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Q: Explain the difference between a
convergent and a divergent plate boundary.
Q: How is the composition (what it’s made
of) of the core of the Earth different than the
composition of the Lithosphere and Mantle?
A: A convergent plate boundary comes
together and collides. A divergent plate
boundary separates or divides.
A: The Core has a much higher
concentration of Iron making it more dense.
The Lithosphere and mantle have more
oxygen and silicon.
Q: What are tectonic plates and what layer of
the Earth are they made of?
Q: Order the following layers from the
deepest to the top layer. Mantle, inner core,
outer core, lithosphere, asthenosphere.
A: Tectonic plates are the sections of Earth’s
Lithosphere that move around causing slow
and rapid changes to Earth’s surface.
A: Deepest: Inner core, outer core,
mantle, asthenosphere, lithosphere: Top
Q: What are the three major differences
between the inner core and outer core?
Q: Explain and demonstrate two plate
boundaries where earthquakes can happen.
A: The inner core is solid with a higher
temperature and higher pressure.
The outer core is liquid with a lower
temperature and lower pressure.
A: Earthquakes can occur at a transform
boundary (rub hands side by side).
They can also happen at a convergentsubduction plate boundary (push one hand
under the other hand).
Q: Describe 3 things that can happen at a
Convergent plate boundary.
Q: Explain how a mid-ocean ridge forms,
including the type of plate boundary.
A: Regular folded mountains can form,
volcanic mountains can form (at a subduction
boundary) and Earthquakes can occur (at a
subduction boundary)
A: A mid-ocean ridge forms at a divergent
plate boundary when two plates pull apart.
The magma between the plates pushes up
and cools off.
Q: What process causes the plates to move?
Use your hands to show this process.
Q: How is an ocean plate different from a
continental plate?
A: Convection currents in the
asthenosphere cause the plates to move. A: An ocean plate is thinner and more dense
compared to a continental plate. An ocean
(spin hands in a circular motion)
plate can push under a continental plate
through the process of subduction.
Q: Explain the relationship between
Earthquakes and Tsunamis.
Q: What type of plate boundary forms a
mountain range with no volcanoes? (use the
hand motion)
A: Tsunamis are extremely powerful waves
caused by a strong Earthquake that occurs
A: A convergent-collision boundary forms
mountains without volcanoes. This happens
when two continent plates collide (push
hands together and then up)
Q: Explain how volcanoes form. Include the
type of plate boundary where they form most.
Q: Describe 3 pieces of evidence Alfred
Wegener used to support his theory of
Continental drift.
A: Volcanoes form at a convergentsubduction plate boundary. When the ocean
Answer: Any of the following:
Puzzle piece fit of South America & Africa
plate pushes under and melts, the new magma
Identical Fossils on opposite continents
creates pressure. This pressure can cause a
 Similar rocks found on opposite continents
volcanic eruption!!
 Glaciers discovered in very warm locations.
Q: At what 2 plate boundaries are igneous
rocks most likely to form? Explain.
A: Igneous rocks can form at divergent plate
boundaries where magma cools off. The can
also form at convergent-subduction plate
boundaries where volcanoes form.
Q: How do geologists know about the inner
layers of the Earth?
A: Geologists study seismic wave vibrations
produced by Earthquakes. The vibrations
change speed when they move through
different layers.
Q: Explain how an igneous rock can become a
metamorphic rock.
Q: What processes cause an igneous rock to
eventually become a sedimentary rock?
A: If the Igneous rock is exposed to high
A: The rock must undergo weathering and
temperature (heat) and intense pressure it will form sediment. Then, the sediment must be
become a metamorphic rock.
compacted with pressure and cemented into
a sedimentary rock.
Q: How can a sedimentary rock become an
igneous rock?
A: If the sedimentary rock melts into magma
and then cools and crystallizes it will become
an Igneous rock.