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Questions for Short Answer on Test
Dark Ages
1. Describe the evolution of the City-state in the Darks Ages.
2. Compare and contrast the ideas of humanism in Homer and Hesiod.
3. Trace the development of humanistic ideas during this time.
Archaic Age
1. How do we begin to see the ideas of humanism in art?
Pre-Socratics and Athenian Government
1. How did the Pre-Socratics influence the development of Greek philosophy? How did they view
the soul? What were they most interested in doing? Predict how later philosophers might use
this philosophy and how the elements of humanism might bring about the flourishing of Greek
society and its downfall.
2. Why did philosophy develop in Ionia? What were the necessary environmental elements
present there?
3. Trace the early development of democracy in Athens.
Persian War and Classical Athens
1. Give details on the progression of humanism in art
2. Why were the Persians unsuccessful the Greco-Persian Wars?
3. Discuss the reforms of Solon, Peisistratus, and Cleisthenes in relationship to each other. What
were the primary institutions by the end of Classical Athens?
4. Trace the development of democracy in Athens.
Drama, Peloponnesian War and the Trial of Socrates
1. How did the philosophies of the Pre-Socratics and the continual development of humanism and
the Sophists bring about the downfall of Athens?
2. What is Platonic dualism and it influence Socratic dialogue?
3. Explain the progression of the soul from the Pre-Socratics to Socrates. How did the PreSocratics view the soul? What was the soul for Socrates and how did that influence his
conception of the body?
4. What is the allegory of the cave meant to illustrate? Explain how is does so. What primary
conclusion are we meant to draw from this extended analogy?
5. What was the major factor in the death of Socrates? Democracy? Humanism? Peloponnesian
War? Explain and analyze the reasons for your response. Evaluate your reaction and tell why
you believe the way that you do.
6. What led to the downfall of Athens? Humanism? Democracy? Philosophy/Sophists? The
Peloponnesian War? Explain and analyze the reasons for your response. Evaluate your reaction
and tell why you believe the way that you do.