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Author: Alfred Jarry. (1873-1907) French writer.
Adaptation of Raúl Hernández Garrido.
Title: `Gestas de Papá Ubú´.
Subtitle: A comedy.
Theatre company: Compañía Ferroviaria de Artes Escénicas.
Director: Paco Macià.
Cast: Manuel Hernández, Gema Segura, Mario Esteban, Emma López, Eloísa Azorín,
Cristian Weidmann, Leticia Ñeco, Ana Belén Lifante.
Artistic and technical cast: It appears in the pamphlet.
Date of the representation: 10/11/2005, Thursday.
Place of the representation: theatre “L ´Altre Espai”.In Platero Suárez, nº11, Valencia.
Papá Ubú: He is the principal character. He is an allegoric character who represents the
society and the politic of all the word. He is a despot and deformed person who employs
an odd vocabulary when he speaks, invented by the author. He is wearing old and
untidy clothes.
Mamá Ubú: She is Ubu´s wife. She is wearing a red dress and boots.
High ranking position.
Conscience: This character is wearing nappies.
Dancer Tatana: She is a dancer woman.
SCENERY: It is austere and black. The scenery is in the darkness and with no more
than one or two objects in each act.
ILLUMINATION: There isn´t a lot of illumination, because the scenery is in the
darkness. Only, the characters are illuminated by spotlights when they are talking. Also,
the atrezzo is illuminated.
COSTUMES: The clothes are untidy in general, above all, the clothes of Ubú. One of
the characters is wearing a seafaring suit.
ATREZZO: It is scarce but only the necessary objects in order to the public
understand the correspondent act.
SETTING OF THE THEATRE: This play provokes a lot of laughs and, also,
commentaries about odd things which surprised to the public like the scene where a
melon is cut in pieces and the floor is made greasy by it and Ubú eats it and he splashes
with it when he speaks. Also beer is spilled.
PERSONAL OPINION: This play is a critic based on an allegory which is referred to
the politic and the society of the contemporary word. In my point of view, this is a very
good play because, I think, it reflects very well our society, the contemporary society in
general. I like it very much because it teaches to us what are the problems our word
presents and, at the same time, we have a good time with laughs.
Ana Calatayud Moreno –Teatro Inglés de los siglos XIX- XX.