
Based on results of studies mentioned in chapter 1 above and some additional special
researches, site management plan for key area of Kura river downstream and delta in
Azerbaijan will be prepared and submitted to responsible authorities for approval. In the
same manner, a specially protected area will be planned for downstream and delta of
Rioni river in Georgia, all necessary documentation for establishment will be prepared
and submitted to Ministry of Environment for discussion, approval and further
proceedings via Georgian Parliament. WWF-Caucasus will deliver active lobbying and
advocacy work to make the proposals implemented.
Other information
For a participatory and transparent execution of this project, a Project Advisory Council
(PAC), composed of representatives of all main stakeholders, will be established. The
Council will meet regularly, twice a year. In addition, the project will work closely with
other governmental agencies, and will also coordinate the implementation of this project
with the relevant multilateral donors and international organizations through regular
meetings and participation in PAC sessions.