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Changes to the KS1 and KS2 English and Mathematics Curriculum
The changes noted below are based on a direct comparison to the Primary Framework
Objectives which were drawn from the National Curriculum. This is due to the more detailed
content of the new National Curriculum which is closer in format to the Primary Frameworks.
Content no longer in the new National Curriculum
 Reference to technology and application of technology e.g. use of keyboard
 Writing extended texts at Year 1
 Use of calculators below end of KS2, only to be introduced at end of primary if they are
secure in calculations
 Using and applying maths as a separate section
 No data handling in Y1, but from Y2 onwards
New content added
 Requirement to read whole texts
 Explicit reference to writing for a specific audience
 Explicit examples to exemplify aspects of the English Programmes of Study
 “Write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and
punctuation taught so far.” Y3/4
 Dictation, as exemplified in statement above, present from year 1
 Précis of longer passages of text
 ‘Discuss’ referred to a lot more and ‘conversations’ about books
 Detail of the grammar to be taught is now explicit and statutory e.g. ‘learning the
grammar of word structure in Appendix 2’
 Detail of evaluating and editing written work
 Wording of statements has changed in the English curriculum e.g. Y1 ‘read to them’
 The phonics, spelling and grammar appendix has been made statutory since the initial
draft .It includes lists of words to be taught at lower and upper KS2 as well as the
phonemes and graphemes for KS1. Example words are given at KS1 but they are nonstatutory.
 Use of dictionaries to check the meaning of words have been read
 Greater emphasis on the use of large numbers, algebra, ratio and proportion is earlier
than in the current documentation. Expectations for learning ratio and proportion have
been accelerated since the initial draft
 Roman numerals in Y3
 Focus on counting beyond whole numbers e.g. decimals, fractions
 Abstract symbols introduced in Yr 1
 Multiplication tables increased to 12 x 12
 Data handling has decreased but makes more reference to interpretation of data
 Expectations in Y5 and 6, equivalent objectives in the Primary Framework would need to
be drawn from Years 7, 8 and 9
Content which has moved to a different year group
 Use of consistent tense moved from Y2 to Y5/6
Fractions moved down by several years
Estimation is later in the curriculum than previously