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NAME: ______________________________________
Ancient Civilizations
Chapter Fourteen Study Guide
The Formation of Western Europe
Section 1: 376-385
PERIOD: _______
Ms. Cave
Church Reform and the Crusades
I. Vocabulary: For each term, write the definition and be sure to include dates and the SIGNIFICANCE of the term.
Francis of Assisi
Emperor Alexius Comnenus
Urban II
Richard the Lion-Hearted
II. Perceiving Cause/Effect: As you read, note one or more reasons for each of the following developments.
1. The Benedictine monastery was founded at Cluny.
2. The power of the pope was extended.
3. Nearly 500 Gothic cathedrals were built and decorated
between 1170 and 1270.
4. Byzantine emperor appealed to the Count of Flanders
for help.
5. Pope Urban II issued call for Crusade
6. There was an outpouring of support for First Crusade
7. Four feudal Crusader states were formed, each ruled
by a European noble.
8. Jerusalem remained under Muslim control, though
unarmed Christian pilgrims could visit the city’s holy
9. In Spain, Isabella and Ferdinand used the Inquisition
to suppress heretics.
10. European kings strengthened their own power as a
result of the Crusades.
III. Answer:
1. What were the three main causes of the need to reform the Church?
2. Which Crusade was the only successful one?
3. How did the Crusades change the history of Europe? Provide reasons.
Section 2: pp. 387-392
Changes in Medieval Society
I. Vocabulary: For each term, write the definition in your own words and include the SIGNIFICANCE of the term.
Three-Field System
Commercial Revolution
Thomas Aquinas and Scholastics
II.Chart: As you read, make notes to explain the results of each trend in medieval society.
1. Farmers began using a new type of harness that
fit across a horses’ chest.
2. Using the 3-field system, farmers began to grow
crops on two-thirds of their land each years,
rather than half.
3. Merchant and craft guilds organize and change
ways to do business.
4. Commercial Revolution changes trade and
banking practices.
5. As trade blossomed & farming improved, the
population of west Europe rose from around 30
million to about 42 million between 1000-1150.
6. As people left life on the manor for life in towns,
they challenged the traditional ways of feudal
society in which everyone had a place.
7. Authors began writing in the vernacular.
8. Growing trade and growing cities brought a
new interest in learning.
9. Christian scholars from Europe visited Muslim
libraries in Spain & Jewish scholars translated
Arabic copies of Greek writings into Latin.
Section 3: 393-397
England and France Develop
I. Vocabulary: For each term, write the definition and be sure to include the SIGNIFICANCE of the term.
William the Conqueror
Henry II
Common Law
Magna Carta
Phillip II
Hugh Capet
II. Answer:
1. What two legal practices date back to Henry II?
2. What were some basic rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta?
3. Which of the changes in English government is reflected in the government of the United States today?
Section 4: pp. 398-403
The Hundred Years War and the Plague
I. Vocabulary: Know the significance of the terms. Include dates.
Great Schism
John Wycliffe
Jan Hus
Bubonic plague
Hundred Years War
Joan of Arc
War of the Roses
Chart: As you read, take notes to answer the questions about three events that led to the end of medieval society.
Factor 1: The Great Schism
1. When and how did the Great
2. When and how was the Great
3. How did the Great Schism affect
Schism begin?
Schism resolved?
medieval life?
Factor #2: The Bubonic Plague
4. Where did the plague begin and
how did it spread?
Factor #3: The Hundred Years War
7. What was the primary reason for
the war?
5. What were some economic effects
of the plague?
6. How did the plague affect the
8. What was the outcome of the war?
9. How did the war affect medieval
1. Analyze the reasons for and impact of the Crusades.
2. Compare and contrast the lives of noblewomen and the lives of peasant women. Be sure to include both
similarities and differences.
3. Analyze the factors that led to decline of feudalism in Western Europe.