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Spiritual Astrology with Martin Lass
The Living Planets and You!
Year 1: Certificate of Spiritual Astrology
Year 2: Diploma of Spiritual Astrology
YEAR 1 Certificate Course (Spiritual Astrology 1, 2 & 3)
Spiritual Astrology 1
This first module is a fascinating introduction to
spiritual astrology, which will give you a basic
understanding of the inner (personal) planets through
the signs and houses, as well as giving you a glimpse
into the Bigger Picture of the universe of which you are
a hologram.
24 hours (2-hour class x 12 weeks)
Learning outcomes
Recognition and understanding of the symbols and
glyphs, which make up the language of astrology
Familiarity with the astrology chart, its various
features, and what it actually represents
Familiarity with the zodiac signs and houses and
what they mean
Understanding of basic themes and features of the
inner (personal) planets and how these play out
through the zodiac signs and houses
Beginnings of an intuitive connection to the living
Greater awareness and understanding of yourself
through the mirror of your chart
Teaching method
Texts, handouts, living examples, visual aids, group
activities and participation, discussion, and meditation
Based on attendance, class participation, and
assignments. Pass/fail only. No grades.
Minimum 80% attendance for pass
Materials required
Notebook, pen. Coloured pencils or markers (optional)
Materials provided
Main textbook (supplied):
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Astrology by Kris Brandt
Riske, M. A., Llewellyn Publications, 2007
Materials recommended
Astrology software:
Recommended: Astrograph Time Passages, Basic
Enquiries and bookings:
Martin Lass: [email protected] - PH: 0432-917925
Yolanda Morabito: [email protected] - PH: 02 4732-4031
Spiritual Astrology - The Living Planets and You! - p.2
(PC and Mac versions - $49 US)
Recommended reading (not supplied):
—As per the “Natal Astrology” and “Chiron” sections of
the bibliography of Llewellyn’s Complete Book of
—Karmic Astrology, Vols. 1-4. by Martin Schulman
Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1984
—Lunar Nodes – Discover Your Soul’s Karmic
Mission by Celeste Teal, Llewellyn Publications, 2008
—Chiron – Healing Body and Mind by Martin Lass
Llewellyn Publications, 2005
Online free charting:
Week-by-Week Outline
Week 1
Introduction to spiritual astrology & the living planets
Basics of the language of astrology
Week 2
Understanding and connecting with the living planets
Week 3
The signs, the houses, the elements, the qualities
Week 4
The Moon’s Nodes – in sign and house
Week 5
The Sun – in sign and house
Week 6
The Moon – in sign and house
Week 7
Mercury – in sign and house
Week 8
Venus – in sign and house
Week 9
Mars – in sign and house
Week 10
Jupiter – in sign and house
Week 11
The asteroids (in general)
Saturn – in sign and house
Week 12
The inner & outer planets and the Rainbow Bridge
The metaphysics of the solar system
Please respect your classmates by arriving in plenty of time, and ensure that mobile
phones are shut off before the commencement of classes.
Enquiries and bookings:
Martin Lass: [email protected] - PH: 0432-917925
Yolanda Morabito: [email protected] - PH: 02 4732-4031
Spiritual Astrology - The Living Planets and You! - p.3
Spiritual Astrology 2
Continuing on from Astrology 1, this module introduces
you to the outer (transpersonal) planets in sign and
house, giving you a glimpse of the higher, spiritual
potential that awaits you. It takes you deeper into the
intricacies of spiritual astrology, as well as introducing
you to planetary angles (aspects), which are the key to
the dynamic and living world of spiritual astrology.
24 hours (2-hour class x 12 weeks)
Spiritual Astrology 1
Learning outcomes
Understanding of basic themes and features of the
outer (transpersonal) planets, including Chiron, the
planet of Wounding and Healing, and how these
play out through the zodiac signs and houses
Understanding of the Ascendant and the Midheaven
Understanding of retrogrades and intercepted
Understanding of planetary rulers, mutual
reception, quadrants, and hemispheres
Understanding of the lunar phases
Increased appreciation of the celestial mirror of our
terrestrial lives, as well as of the holographic nature
of the universe
Understanding of the meaning and specifics of
planetary angles (aspects) as the dynamic and
living interplay of cosmic forces around us and in us
Ability to put together everything learned so far
into a basic chart reading
A growing intuitive connection to the living planets
Deeper understanding and awareness of yourself
through your own spiritual astrology chart
Teaching method
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Materials required
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Materials provided
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Materials recommended
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Enquiries and bookings:
Martin Lass: [email protected] - PH: 0432-917925
Yolanda Morabito: [email protected] - PH: 02 4732-4031
Spiritual Astrology - The Living Planets and You! - p.4
Week-by-Week Outline
Week 1
Review of Astrology 1
Open discussion and questions
Week 2
Chiron – in sign and house
Week 3
Uranus – in sign and house
Week 4
Neptune – in sign and house
Week 5
Pluto – in sign and house
Week 6
Miscellany: retrogrades, intercepted houses, mutual
reception, rulerships, quadrants & hemispheres
Week 7
The Ascendant & the Midheaven – in sign and house
Week 8
The lunar phases
The zodiac as a holographic journey
The dynamic picture of astrology
Week 9
The planetary angles (aspects) – 1
Week 10
The planetary angles (aspects) – 2
Week 11
The planetary angles (aspects) – 3
Week 12
Putting it all together: reading your own chart
Please respect your classmates by arriving in plenty of time, and ensure that mobile
phones are shut off before the commencement of classes.
Enquiries and bookings:
Martin Lass: [email protected] - PH: 0432-917925
Yolanda Morabito: [email protected] - PH: 02 4732-4031
Spiritual Astrology - The Living Planets and You! - p.5
Spiritual Astrology 3
Bringing together everything you’ve learned in
Astrology 1 & 2, this module explores in depth the
practice, process, and intricacies of reading the
spiritual astrology chart, as well as introducing you to
transits, i.e. the four-dimensional living picture
of you and your life. Also touched upon in this module
are certain metaphysical implications of spiritual
astrology, including past lives, subtle bodies, and the
zodiac of the Mysteries.
24 hours (2-hour class x 12 weeks)
Spiritual Astrology 1 & 2
Learning outcomes
Deeper understanding of planetary angles:
parallels, orbs, travel, esoteric & minor angles
Understanding of the relationship between Chiron
and the Moon
Ability to do a basic spiritual reading, for self or
others, understanding the aim, sequence, process,
and requirements thereof
A deeper intuitive connection to the living planets
Ability to discern and discuss various themes in the
chart, including lessons, issues, challenges, gifts,
talents, service, life purpose and direction, mother,
father, and family themes, wounds and healing,
and the Inner Child
Ability to discern and discuss practical, everyday
themes seen in the chart, including body, finances,
communication, family, creativity and selfexpression, work, relationships, sex, education,
career/vocation/calling, and social life
Overall greater understanding of, appreciation for,
and spiritual evolution of self
Teaching method
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Materials required
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Materials provided
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Materials recommended
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
(as per Spiritual Astrology 1)
Enquiries and bookings:
Martin Lass: [email protected] - PH: 0432-917925
Yolanda Morabito: [email protected] - PH: 02 4732-4031
Spiritual Astrology - The Living Planets and You! - p.6
Week-by-Week Outline
Week 1
Review of Astrology 2
Open discussion and questions
Week 2
More on planetary angles (aspects):
parallels, orbs, travel, esoteric & minor angles
Chiron and the Moon
Week 3
Reading the chart:
the aim, the sequence, the process, the connection
Week 4
Reading the chart:
lessons, issues, challenges, gifts, talents, service,
life purpose and meaning
Week 5
Reading the chart:
mother, father, and family themes; wounding,
protection, and healing; the Inner Child
Week 6
Reading the chart:
body, finances, communication, family,
creativity and self-expression, work, relationships, sex,
education, career/vocation/calling, and social life
Week 7
Introduction to transits—the four-dimensional picture
Week 8
Seeing the past, present, and future in the chart
Past lives; ancestry and offspring
Week 9
Reading the chart: the Current Question
Week 10
The planets in you: chakras and subtle bodies
The holographic universe
Week 11
Astrological polarities
Essence and Personality and the spiritual journey
The zodiac of the Mysteries
Week 12
Open discussion and questions
Certificate presentation
Please respect your classmates by arriving in plenty of time, and ensure that mobile
phones are shut off before the commencement of classes.
YEAR 2 Diploma Course (Spiritual Astrology 4, 5 & 6)
YEAR 1 Certificate Course (Spiritual Astrology 1, 2, & 3)
(Details will be announced later in 2011…)
Enquiries and bookings:
Martin Lass: [email protected] - PH: 0432-917925
Yolanda Morabito: [email protected] - PH: 02 4732-4031