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The information in this brochure is subject to change
without prior notice. © 2014 Siemens Hearing
Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
Hearing instruments help many people hear better, but
no hearing instrument can solve every hearing problem
nor restore normal hearing.
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Phone: +49 9131 308-0
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Live life
to the fullest.
Enjoy better hearing.
The ear – catching
every detail.
The ear is like a net, catching many
different types of sound: Low tones like
a tuba or a car engine, high tones like
a flute or birdsong, and every nuance
in between – even the emotion of a
whispered “I love you.”
Outer ear
Middle ear
Inner ear
Ear canal
Our hearing is able to give us so much: It
can make us laugh and fall in love, give
us answers, save our lives and help us
interact with the world.
From the moment we’re born, our ears
receive words, warnings and wonders,
and constantly give us the information we
need to learn, understand, communicate,
and react. But, best of all, they grant us
our favorite moments in life: A child’s first
words, the rustle of leaves, laughter at a
family gathering, whispers from a friend.
Outer ear: This part of the ear picks up sound and
directs it to the eardrum via the ear canal.
Middle ear: The sound makes the eardrum vibrate
and is amplified by the ossicles, three tiny bones
called the Malleus, Incus and Stapes.
Inner ear: The cochlea converts movements of the
ossicles into electrical signals. The auditory nerve
transmits the signals to the brain.
Our hearing enables such precious
connections in our lives – that’s why it’s
so important that we protect it in every
way we can.
Sound affects our
When hearing starts to
fade away …
In recent years, significantly more people
from every age group have noticed that
their hearing is starting to decline. As
shown below, noise can cause cumulative
damage to your hearing.
In the beginning, you may not notice your
hearing loss because it happens gradually
over many years.
140 dB
125 dB
Gunshot, jet engine at takeoff
Immediate risk to hearing
Air raid siren, firecracker
Pain threshold, immediate risk of
hearing damage
120 dB
Rock concert, sandblasting
115 dB
Baby’s cry, jet ski
110 dB
Snowmobile (from driver’s seat)
105 dB
Jackhammer, helicopter
100 dB
Chain saw, stereo headphones
Many times, those around you realize
it before you do when you increasingly
ask them to repeat themselves or don’t
respond the way you used to. But at some
point, you begin to notice that you have
to put effort into what used to come
naturally: Listening.
Risk of hearing damage in 7 minutes
Risk of hearing damage in 15 minutes
Risk of hearing damage in 30 minutes
Risk of hearing damage in 1 hour
Risk of hearing damage in 2 hours
95 dB
Motorcycle, power saw
90 dB
Lawn mower, truck traffic
85 dB
70 dB
60 dB
40 dB
Threshold for risk of hearing damage
Risk of hearing damage in 4 hours
The light part of this graphic visualizes the sounds
that people with hearing impairments have
difficulty understanding, such as birdsong and
certain sounds of human speech.
Risk of hearing damage in 8 hours
Busy traffic, vacuum cleaner
Conversation, dishwasher
Quiet room
Source: American Academy of Audiology
dB SPL is a measurement of sound pressure level in decibels
Why does the world
suddenly sound so dull?
Hearing aids:
Little helpers –
big relief.
Actual size in cm 4
No two cases of hearing loss are the
same, but most people with a hearing
impairment have difficulty distinguishing
soft tones and high pitched sounds like
whispers, children’s voices or birdsong.
Speech understanding also suffers: As
shown in the graphic before, many vital
speech sounds are soft and high, they are
what those with hearing loss often miss –
causing a lack of speech clarity.
Sometimes hearing loss is accompanied
by tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
Fortunately, there are management
options that provide relief today:
Many hearing aids, which compensate
for hearing loss, can also reduce the
annoyance of tinnitus.
Today’s hearing aids are tiny, high-tech
instruments – a far cry from the large,
clumsy-looking beige nuggets of the past.
They‘re programmed to give us our
very own customized sound experience
by amplifying exactly the sounds that
we‘ve been missing. They also highlight
speech to let us focus on conversations
and distinguish them from background
noise. And today’s technology virtually
eliminates the whistling feedback that
older hearing aids used to make. All
this in a stylish design that’s amazingly
comfortable, exceptionally discreet,
and surprisingly shock, dirt, and waterresistant.
A perfect match.
Modern hearing aids feature countless
options for an ideal fit and improved
quality of life.
Behind-The-Ear (BTE) or Receiver-In-Canal
(RIC) hearing aids can be worn behind the
ear for powerful sound and a comfortable
fit. In-The-Ear (ITE) custom hearing aids
are tailor-made to perfectly and discreetly
fit in the ear canal.
BTE hearing aids
Why is hearing with
both ears so important?
Nature has a great reason for giving us
two ears: Binaural hearing, or hearing with
both ears, helps us localize where sounds
come from, keeping us safe in situations
such as crossing streets in busy traffic.
ITE custom hearing aids
Above and beyond that, today’s hearing
aids are stylish and technologically
versatile. Whether you’re looking for a
sporty solution or a classy conversation
assistant, with your Hearing Care
Professional by your side, you’re sure to
find the hearing aids that fit your needs.
Catching all the sound around:
It not only allows us to perceive sounds
louder and clearer even in noisy situations,
it also helps us pick out the sounds that
we want to listen to, and ignore all the
This is why it’s good to have two
hearing aids if both ears show signs of
hearing loss. Siemens hearing aids with
wireless technology, fitted to both ears,
automatically “communicate” with each
other. They are designed to work together
as a single harmonious system to restore
the benefits of binaural hearing as much
as possible.
sound with
All hearing aids have the same basic
elements: Every model includes a
microphone, a computer chip and
The more advanced the model, the
more features it offers – and the more
personalized the sound can become.
Generally speaking, when hearing aids
are more sophisticated, they can produce
a more natural listening experience,
making life easier and hearing more
enjoyable in every situation.
Good hearing is accessible
Just as there are hearing aids for every ear and
every preference, there are also hearing aids
for every budget. And today’s technology and
design have made hearing aids more durable
than ever, so they last for years. Don’t forget to
contact your health insurance company – many
policies cover a considerable amount of the cost.
How a tinnitus therapy feature can
provide relief.
Sometimes hearing loss is accompanied
by tinnitus, a constant noise or ringingin-the-ears that only the affected person
can hear – fortunately, many tinnitus
management strategies offer relief
today. Often, simply using a hearing
aid to amplify the sounds around you
can effectively reduce the annoyance of
For those cases where simple
amplification isn’t enough, hearing aids
with a tinnitus therapy feature can be
a comforting companion. They emit a
customized noise signal that distracts you
from the unpleasant tone inside your ears
– helping you to relax, focus, and set your
mind at ease.
Just like most Siemens hearing
aids, Siemens Life™ and Insio®
are equipped with a tinnitus
therapy feature.
Your new hearing aids:
Rediscovering the
world of sound.
Help is never far away:
Your Hearing
Care Professional.
Most of us never had to learn to hear –
we naturally discovered the world of
sound before we were even born. Using
hearing aids gives you the unique chance
to rediscover your world and yourself.
Hearing well again is also beneficial for
your loved ones: Friends and
family enjoy how easy it is to
communicate with you again.
Meeting them for a nice chat in
a café or going to the movies
or a concert becomes so much
more comfortable – and you
can enjoy sharing conversation,
laughter and music together
However, hearing everything
again can feel strange at
first – sometimes your
rediscovered ability seems
like a sonic superpower:
The purr of your car’s
engine suddenly sounds
like a freight train. Or wine
poured into a glass seems
like a waterfall. But don’t
worry; just like everything new, it
takes some time to adjust. And when
you are patient, you soon appreciate the
advantages and greater quality of life
your hearing aids offer.
Your Hearing Care Professional will be
happy to give you a quick and painless
hearing test and ear exam – without any
obligation from you.
Once they analyze the results, they can
help you choose the solution that best
fits your needs. Or they may refer you
to a specialist, who may be able to help
you further. Whatever your results, a
Hearing Care Professional is the perfect
partner to help you make your way back
to a life filled with the sound of treasured
Hearing solutions for children:
fond of life.
It’s your turn!
Time for some answers.
If you’re curious to find out how well
you’re hearing works, go through
the checklist below.
Some questions to assess your hearing
Do the people around you seem to
mumble and not speak clearly?
Has anyone ever told you that they
often have to repeat things for you?
Is it hard for you to understand
when someone talks to you from
behind or the side?
Bedtime stories, field trips, family gettogethers, school or daycare – children
learn how to interact with the world
during all they experience as a baby, a
small child, and when they start school.
Is it difficult for you to follow
conversations in loud environments, for
example in restaurants or shopping malls?
These speech and communication skills,
so vital for a bright future, require the
ability to hear well. So if we suspect that
our child has trouble hearing, it’s good to
know that there are trained professionals
and hearing aids for active kids and teens.
Growing up with hearing loss has become
so much easier. Advanced diagnostic and
therapy options enable our children to
lead rich, fulfilling lives.
Has anyone ever asked you to turn down
the volume of your television or radio?
Do you tend to go out less because
it is hard for you to follow other
people’s conversations?
Do you have difficulties understanding
someone on the other end of your telephone?
Do you have trouble recognizing the
direction from which a car, for example,
is approaching?
If you have ticked “YES” three or more
times, we recommend that you contact a
Hearing Care Professional or ENT doctor.
Whether Motion® aids
in fun colors or the
waterproof Aquaris™,
Siemens offers a
broad range of models
especially for kids – go
check them out at