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Welfare diseases
In this booklet you will find
a description of welfare
diseases throughout
Europe, diseases often
related to eating.
It also contains a definition
of welfare disease.
Table of Contents
Welfare diseases................................................................................................................................................ 1
Definition ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Causes ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Welfare diseases in Turkey ................................................................................................................................ 5
Obesity ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Hypertension ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Diabetes Mellitus ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Hypercholesterolemia ............................................................................................................................... 6
Welfare diseases in Denmark? .......................................................................................................................... 6
Obesity:.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Diabetes: .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Type 1-diabetes ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Type 1½-diabetes....................................................................................................................................... 7
Type 2-diabetes ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Coronary artery disease: ........................................................................................................................... 9
Welfare diseases in Romania............................................................................................................................. 9
EXAMPLES OF DISEASES OF AFFLUENCE ....................................................................................................... 9
Obesity ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Stress ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
GOUT (Podagra) ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Welfare diseases in Poland.............................................................................................................................. 11
Social disease ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Current social diseases in Poland ................................................................................................................ 11
Welfare diseases in Portugal ........................................................................................................................... 12
Here are some diseases caused by poor diet .............................................................................................. 12
High Cholesterol ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Gastritis.................................................................................................................................................... 13
Diabetes ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Hypertension ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Turkey – Izmir .................................................................................................................................................. 13
WELFARE DESEASE IN ITALY ............................................................................................................................ 14
Obesity in children ....................................................................................................................................... 15
OBESITY.................................................................................................................................................... 15
TRIGLYCERIDES ........................................................................................................................................ 16
INSULIN RESISTANCE ............................................................................................................................... 17
“Diseases of affluence are a term sometimes given to selected diseases and other
health conditions which are commonly thought to be a result of increasing wealth in
a society. Also referred to as the "Western disease" paradigm, these diseases are in
contrast to so-called "diseases of poverty", which largely result from and contribute
to human impoverishment?”
Examples of diseases of affluence: “include mostly chronic non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) and other physical health conditions for which personal lifestyles
and societal conditions associated with economic development are believed to be
an important risk factor”:
Coronary heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Peripheral vascular disease
Paradoxically, these diseases are predicted to become more prevalent in developing
countries, as diseases of poverty decline, longevity increases and lifestyles change.
They limit the ability to perform basic tasks such as work life. Require a long regular
medical care are difficult treatable, is a problem for the whole society.
Social disease significantly reduce the biological value of the public and charge the
economy by:
 sickness absence
 disability
 rehabilitation
 morbidity
 mortality
Things which many people would regard as improvements in their lives:
Less strenuous physical exercise, through increased use of motor vehicles
Office jobs involving no physical labor
Easily accessible low-cost food
More high fat and high sugar foods
Higher consumption of meat and dairy products
Higher consumption of refined flours , like in white bread
More foods that are processed, cooked, and commercially provided , rather
than seasonal, fresh foods prepared locally at time of eating
 Greater use of alcohol and tobacco
 Longer life-spans; reduced exposure to infectious agents throughout life
Welfare diseases in Turkey
In the most prosperous countries people usually live longer. However, they are
more likely to eat in excess and they do less exercise, drink and smoke - all of which
cause ‘welfare diseases’. For instance, obesity – hypertension – diabetes mellitus –
hypercholesterolemia that results in Cardiac diseases which remain the primary
cause of deaths worldwide.
Obesity; when we look at Turkey you can focus on percentages of obesity and we
can see that the highest one is in Central Anatolia Region. As you see my hometown
Kayseri is in this region. In Turkey 20 million of people are affected from obesity. By
the way our population is 75 million. This is 21 % for males and 41 % for females.
Recent studies show that , 1,6 % of children had obesity and 10,6 % had overweight,
in our city. It may be results of the fast-food and sedentary lifestyle.
Hypertension; in our city 34,6 % of the people over third decades had
hypertension. This is 24 % for males and 42 % for females. 50 % of these
hypertensive patients also have obesity, 37 % have family history but the most
important fact is that 36 % of them have no motion and 59 % of them have irregular
and unbalanced diet.
Diabetes Mellitus; causes angiopathy, retinopathy, nephropaty, neuropathy and
so many chronic diseases which are uncurable. It also has high percentage in our
country (1/6 of our population).
Hypercholesterolemia, actually there is no consensus on it ‘if it is disease or not?’.
It is asymptomatic by itself but it results in progressive vessel narrowing and
stenosis. So, deadly effects as myocardial infarction and stroke. In conclusion; In
order to avoid bad effects of welfare diseases we have to do more exercise, escape
from stress, sleep regularly and not to smoke. But the most important of them all is,
as in our project – changed food habits-, taking care of our nutrition and diet.
Welfare diseases in Denmark?
In Denmark, we have several diseases which we call welfare diseases. These
diseases are more common than others, but the ones we spend more time talking
about is; obesity, diabetes and coronary artery disease.
Reasons why we have developed welfare diseases?
Today most jobs are not as physical like they were 40-50 years ago, our diet has also
changed dramatically because we spend more time on the job, both men and
women are working today, we are more career oriented, so they have less time to
prepare dinner. That means fast-food has replaced the rich and nutritious diet we
were used too. The welfare diseases have occurred because of our changed way of
Obesity is based on the individual persons BMI. The way to calculate this, you have
to use a person’s height and weight. If your BMI is at 18-25 you’re normal, but if the
number is higher you’re obese.
Every day more and more Danes are diagnosed with obesity. Studies from 2010
shows that 47 % of the adult population has a BMI of 25 and about 13 % have a BMI
above 30. Together that’s 60 % of the entire adult population. It means that one in
six adults in Denmark is obese.
Development of obesity among men in Denmark
Development of obesity among women in Denmark
Diabetes is a disease where the sugar level in the blood is higher than normal. There
are 2 types of diabetes:
Type 1-diabetes: is a so-called "auto-immune disease". This means that it is the
body’s own immune system that destroys the cells in the pancreas that produces
the important hormone, insulin. Type 1-diabetes is usually diagnosed when you are
a child or teenager. It is not known what triggers type 1-diabetes, and the disease
cannot be prevented or cured.
Type 1½-diabetes: is-like Type 1 diabetes an autoimmune disease in which the
body destroys its own insulin-producing cells. Breakdown occurs somewhat slower
in type 1 ½ diabetes. The disease occurs rarely people under 30.
Type 2-diabetes: primarily affects adults. The disease is hereditary, but is triggered
in many cases of unhealthy lifestyle, as physical inactivity and unhealthy eating
habits. To a certain degree type 2-diabetes can be prevented.
Coronary artery disease:
Coronary artery diseases are diseases in the heart and the rest of the body’s
arteries. It primarily occurs because of vein stenosis. Vein stenosis occurs due to the
deposition of fat substances in the walls of the veins. There are different symptoms
according to where the vein stenosis occurs.
The symptoms from the heart are primarily cardiac spasms, or in serious conditions
blood clot in the heart.
Welfare diseases in Romania
Obesity in children can have genetic causes, but most often it is determined by the
food habits within the family, such as: the time dedicated to meals, the quality and
quantity of food, the rhythm of mastication.
Why do children get fat?
 They consume too much animal fat (butter, cream, lard), especially “hidden”
in food like cakes, salami, pastry, ice-cream;
 They eat too many sweets and drink artificially sweetened juices;
 They eat many products rich in calories, especially “fast food” type (pizza,
snacks );
 The food portions offered by the parents are too large;
 The children spend too much time indoors, watching TV or the computer,
neglecting physical outdoor activities.
Which complications or diseases can be caused by obesity?
 Psycho-social: it affects self-esteem, causing a sense of inferiority and
rejection from the community, frustration, depression
 Respiratory: difficulty in breathing
 Cardiovascular: high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart failure. More
common with adults.
 Other: headaches, constipation, difficult digestion, acne.
How to prevent obesity:
To choose healthier cooking methods; boiling, baking or grilling;
To take into account the children’s culinary preferences;
The food habits should be changed slowly, not suddenly;
The whole family should adopt a healthy diet;
The predominant foods should be cereal, vegetables, fruit, milk and dairy
products from low-fat milk;
Fish and chicken are recommended;
2-3 eggs to be eaten per week.
The fats should be especially in the form of vegetable oil;
Use healthy drinks, like herbal tea, still water, natural juices.
Effects of stress;
Stomach aches, intestinal disorder;
Diminished or exaggerated appetite;
High blood pressure, palpitations;
Increased level of cholesterol.
How to prevent stress:
 Consume anti-stress food: bananas, peanuts, nuts, beans, broccoli, spinach,
tuna, chicken, fish, chocolate, rice, wholemeal bread;
 Reduce too spicy food and excess coffee.
GOUT (Podagra)
Dietary causes: consumption of alcohol, fructose-sweetened drinks, meat and
Prevention: - consumption of coffee, vitamin C and dairy products
- physical fitness
Welfare diseases in Poland
Social disease
Social Disease - different types of chronic diseases that are widespread in the
community. They limit the ability to perform basic tasks such as work life. Require a
long regular medical care are difficult treatable, is a problem for the whole society.
Social diseases significantly reduce the biological value of the public and charge the
economy by:
sickness absence
Social diseases in Poland include:
cardiovascular problems
drug and alcohol abuse
mental diseases
rheumatic diseases
Current social diseases in Poland
In this group, there are also new diseases
 poisoning
 genetic diseases
 Many civilization diseases become social diseases
In order to treat and prevent social diseases medical and social action must be taken
closely connected with:
 social measures
 cultural measures
 and educational measures
Welfare diseases in Portugal
Currently, with the busy lives we all have, many do not care about food. Just
remember the issue arises when some kind of disease and the person is forced to
eat a more healthy way.
Skipping meals, eating foods high in fats, consume foods in excess and other such
attitudes diminish the availability of nutrients, which are necessary for the proper
functioning of the body, resulting in disease process.
Here are some diseases caused by poor diet:
Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat associated
with health problems. We can cite as causes of obesity, genetic, environmental and
psychological. Among the environmental factors are excessive consumption of
calories and decrease in energy expenditure, which must be modified to control the
For the treatment of obesity is critical to have a reduction in calorie intake, have
good eating habits and make healthy choices and organic products is a good choice,
along with regular physical activity. This is the way to get excellent results.
High Cholesterol
The increase in cholesterol in the bloodstream may cause clogging of veins and
arteries causing myocardial infarction and stroke. Cholesterol comes from two
sources: your body and the food you eat. In the body it is produced by the liver from
cholesterol and its power lies in foods such as butter, margarine, sour cream, bacon,
whole milk, yellow cheese, finally, animal foods. Consuming these foods in excess
can raise cholesterol levels in the blood.
As prevention and treatment of this disease is important to have a balanced diet,
avoid excessive consumption of foods high in fats, also avoid foods high in trans-fat
and increase consumption of fiber-rich foods and physical activity regularly.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach; we can sort of acute or
chronic. In cases of chronic gastritis, the most common causative agent is the
bacterium helicobacter pylori infection. But it can also occur due to heredity, stress,
poor diet, makes few meals a day with high volume food and large gaps between
each meal.
Preventative measures and treatment of this disease are related to food. Having a
fractional power, i.e. eat more times a day in smaller quantities is one of the
measures to be taken.
Exclude foods that cause discomfort and irritate the mucosa further is also essential,
eg fried food in general, sweets, drinks based on caffeine, carbonated drinks,
alcohol, fatty foods, spicy and others.
Hypertension occurs when blood pressure levels are above the reference values for
the general population. We can cite as causes of hypertension obesity, excessive
alcohol consumption, excess salt, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and heredity. This
disease is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Like the other diseases mentioned above to control blood pressure is essential to
have a balanced diet, exercising and reducing sodium intake, ie, table salt and foods
high in sodium, so stay tuned on food packaging. Processed foods are usually high in
Turkey – Izmir
25% of Italians are victims of the metabolic syndrome. The socalled "disease of
affluence" is spreading dangerously, helping to multiply the risk of type II diabetes,
cardiovascular disease and renal disease. Overweight, high triglycerides, high blood
pressure and insulin resistance are just a few symptoms of that deseases. Today
thanks to the identification of new markers, discover the syndrome is easier. A waist
circumference larger than 102 cm for men and larger than 88 for women , the
pressure over 130/85 mmHg, and small amounts of albumin in the urine
(microalbuminuria), are alarm bells. In this case, the best thing to do is to contact a
specialist, in order to allow an early diagnosis of the syndrome. So you can work to
prevent cardiovascular disease or kidney disease For patients with metabolic
syndrome, in fact, the cardiovascular risk triples, to develop diabetes mellitus
increased as much as fourfold.
Obesity in children
Italians weigh too much: the new Report on Health of the country indicates that
now having problems with the balance are more than 4 Italians out of 10.
As explained by the Ministry of Health, Renato Balduzzi, 11% of adults are even
obese, 32% anyway overweight . Worrying situation for children: 11% are obese,
22.9% are overweight. The problem increases with age and is more common in men,
in people with low levels of education and those with more economic problems.
All this with large regional differences: the province of Trento, northern Italy, for
example, has the lowest percentage of overweight and obese (29%), while Puglia is
the region with the highest percentage (49%).
97% of interwieved reported eating fruits and vegetables "at least once a day," the
39% reported eating even "3-4 portions". Only 10%, however, reported a
consumption of at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day: in this case, the
lowest value is recorded in Calabria (6%) south of Italy, the highest in Liguria, north
of Italy
Finally, the data show that a third of the population between 18 and 69 is
completely sedentary, not doing any kind of physical activity, either at work or in
their free time: a sedentary lifestyle is more widespread in the South, the 50-69
aged people, among women, in people with lower education level and those who
report many economic difficulties.
When we eat, our body converts calories it does not immediately require in
triglycerides, and these are then stored in fat cells. Subsequently, hormones release
triglycerides to provide energy between meals. The assumption of more calories
than necessary especially "easy calories" as carbohydrates and fats, the result may
consist of high triglyceride levels (hypertriglyceridemia). A high level of triglycerides
is normally caused by several conditions, such as: obesity. Regular intake of more
calories than those who are burned Consumption of alcohol
To low the level of triglycerides needs to change daily habits:
- Weight Loss;
- Reduce Calories;
- Avoid refined foods and sugar-rich;
- Limit consumption of Alcohol;
- Make regular physical activity.
Insulin resistance happens when cells decrease their sensitivity to insulin action. In
most cases the insulin resistance interestes subjects suffering from diseases and
conditions such as hypertension, obesity, pregnancy, metabolic syndrome.
The most effective treatment for insulin resistance is given by the practice of regular
physical activity, and weight loss associated with the adoption of a diet based on
moderation and calorie consumption of foods with a low glycemic index