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Name _____________________________________ Period _______
Analyzing Causes and Effects – Reconstruction 28 Points
Due 10/6/16
Directions: Read Topic Eight, Reconstruction, Lessons One, Two, and Three (Pages 283 – 307). Some answers will be
plainly in the textbook, but others you will need to rationalize (think about) a little bit.
Cause (s)
- The 13th Amendment greatly impacted the country …
(write answers in number #1.)
Effect (s)
Lesson: Plans for Reconstruction
- The Civil War devastated the South’s economy …
(write answers in number #2.)
2. The South’s share of national wealth …
- General William Tecumseh Sherman proposed …
(write answers in numbers #3.)
- Republicans dominate the Federal government and
want to extend full citizenship to all African
Americans …
(write answers in numbers #4.)
- President Lincoln encourages a lenient plan for
Reconstruction, as he wants to encourage Southern
states to rejoin the Union …
(Write answer in #5.)
5. Summarize the plan …
- The Radical Republicans favored …
(Write answer in #6.)
- One Radical Republican plan did receive President
Lincoln’s support, the Freedmen’s Bureau, which
established …
(Write answer in #7.)
Cause (s)
- President Andrew Johnson offered pardons and
restoration of land to almost any Confederate
who swore allegiance to the Union and the
Constitution, as the only thing Southern
states had to do …
(Answer in #8.)
- President Andrew Johnson believed the United States
to have a “government …”
(Answer in #9.)
Effect (s)
- The Black Codes had the following impact of …
(Write answer in #10.)
- The Civil Rights Act of 1866 …
(Write answer in #11.)
- President Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act of
1866, and the first time in U.S. History …
(Write answer in #12.)
- The 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870
guaranteeing …
(Write answer in #13.)
Lesson: Reconstruction Changes the South
- The Scalawags and Carpetbaggers helped the
Republican Party take over politics in the South.
(Write answer in #14 and #15.)
14. Scalawags were …
15. Carpetbaggers were …
- A public school system took shape in the South,
leading to …
(Write answer in #16.)
Cause (s)
- Life for African Americans changed tremendously,
especially regarding jobs and families …
(Write answer in #17.)
- The effect of the Freedmen’s Bureau leads to by
1866, there were as many as …
(Write answer in #18.)
- Violence increases in the South during Reconstruction
because of the rise of the …
(Write answer in #19.)
- Responding to the violence in the South, the federal
government …
(Write answer in #20.)
Effect (s)
Lesson: Reconstruction’s Impact
- Support for Reconstruction started to end in the 1870’s
leading to …
(Write answer in #21.)
- Southern elites committed to undermining
Reconstruction returned to political power because …
(Write answer in #22.)
- The disputed Presidential Election of 1876 ended
Reconstruction because …
(Write answer in #23.)
- The Era of Reconstruction left a legacy of mixed
results because …
(Write answer in #24.)
- African Americans right to vote was undermined due
to the passage of laws, taxes, and tests … describe …
(Write answer in #25.)
Cause (s)
- Impact of contributions of Booker T. Washinton,
W.E.B. DuBois, and Ida B. Wells …
(Write answer in #26, #27, and #28.)
Effect (s)