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Happy Apple Cleansing Guide
The terms cleansing and detoxification are often used interchangeably. For the sake of
our discussion, we define cleansing as the body's normal processes of eliminating or
neutralizing toxins through the excretory system (i.e., colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph
and skin). A cleanse is a complete plan to help your body to eliminate toxins more
efficiently. A fast is a cleanse program that does not include consuming solid foods.
Before completing any cleanse program, please consult your physician. This is
especially true if you are on medication or under doctor's care for any disease or
Why would one consider cleansing?
1. Over 25,000 new synthetic chemicals are introduced to the ecosystem annually. Very
few of these are tested for toxicity in the human body. In addition, we live in a stressful
society. Stress creates toxins of its own. Studies have found over 300 synthetic
chemicals in umbilical cords of new born babies. With little information of the long terms
effects of these substances, it is best to try to avoid them and help our bodies to remove
those we have been exposed to.
2. Almost anyone can benefit from a cleanse program. A cleanse is a way to reset your
body's ability to remove toxins and wastes. It also increases efficiency of your excretory
system. It is also a wonderful time to refocus on your commitment to better living.
3. A lack of exercise creates toxicity. Though you may be eating healthy for your body
and keeping stress levels low, you are continuing to allow toxins to build by not
How do I know that I need to cleanse?
You are constantly congested or have low energy.
You have less than 2 bowel movements per day.
You have been on medication for an extended period of time.
Your tongue has a white coating on it most of the time.
You need a jump start to weight loss or positive changes in your dietary lifestyle.
Your skin and scalp issues only clear up with medication or topicals.
You have had a stool, urine, blood or liver function laboratory test that indicates a
need for cleansing.
If you answered yes to any of these issues, you may benefit from doing a cleanse.
There are numerous ways to conduct a cleanse. This outline is a suggestion as to how
you may conduct a cleanse. It may need to be tailored to your needs. If you are under
doctor’s care for any condition or taking medication, please be sure to consult your
physician before attempting any cleanse as cleansing may increase the rate in which
medication or supplements are metabolized and absorbed in the body.
Myths About Cleansing
1. Cleansing is a great way to lose weight.
Though most people do lose some weight during a cleanse, most of this weight is water
and feces being eliminated. If you were to use a body fat monitor instead of a weight
scale, you would see the specifics to your weight loss. Completing a cleanse is a great
way to start a weight mangement program so that your channels of elimination are
working optimally to handle the fat that you will burn during your workouts.
2. All toxins will be eliminated during a cleanse.
Various toxins take varied lengths of time to break down and be eliminated from the
body. Those that are fat soluble are harder to rid from the body. The body is not able to
be completely toxin free, but a cleanse will aid your body in eliminating toxins when you
give it the nutrients, fiber and water it requires to keep the excretory system working
3. I can go back to eating the way I did before my cleanse once I am done.
A cleanse is a way to reset your body. Your body will not be able to continue to function
optimally if you return to the lifestyle behaviors that created the toxins you eliminate
during a cleanse. Before considering to do any cleanse, it is best to consider changing
your dietary and exercise lifestyle to support your newly reset body, reduce toxins
entering the body and continue the positive effects from your cleanse.
4. I cannot eat during a cleanse.
Everyone's body and metabolism is different, therefore your approach to cleansing will
differ person to person. If this is your first time completing a cleanse, we strongly
suggest that you start with a 2 or 3 day cleanse and include foods from the list of foods
you can eat during a cleanse. If you are very athletic or seasoned with experience in
cleansing, we suggest that you complete the 4 day cleanse. This cleanse can be done
with food or as a juice fast with no consumption of solid food. We do not suggest a juice
fast if you are breast feeding, pregnant, under doctor's supervision for a medical
condition or on medication.
5. I cannot exercise during a cleanse.
It is best to save energy usually expended in a workout to aid in your body's elimination
of wasted during a cleanse. We strongly suggest you complete at least 30 minutes of
stretching or light activity as exercise aids the body's cleansing process. Strenuous
workouts are strongly advised to be avoided during this time.
What should you expect during your cleanse?
Often one will develop better sleep patterns during or after a cleanse. They also may
experience weight loss, more energy and greater mental clarity.
Your tongue may be coated with a white film. Some people experience flu-like
symptoms, headaches, nausea, upset stomach or fatigue for a brief period of time. This
is called the Herxeheimer Effect or a healing crisis. It is an indication that your body is
ridding itself of toxins and dead bacteria very quickly. It is a normal function of the body.
If this is unbearable and persists more than 3-4 days, stop your cleanse and consult
your physician.
Skin eruptions are common during cleanses as your skin is your largest excretory organ
and a quick way to rid the body of waste. This will clear as you lower your levels of bad
bacteria in your body. Be sure to continue limiting your exposure to foods on the Foods
to Avoid list to help your skin to clear quickly and long term.
Your emotional well being may shift. You might experience intense sadness, happiness,
anger, peace or anger. Realize that this is a natural part of the process and allow
yourself to go through it.
What are the benefits of a good cleanse?
1. Excess mucous and congestion is cleared from your body.
2. Your digestive tract is cleared of accumulated waste and fermenting bacteria. This
may reduce bloating and water retention for some.
3. Liver, blood, lymph and kidneys are working more efficiently to remove wastes from
the body.
4. Euphoria and mental clarity are enhanced.
5. The whites of your eyes and color of your skin looks healthy.
6. You may have less dependency on habit forming substances such as sugar,
caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
7. You are less apt to desire unhealthy foods.
Which cleanse should I do?
1 Day
You want to give your body a short break or need to get your body
back in the flow after the holidays or a binge of poor eating habits.
2 Day
Great for those that want to do a weekend cleanse or a quick boost
to your weight management program. May be beneficial for those
coming off medication or a brief illness. Excellent place to start for
someone new to cleansing.
3 Day
Have an extra long weekend you want to take advantage of to reset
your body. You have been sick, on medication, not eating well or
exposed to toxins for a considerable amount of time. Perfect for
seasonal changes.
4 Day
Have a need to totally overhaul and refocus your health goals. You
have been sick, on medication, not eating well or exposed to toxins
for an extended period of time. This should only be attempted by
those who have previous experience with cleansing.
What should I eat during my cleanse?
It is important to reduce your exposure to foods that may hinder the process during a
cleanse. If you are unable to refrain from consuming certain foods or beverages from
your diet for the length of your cleanse, this may not be the best time for your to do a
Foods to Avoid:
 Processed foods
 Caffeine
 Meat and seafood
 Dairy
 Gluten
 Eggs
 Alcohol
 Soda
 Sugar, honey and sugar substitutes
 Nicotine
 Fried foods
 Artificial food color and flavors
Foods and Beverages to Enjoy:
 Brown rice
 Raw and dried unsweetened fruit
 Beans and peas, except soy (kidney, pinto, adzuki, chickpeas, black turtle, pigeon,
black eye, lentils, green peas, mung, white, crowder, field, lima, )
 Raw or sprouted nuts, nut butters and nut milks (unsweetened)
 Gluten free whole grains (quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, brown rice,
oats, teff, wild rice, red rice, black rice)
Raw seeds (chia, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax)
Smoothies with no sweeteners
Vegetable-based non-soy protein powders (hemp, rice, combination)
Raw, grilled, steamed or sautéed vegetables
Filtered water (half of your body’s weight in water every day)
Decaf herbal teas (Look for caffeine free coffee substitutes in your local health food
What can I eat during a cleanse?
This seems to be the biggest question for most. With everyone’s busy lives, so few of us
prepare our own foods on a regular basis. Preparing your own food may seem to be a
daunting task, but keep in mind the reason why you have chosen to do a cleans and the
potential benefits you may reap. This commitment is only for a few days. Preparing your
food in advance and ridding your home/work of foods you should avoid will make this
process easier. There are also food services in most areas that can prepare foods
based on your dietary needs. Local chefs can also come to your home to prepare your
meals. Consider all of your options and be honest with yourself as to what you can
Below is are examples of meals you may consider during your cleanse:
Bowl of oatmeal or other whole grain with dried fruit and nuts
Fruit salad
Unsweetened granola with unsweetened yogurt
Handful of nuts
Fruit salad
Piece of fruit
Hummus with baby carrots or celery
Bean dip with chopped veggies
Almond butter with baby carrots or celery
Almond butter and rice cakes
Apple slices with cashew butter
Salad with olive oil and lemon juice/apple cider vinegar
Sautéed vegetables with brown rice
Vegetable stew with a cup of cooked grains
Bowl of vegetable soup
Beans with brown rice
Lettuce wrap sandwich
Seaweed salad
Miso soup
Brown rice with steamed vegetables seasoned with Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
Tacos (replace tortilla with lettuce or Swiss chard)
Lentil stew
Sauteed vegetables and wild rice
Salad with beans and nuts sprinkled on top
Baked sweet potato with sautéed vegetables
Roasted vegetables
Beans and brown rice
Coffee substitutes: Teeccino (
Dandy Blend (
Pero (
Roasted dandelion tea
Roasted chickory tea
Herbal teas (decaf green tea, rooibos, herbal chai)
What should I do to prepare for my cleanse?
1. You may want to remove all dietary temptations from your kitchen and workspace.
Out of sight and out of mind usually helps with will power.
2. Purchase your foods in advance. Meal prep for the duration of your cleanse on the
day before your cleanse starts. Having healthy foods easily accessible during your
cleanse will reduce your chances of sabotaging your efforts.
3. Cut back on your consumption of meat, seafood, alcohol, coffee, dairy, sugar, flour,
bread and processed foods several days before your cleanse is to start.
I am planning to do a juice fast? What should I do to prepare?
Follow the suggestions above, excluding number 2 as you will not be consuming foods
during this time.
What should I do after my cleanse?
It is extremely important to slowly incorporate foods on the “Foods to Avoid” list as you
come off your fast. Some of the foods on this list you may want to avoid or eat in
moderation for the long term to aid your body’s daily cleansing process and increase
your overall health. Continue to drink half your body’s weight in ounces of water daily to
keep toxins flushed from your body. Slowly incorporate coffee if you choose to add it
back to your dietary lifestyle. Pay close attention to how your body responds as you add
these foods back to you diet. If you sense that your body is not responding well to a
food or beverage, it may be a sign that you may want to avoid it long term.
Continuing to drink Happy Apple™ Juices after your cleanse is a wonderful way to add
nutrients to you diet, keep your body flushed and reduce your dependency on
caffeinated beverages for energy. Keep in mind that drinking these juices contributes to
your daily intake of water. This is extremely helpful for those who do not enjoy drinking
water as Happy Apple™ Juices are a tasty alternative.
Cleansing is a wonder time for most. Ask your friends and family to join you as support
is important in the success of lifestyle change.