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E.C. Review Questions
1. What separated the many city-states of Greece?
2. Why don’t Greeks eat much beef?
3. What two economic activities did the Greeks
engage in for the most part?
4. Around what Sea did Greek Civilization develop?
5. What is the shoreline located on the east side of the
Aegean Sea called?
1. Who is famous for their glorious textiles?
2. How did Corinth solve the problem of foreign money coming in?
3. This city-state had wonderful musicians and poets.
4. This city-state refused to send troops to help Sparta and Athens fight Persia.
5. This city-state will do anything to win.
6. Famed for their intellectual superiority.
7. Famous for its bronze statues.
8. Plato moved to this city-state after the Peloponnesian War.
9. They were known for their stone sculptures and its poor soil.
10. Children were taken from their parents at age 7.
11. You love money and have been trained to be an excellent accountants
12. Students is this city-state memorized Homeric poetry and learned to play that magnificent
instrument, the lyre.
Greece: “The Cradle of Western Civilizaton”
-govt. of the people
-all citizens make a decision
-Plato taught people how to learn
-Aristotle established principle of logic
-Socrates principles of valid reasoning and
-establish principles of Scientific Method
-Greeks celebrate the ideal of arête
-strive for excellence, to show courage & to
win with honor
-created Gods & Goddesses
-developed myths to explain the
mysteries of nature
-17,000 seat outdoor theater built in Athens
Utility with beauty
Early Greek Civilization
*first powerful city-state
1600-1100 BC
*obtained wealth through piracy & wars
*they fought in the famous Trojan War
Powerful City-States Emerge
-Code of Lycurgus (harsh set of laws) (Oligarchy)
-needed to keep order in their conquered lands
-Laws placed the strength of the army above all other values
Persian Wars (520-480 BC)
-Athens and Sparta join forces to defeat Powerful Persians
-Athens formed the Delian League (140 city-states)
Athens led Greece in its Golden Age
Age of Pericles
(461-429 B.C.)
-Athenians adopt democratic system (500 member
-Pericles strengthened the Athenian navy (expanded
-Glorified Athens (built Parthenon and other temples
on the Acropolis)
-Sparta became suspicious of Athen’s growing power
Battle of Marathon
Greek Phalanx
Peloponnesian War (431-405 B.C..)
Reason? -Sparta (military rule) & Athens (democratic rule)
had Two different societies
-Sparta feared Athens growing power in D-League
Outcome? -Sparta defeated Athens
-Athens lost its empire & its wealth
-made the D-League, Sparta & Athens weak
-This provided an opportunity for Macedonia, a new power
from the North to take control of Greece
Socrates about to drink the hemlock poison
-Three greatest philosophers of the Western World
Socrates: “the unexamined life is not worth living.”
-he always asked “why”?
-sentenced to death for corrupting youth of Athens
-examined governments in his work The Republic
-considered the Greatest Western Philosopher
Aristotle: -(Plato’s student) established the foundation of
Scientific Thought
-tutored Alexander the Great
Review Questions
1. What was the name of the code that Spartans followed?
2. What was the name of the league Athens formed after
the Persian war?
3. What was the name of the leader who ruled Athens
during its “Golden Age”.
4. What type of government did Athens have? How about
5. Who won the Peloponnesian War?
6. Who took control of Greece after the city-states became
weak from fighting?
Battle of Marathon
6,000 Persians died
and only 194 Greeks
perished in the battle
Back to Notes
Suppose the population of your country grew so large
that you didn’t have enough food to feed everyone.
What would you do to get food? Give me two
Greek Philosophers
3 Greatest Philosophers of the Western
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
He forced Athenians to examine their beliefs
(sentenced to death for corrupting youth of Athens)
-considered the Greatest Western Philosopher
-examined governments in his work The Republic
-(Plato’s student) established the foundation of
Scientific Thought (Logic)
-tutored Alexander the Great