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Force Diagram Notes
PURPOSE: Used as tools that we can use to predict the motion of objects
They show the major forces that influence the motion of an object
Force diagrams have 3 parts:
1. OBJECT: Represented with a Circle or a square
2. ARROWS: Arrows show the direction and size of a force acting on
the object. They come OUT of the object, always, even if they are a push
-Longer arrows= larger forces
-Hash Marks show arrows of equal size (magnitude)
3. LABELS: You will label the force arrows with their type, origin of the
force, and receiving object. Label numbers if available.
example: The force of gravity on your body would be labeled
Fweight, human= 1000 N
Applied Force
Normal Force
The force exerted on an object due to its mass and a
gravitational field
Any push or pull on an object from an animated
The force created when two solid surfaces make
contact and move opposite directions of one another.
Friction always opposes motion.
The force of friction caused by a liquid or gas
contacting a solid object.
A force applied by a stationary surface to another
object pushing on it. The Normal force is always 90°
to the surface, and matches the applied force on it
(Example: ground applies a normal force when we
stand on it, or a wall when we push on it)
Force of pulling applied to ropes, strings, springs, ect.
1. If forces act on an object in the same direction, they are added
2. If they act in opposite directions, they are subtracted
3. If forces are balanced, the object moves at a constant velocity
4. If the Forces are unbalanced, the object accelerates in the direction
of the overall force.
1. Create a force diagram for a cart that is being pushed by a man to the right with 100 N of force,
friction of 10 N, and a weight of 50 N.
FNormal, groundcart= 50 N
Ffriction, groundcart= 10 N
Fapplied, pushcart= 10 N
Fweight, earthcart= 50 N
Force Diagram Notes
PURPOSE: Used as tools that we can use to _________________________ the
____________________ of ___________________.
They show the major forces that influence the motion of an object
Force diagrams have 3 parts:
1. ________________________: Represented with a Circle or a square
2. ______________________: show the ________________ and size of a ___________
acting on the object. They come OUT of the object, always, even if they
are a push
-Longer arrows= ____________________ forces
-Hash Marks show arrows of ____________________ size (magnitude)
3. _____________: You will label the force arrows with their ________, ________
of the force, and _______________ ______________. Label numbers if available.
example: The force of gravity on your body would be labeled
Fweight, human= 1000 N
The __________________ ___________________ on an object
due to its mass and gravitational field (felt as a pull)
Any ______________ or __________________ on an object
from an animated source
The force created when two solid surfaces ___________
____________________ and move ________________ directions
of one another. Friction always opposes motion.
The force of friction caused by a liquid or gas
contacting a solid object.
A force applied by a stationary surface to another
object pushing on it. The Normal force is always 90°
to the surface, and matches the applied force on it
(Example: ground applies a normal force when we
stand on it, or a wall when we push on it)
Force of pulling applied to ropes, strings, springs, ect.
1. If forces act on an object in the _____________ direction, they are
__________________ together
2. If they act in ________________ directions, they are ____________________
3. If forces are _______________, the object moves at a _____________
4. If the Forces are ______________________, the object _____________________
in the direction of the ______________________ force.
1. Create a force diagram for a cart that is being pushed by a man to the right with 100 N of force,
friction of 10 N, and a weight of 50 N.