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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Interpreting Communication Data Sets by using a Multiple View Virtual Environment ANDRE HINKENJANN GMD- The German National Research Center for Information Technology, Schloß Birlinghoven, St. Augustin, Germany [email protected] Abstract. We present a multiple view system that allows the user to explore communication data sets. The system is implemented using virtual environment techniques. It utilizes the two-sided Responsive Workbench, an L-shaped stereo projection table. An intuitive user interface is available through the use of the Cubic Mouse, an interaction device developed at GMD. The user can switch between three views of a radio communication data set and gain information about displacement of transmitters, communication patterns and hierarchical structure of the transmitter net. With each view the user can select several tools to interpret the data set, like text and audio drilldown tools. 1 Introduction In this paper we present our approach to visualize and interpret point-to-point radio communication with the help of different views of the data set. The system accepts data as ASCII text files which contain lines of the following parameters: date/time, sender name, receiver name, type of communication (data/speech), and a pointer to audio files. This data could also be captured as snapshots from a system that delivers this information live. For the transmitter names there exists an additional file containing a mapping from names to the Gauß-Krüger coordinates (the German surveying offices’ geo-coordinate format) of the transmitters and to additional textual information. The system is designed as a virtual environment using VR technology like the twosided Responsive Workbench (Krüger et al. [1]) and interaction devices such as 6-degreeof-freedom pointers and the Cubic Mouse, a special device explained later on. The user wears active LCD shutter glasses to be able to see the data set in stereo (Figure 1). Attached to the glasses is a tracking sensor that enables the graphics computer to render a stereo projection for the user’s point of view. For the exploration and interpretation of data sets it is often helpful to change views of the data set, especially if we want to extract different kinds of information. Because of that, we implemented our system as a multiple view system. According to Baldonado et al. [2], a single view of a conceptual entity is a set of data plus a specification of how to display that data visually. Views are defined to be distinct if they allow the user to learn about different aspects of the conceptual entity. A multiple view system uses two or more such distinct views to support the investigation of a given conceptual entity. Each of the three views our system offers is a accompanied by a set of tailored tools for visual and “sonic” data mining. To be able to extract persistent information, tools like markers and a report writer are available which store the information in text files. The following sections of the paper describe the three available views in more detail. Figure 1: A user standing at the Responsive Workbench using the system. 2 3-D terrain view With the aid of this view, the user is able to derive an overview of the spatial displacement of transmitters, to extract information out of transmitters and communications and to add persistent information to the data set. In 3-D terrain view the additional file that describes the coordinates of transmitters is evaluated and the transmitters are placed in the terrain surrounding their coordinates. To visualize the terrain, we used data from Landesvermessungsamt Bonn (a German public surveying office). This data is made up of two parts: A regular height grid with a resolution of 50 by 50 meters and a height accuracy of 5 meters. From that we build triangle strips to optimize render performance. The second part is high-resolution photographs of the terrain. This data is resampled to fit into the texture memory of an sgi ONYX2 IR2 that has a limitation of 64MB of texture memory. We currently do not use level of detail or detail textures, because a medium resolution of textures is sufficient for an overview of where the transmitters are placed. This is an option for future work, when larger terrains will be explored. Textures are mapped to the triangulated height data and output to the Workbench as a three-dimensional model of the terrain surrounding the transmitter locations. The user of spatial mode is presented with the following subdivision of the rendering area: • Top left: This part of the screen is reserved for a user-selectable time interval mode. With this mode the user selects to see communication relations at a specific time, before a specific time, after a specific time or within a specific time span. • Top middle: This area shows the time slider that is used to select the time. Below that the time scale is printed in text form. When the user selects to see all transmissions in a certain interval of time, another time slider is added to the top middle section of the screen. • Top right: This area contains user-selectable tools in each of the three views, although the amount and types of tools may vary from view to view. The tools are represented as 3-D icons in front of sockets. Textual information about the currently selected tools is presented directly above the icons after selection. The rest of the rendering area is available for the visual representation of the data set. Figure 2: 3-D terrain view screen partitioning Figure 2 shows the complete vertical screen of the Workbench in 3-D terrain mode (Only the vertical projection screen is shown in the figures of this paper although the horizontal projection area of the two-sided Responsive Workbench is also used for a continuous three-dimensional illustration of the data set). The transmissions are indicated as small lines connecting the respective senders and receivers. In figure 2, time mode is “after a specific time” and the time slider is positioned at the beginning of the time line, so the complete net is shown. A color code is used to distinguish data from speech communication. The following tools are available to the user in 3-D terrain mode: • Audio drilldown - this enables the user to hear the content of the transmissions she selects. When this option is selected the user can use the pointer to click on a line representing a communication. This triggers a playback of the audio content of that communication. • Transmitter inspection - allows the user to jump to the position of the selected transmitter to get a view from that location • Report writing - to add persistency to the system the user is able to click on the report icon to write a report about his findings. This report is shown as text in the virtual environment and in addition it is saved in a text file. • Text drilldown – after activating this tool, the user can select an arbitrary transmitter and is given textual information by a small label next to the transmitter (Figure 3). Figure 3: text drilldown • Radio wave distribution - radio wave distribution showing the field strength around a selected transmitter (this is currently simulated) (Figure 4). Figure 4: radio wave distribution • Transmitter marking - this is a tool that can be used to mark a selectable transmitter. This mark can be interpreted e.g. to show that this sender belongs to a certain hierarchy level. This can be used to add linking from this view to hierarchical view (Figure 5). Figure 5: transmitter marking 3 3-D matrix view This view of the communications is especially useful for recognizing clusters of communication activity because it shows all of the communications at once. In addition, communication patterns like question and answer series (request/acknowledge) are quickly recognizable. This view does not show the spatial relationship of the transmitters. In contrast to 3-D terrain view, 3-D matrix view shows a three-dimensional plot of senders and receivers in a 3D Cartesian coordinate system. The x-axis is labelled senders, the y-axis receivers and the z-axis is labelled time. A cube is shown at coordinates (A,B,T) whenever a sender A is communicating with a receiver B at time T. The size and colour of the cube reflect two additional parameters such as the type of communication (data/speech), the accumulated duration of the communication at T or the “importance” of the transmission. 3-D matrix view utilizes a special interaction device, developed at GMD, called the Cubic Mouse (Figure 6). The Cubic Mouse [4] is a 3-D input device based on the concept of props. It consists of a cube-shaped box with three perpendicular rods passing through its center. We use a sixdegree-of-freedom (6-DOF) tracker embedded in the Cubic Mouse to track the device’s position and orientation. The rods can be pushed and pulled, allowing the constrained input of three degrees of freedom. In addition, the Cubic Mouse has six applicationprogrammable control buttons mounted on one face and single buttons at both ends of each rod. Figure 6: The Cubic Mouse We use the Cubic Mouse as a prop representing the whole data set. As the user moves or rotates the cubic mouse, the 3-D plot of the data set is moved and rotated according to that. The rods of the Cubic Mouse move three semi transparent virtual clipping planes that are oriented perpendicular to the coordinate axes. By sliding the rods back and forth, the user can clip away parts of the data set corresponding to the clip axis. For example, by moving the z-axis rod, the user can clip away all parts of the data set that represents communications before or after the selected time, depending on the rod position. The buttons at the end of the rods switch the clip orientation. This way, the user can fix a certain sender, to see what receivers it communicated with over time. Figure 7: Fixing a receiver When the receiver is fixed by positioning the clipping plane, all senders communicating with that receiver over time show up (Figure 7). Fixing a certain time reveals what senders and receivers communicated at that time. All axes and clip planes are color coded for ease of use. As with 3-D terrain mode, the user can use tools to explore the data set, like audio/text drilldown by clicking on a cube or adding persistent information by writing a report. 4 3-D hierarchy view After a user has interpreted the data set by use of spatial mode and abstract mode and after assigning hierarchy/importance levels to transmitters by transmitter marking, she now has the possibility to explore the organizational structure of the participating communicators (the structural information might also be pre-stored in an additional database). As an example, a tree-like view is presented that shows the hierarchy of communicators (Figure 8). The system is not limited to trees, but can also display forests. The root of the example tree represents to top of the hierarchy; the leaves represent the lowest level of the hierarchy. Two transmissions are shown as additional lines (with different colors than hierarchy connections) that connect transmitters. This is to show the impact of a future addition of a time slider, like in the spatial view. The Cubic Mouse is again used to clip away portions of the data set. Here, the horizontal clipping plane is clipping the hierarchy levels (like in figure 8) while the two other clipping planes can be used to clip away parts orthogonal to that, e.g. a complete subnet of the communication network. Again, tools, like text/audio drilldown tools, from the top right area of the projection can be applied by the user. Figure 8: 3-D hierarchy view of the communicators 5 Conclusion and future work We presented a system to explore data sets of point-to-point radio communication. The system offers three different views of the data set that are each accompanied with a set of tailored tools. Each of the views are used to extract different types of information “hidden” in the data set, like spatial displacement of transmitters, communication patterns, communication clusters and hierarchical information. Besides adding more functionality to the views and adding more views, future work will include level of detail for terrain rendering and data filtering when larger data sets and larger terrains are to be explored. Although 3-D terrain view offers tools for selecting times or time intervals, the other tools do not. This extension is currently under development. In addition there currently exists only limited linked brushing. When the user marks transmitters in terrain mode as belonging to a certain hierarchical level, the 3-D hierarchical mode reflects that as a height in the hierarchy tree. Marking it in all views simultaneously is currently being implemented. The hierarchy of communicators is rendered as a three-dimensional node and link diagram. The number of transmitters that can be shown simultaneously is somewhat limited by this type of diagram. We would like to evaluate other tree-maps, like 2D space-filling approaches [5] or cushion tree-maps [6]. With these maps, the 2D area corresponds to a scalar value that is added to each node. In a VE, we can add a second value as a height value for each 2D region that corresponds to a node of the hierarchy. Although we did not implement concurrent multiple views because of the geometrical complexity of parallel views (limited by the performance of the rendering system) we would like use parallel views with limited complexity. This might allow the user to directly compare views and may help in reaching the defined goals more efficiently. 6 Acknowledgement This work was funded by Medav GmbH, Germany. We wish to thank Medav for fruitful discussions and suggestions for the views and for the provision of the communication data sets. We would like to thank Jeremy Eccles for designing icons for the user interface and Stefan Ritter for many valuable hints to improve the system. References [1] Krüger, W., Fröhlich, B., “The responsive workbench”. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 12-- 15, May 1994 [2] Baldonado, M., Woodruff, A. and Kuchinsky, A., “Guide-lines for using multiple views in information visualization”, Proc. ACM Advanced Visual Interfaces ‘00, May 2000. [3] Tramberend, H., “Avocado: A distributed virtual reality framework.”, Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality '99, pp. 14--21, Houston, Texas, March 1999. [4] Fröhlich, B. and J. Plate, ”The Cubic Mouse: A New Device for 3D Input, Proc. ACM CHI 2000, pp.526-531, ACM Press, New York, Apr.2000. [5] Shneiderman, B., „Tree visualization with Tree-maps: A 2-d space-filling approach”, ACM Transactions on Graphics , 11(1):92-99, Sept. 1990. [6] van Wijk, Jarke J. and van der Wetering, H., „Cushion Visualization of Hierarchical Information“, Proc. IEEE Symposium Visualization, San Francisco, Oct. 1999 on Treemaps: Information