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Wireless Mesh Network
Management - Fault and
Performance Diagnosis:
A Survey
Vijay P Gabale (CSE, IIT Bombay)
MTech Seminar under the guidance of
Prof. Bhaskaran Raman
• Overview
• Motivation
• Enterprise vs. Long-Distance Networks
• Techniques
• Fault Diagnosis - Examples
• Future scope
• Conclusion
Wireless Network Woes!
• My machine says: wireless connection unavailable.
• Why is the network performance so low?
• Is someone interfering with my transmissions?
• Do we have complete coverage in all the buildings?
• I wonder if some one has sneakily installed an unauthorized
access point.
Wireless Network Anomalies
• RF holes
• Interference
• Hidden terminal
• Rogue Access Points
Which anomaly was the cause of undesired network
• Quantification of possible causes
• Attribution of a performance problem to a specific root
cause i.e. recognizing a fault
• Network management to proactively deal with likely faults
• Avoiding personal visits to nodes in long distance links
• System
•Loss of
(loss of faith)
•Recovery cost
Number of wireless related complaints logged by
the IT department of a major US corporation
• Overview
• Motivation
• Enterprise vs. Long-Distance Networks
• Techniques
• Fault Diagnosis - Examples
• Future scope
• Conclusion
Enterprise Network
• Comprises of dense deployment of access points & clients in
a university or corporate building
• Challenges
• RF holes
• Interference
• Hidden terminals
• Rogue Access Points
• Solution space : Characterizing & then analyzing entire
wireless behaviour, Online and Offline diagnosis
Long-Distance Network
• Comprises of point to point links of several meters to build a
multi-hop mesh network
• Challenges
• Physical visits are costly
• Remote locations could sometimes become inaccessible
• Lack of trained personnel
• Poor power quality
• Solution space : In-node recovery or inference techniques,
Independent control mechanisms
Diagnostic Questions!
• What is the per packet signal strength at every node – RF holes
• How many concurrent receptions are there – Hidden Terminal
• How is the noise level varying over time – Interference
• Is there any foreign node wandering in the network – Rogue AP
• Is the remote node working? What is the software or hardware
status of the node? – Primary link failure or Software-Hardware
• Introduction
• Motivation
• Enterprise vs. Long-Distance Networks
• Techniques
• Fault Diagnosis - Examples
• Future scope
• Conclusion
Existing Techniques
• Offline data collection & analysis : [1], [6]
• Online anomaly detection : [2]
• Simulation : [3]
• Daemon running as a part of the node : [4]
• Software & Hardware redundancies : [5], [7]
Offline data collection & analysis
• Steps :
• Dense deployment of monitors
• Synchronization & unification at a central server
• Inference techniques
• Example : Jigsaw[1], MacWild[6]
• Fault Diagnosis :
• Pr (Interference | Concurrent Transmissions)
• Over-protective 802.11g clients and access points
Offline data collection & analysis - Framework
Central Server
source : MacWild[6]
Offline data collection & analysis
• Steps :
• Dense deployment of monitors
• Synchronization & unification at a central client
• Inference techniques
• Example : Jigsaw[1], MacWild[6]
• Fault Diagnosis :
• Pr (Loss due to Interference | Concurrent Transmissions)
• Over-protective 802.11g clients and access points
Online anomaly detection
Steps :
Deploy multiple monitors
Sample physical layer parameters
Dynamic interference engine
Example : Mojo[2]
Fault Diagnosis : Threshold for Hidden Terminal, Capture
Effect, Non 802.11 interference
Steps :
Traces to drive simulation
Deviation of observed behavior from expected behavior
Decision trees to make distinction between possible faults
Example : Troubleshooting Wireless Mesh Networks[3]
Fault Diagnosis : External noise, Packet dropping,
Misbehaving clients
Simulation (contd…) Decision Tree
If simSent – realSent
> ThreshSentDiff
CW misuse
If simNoise – realNoise
> ThreshNoiseDiff
External Noise
If simLoss – realLoss
> ThreshLossDiff
Packet dropping
Daemon running as a part of the node
• An application resides at client side
• Takes reactive or proactive actions in response to an event
• Example : Client Conduit technique[4]
• Fault Detection : Rogue APs, RF holes
Software & Hardware redundancies
• Experiences of software & hardware failures
• Techniques :
• Software & hardware watchdogs
• Independent control mechanisms
• Tracking & predicting health of a node
• Example : Beyond Pilots[5], Fault Diagnosis[7]
• Fault Diagnosis : Erratic power conditions, Primary link
failure, Non 802.11 interference, Antenna misalignment
• Introduction
• Motivation
• Enterprise vs. Long-Distance Networks
• Techniques
• Fault Diagnosis - Examples
• Future scope
• Conclusion
Problem : Intermittent Connectivity
• Symptoms : Irregular changes in connectivity or total
• Causes : Weak RF signal, Lack of signal, unpredictable
ambiance, obstructions
• Parameter : Received signal strength
How to tackle total failure? How to track a mobile node?
Remedy : Client Conduit
• It is a mechanism to allow disconnected users to convey
messages to system and network administrators.
Problem : Rogue Access Point
• What is Rogue Access Point?
• Security holes, unwanted RF interference and network load.
• Access Point Database
• Location, MAC, Channel
Remedy : Client Conduit
Is AP at
Expected Location?
Rogue AP
Is AP Advertising
Expected SSID?
Is AP on Expected
Problem & Remedy : Hidden Terminal
• Symptoms : Degraded performance, lower throughput
• Causes : One transmitter not able to hear other
transmissions to the same receiver, heterogeneous transmit
• Remedy : Quantify number of concurrent transmissions
• Around 40%
• Capture Effect : Around 5%
Problem & Remedy : Non 802.11 Interference
• Symptoms : Retransmissions at the MAC layer, No
concurrent transmissions detected
• Quantify noise level
• Moving window average
• Threshold
Problem : Connectivity problems over LongDistance Links
• Symptoms : Remote node NOT Reachable
• Causes: IP address misconfiguration, routing
misconfiguration, power shutdown at remote node, a board
failure, malfunctioning wireless card
• Solution :
• Link Local IP addressing
• SMS backchannel
Solution : Troubleshooting a Link
Does Link Local
IP Addressing Work?
Send SMS query and
Get the result
Router is Up
Router Down
Log In & Fix
Configuration Problem
Wait for Power
Visit not required
Reboot or
Visit & Replace
Get Status Report:
Signal Strength, Noise
Visit may be Required
Problem & Remedy : Software and Hardware
•Symptoms : Node suddenly goes down, node does not
respond on trying to connect over the primary link
• Causes : Damaged power supplies or router boards,
damaged CF cards, low voltages leave router in wedged state,
battery problems
• Techniques : Software and hardware watchdogs, power
controllers, Low Voltage Disconnect, read only boot loader
• Overview
• Motivation
• Enterprise vs. Long-Distance Networks
• Techniques
• Fault Diagnosis - Examples
• Future scope
• Conclusion
Future Scope
• Comprehensive Network Monitoring & Inference Tool
• Quantify Performance Improvement
• User Friendly GUIs
• Automatic Recovery
• Classification of Techniques to resolve fault diagnosis
• Enterprise as well as Long-Distance Mesh Networks
• Faults: Connectivity, Hidden Terminal, Interference,
Hardware Failures
• Need for ‘Complete Monitoring & Inference’ Suit to Detect
Root Level Causes
Appendix – Comparison Table
Appendix – Comparison Table (contd…)
References of the Survey
[1] Yu-Chung Cheng, John ellardo, and Peter Benko. Jigsaw:Solving the Puzzle of
Enterprise 802.11 Analysis. SIGCOMM’06.
[2] Anmol Sheth, Christian Doerr, Dirk Grun wald, Richard Han, and Dougla Sicker.
Mojo :a Distributed Physical Layer Anomaly Detection System for 802.11WLANS.
[3] Lili Qiu, Paramvir Bahl, Ananth Rao, and Lidong Zhou. Troubleshooting-Wireless
Mesh Networks. SIGCOMM’06.
[4] Atul Adya, Paramvir Bahl, Ranveer Chandra, and Lilli Qiu. Architecture and
techniques for diagnosing faults in ieee 802.11 infrastructure networks. MOBICOM’04.
[5] Sonesh Surana, Rabin Patra, Sergiu Nedevschi and Manuel Ramos. Beyond Pilots:
Keeping Rural Wireless Networks Alive. To appear in USENIX NSDI’08.
References of the Survey
[6] Ratul Mahajan, Maya Rodrig, David Wetherall, and John Zahorjan. Analyzing the
MAC Level Behavior of Wireless Networks in the Wild. SIGCOMM, 2006.
[7] Sonesh Surana, Rabin Patra, and Eric Brewer. Simplifying Fault Diagnosis in
Locally Managed Rural wifi networks. SIGCOMM NSDR, 2007.
[8] Yu-Chung Cheng, Mikhali Afanasyev, Patrick Verkaik, and Peter Benko.
Automating Cross-Layer Diagnosis of Enterprise Wireless Networks. SIGCOMM, 2007.
[9] Kameswari Chebrolu, Bhaskaran Raman, and Sayandeep Sen. Long-distance
802.11b Links: Performance Measurements and Experience. MOBICOM, 2006.