Download Adolf Hitler Fascist leader of Italy Benito Mussolini Fascist leader of

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Fascist leader of Germany
Fascist leader of Germany
Adolf Hitler
Fascist leader of Italy
Fascist leader of Italy
Benito Mussolini
Communist leader of Russia after Lenin
Communist leader of Russia after Lenin
Joseph Stalin
The Gestapo and the SS were run by who?
The Gestapo and the SS were run by who?
Heinrich Himmler
Polish-born German communist. She
helped found the Polish Social Democratic
Polish-born German communist. She
helped found the Polish Social Democratic
Rosa Luxemburg
The official secret police of Nazi Germany
The official secret police of Nazi Germany
An elite military unit of the Nazi Party that
served as Hitler's bodyguard and as a
special police force.
An elite military unit of the Nazi Party that
served as Hitler's bodyguard and as a
special police force.
The SS
German Parliament or Congress
German Parliament or Congress
The Reichstag
The combined role of German chancellor
and president.
The combined role of German chancellor
and president.
Book that claims that Germans are the
master race and blames problems on the
Book that claims that Germans are the
master race and blames problems on the
Mein Kampf
Every soldier swore a personal oath to
Every soldier swore a personal oath to
Oath of Loyalty
The use of the Media to aggressively
promote one point of view
The use of the Media to aggressively
promote one point of view
Conflict within a nation
Conflict within a nation
A purge that took place for two days, when
the Nazi regime carried out a series of
political murders.
A purge that took place for two days, when
the Nazi regime carried out a series of
political murders.
The Night of the Long Knives
Nazis, under the control of Adolf Hitler, attempt
to seize control of the government
Nazis, under the control of Adolf Hitler, attempt
to seize control of the government
Beer Hall Putsch
What were causes of the purges Stalin
What were causes of the purges Stalin
•Eliminate rivals and potential rivals
•Intensify the mood of terror
•Blame government failures on “enemies”
•Cheap labor for government projects
The 1930s depression in Germany
contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party
The 1930s depression in Germany
contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party
economic hardships increased instability.
One similarity between Adolf Hitler and
Benito Mussolini is
One similarity between Adolf Hitler and
Benito Mussolini is
Both led fascist states
Both were Fascist
Both used the military to keep power
What is totalitarianism?
What is totalitarianism?
a political system in which the state holds
total authority over the society and seeks
to control all aspects of public and private
life wherever possible.
Which event is most closely associated
with the start of World War II in Europe?
Which event is most closely associated
with the start of World War II in Europe?
invasion of Poland by Nazi forces
Pride in your people or ethnic group.
Pride in your people or ethnic group.
Extreme political theory; authoritarian and
intolerant of other’s views. Nazi Germany
under Hitler is an example.
Extreme political theory; authoritarian and
intolerant of other’s views. Nazi Germany
under Hitler is an example.
Besides the Great Depression, this peace
treaty from WWI helped to cause the rise
of the fascism and WWII in Europe?
Besides the Great Depression, this peace
treaty from WWI helped to cause the rise
of the fascism and WWII in Europe?
Treaty of Versailles
Stalin had the government take control of
all of the farms in the Soviet Union. This
political theory in which government owns
all of the property is called…
Stalin had the government take control of
all of the farms in the Soviet Union. This
political theory in which government owns
all of the property is called…
Nazi destruction of Jewish businesses,
synagogues (temples), and homes during
Kristallnacht Nov.9, 1938 is an example of;
Nazi destruction of Jewish businesses,
synagogues (temples), and homes during
Kristallnacht Nov.9, 1938 is an example of;