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St. Mary’s R.C. Primary School Curriculum Y3 2016/17
Guided by faith, nurtured through love, inspired to achieve
Summer 1: What makes a person famous?
Autumn 1: Where does our food come from?
Spring 1: What is a fable?
English and Topic: Reports/note taking, instructions
Narrative: Wide range fiction. Poetry –Haiku
Grammar and Punctuation
Topic based skills: Map work,
R.E: Homes and Families, Baptism, Judaism
Inspire Maths: Number, place value, calculation, real
life problems
Science/STEM: Animals, Skeleton, nutrition, teeth.
ICT: E safety, Word processing,
PE: Core skills: Games and Gymnastics
English and Topic: Character, setting, narrative,,
explanation text Grammar and Punctuation. Poetry:
performance – whole school Fables
Topic based skills: Countries and regions of the U.K
R.E: Local Church-Journeys, Listening and Sharing.
Inspire Maths: Measure, real life problems
Science/STEM: Plants, parts of a plant, growth
ICT: - Coding using Scratch, Publisher and
PowerPoint, publishing work to a shared folder.
PE: Ball skills, Dance
Autumn 2: What was life like in the Stone age?
Spring 2: Our World
Summer 2: Egyptians
English and Topic: Chronological reports, persuasive
writing -informal. Grammar and Punctuation
Topic based skills: Stone Age, Bronze age to Iron Age
R.E: Baptism, Advent – Visitors topic
Inspire Maths: Number, place value, calculation, real
life problems,
Science/STEM: Rocks and fossils, scientist
ICT:Digital Imagery, research using websites, Use of
Purple Mash to link to Topic.
PE: Dance and Games-(skittles)
English and Topic: Persuasive writing-formal
Adventure story, Grammar and Punctuation
Topic based skills: climate change
R.E: Listening and Sharing, Lent topic- Giving
Inspire Maths:
Science/STEM: Light and shadow
ICT: linked to Project work on Climate Change, using
multimedia and the IPad to research information.
PE: Dance and Gymnastics
English and Topic: Play script. Grammar and
Topic based skills: linked to Egyptians
R.E: Energy, Universal Church- Special Places, Islam
Inspire Maths: 2 and 3d shapes, angles, data
handling, reasoning and problem solving
Science/STEM: Investigations
ICT: Data using graphs, research linked to Egyptians,
consolidation of skills.
PE: Games, Athletics
English and Topic: Writing linked to topic –
story/non-fiction. Recount- diary/letter. Grammar
and punctuation
Topic based skills:
R.E: Pentecost, Start Reconciliation – Choices topic
Inspire Maths: Time, measure, problem solving.
Science/STEM: Magnets and Forces
ICT: More Scratch practise, using the internet to
PE: Games, more ball skills
Curriculum Information
The topics aim to:
Engage: This is when the topic is introduced with a “Big Bang” activity (trip, visitor, games/activities in school)
Develop: This is the stage when the learning opportunities are delivered and when the topic is immersed in all subject area, (where possible) with further exciting
activities and classed based work
Innovate: At this stage, the children are able to practice their newly acquired skills and relate to real life situations and problems
Express: This provides, the children have the opportunity to share and celebrate their learning with others though philosophy and P4C discussions, assemblies,
pastoral groups and Key Stage activities
Build resilience: Through activities, including those in the dangerous curriculum and outdoor learning, the children make have the opportunity to make decisions and
choices in the knowledge, “It is ok to make mistakes”.
Encourage Enterprise: Here the topic is linked to real life problems, charity and fundraising activities