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Tsinghua Software Day Program
Monday, April 11th ,2011
Locale: Tsinghua University FIT Building 2nd floor lecture hall
(清华大学 FIT 大楼多功能厅)
9:00-9:15 Welcome Speech
Jean-Pierre Jouannaud
Prof. Jiaguang Sun
9:15-10:15 Speaker : Pierre louis Curien
A journey into the semantics of programming languages
10:15-10:30 Questions
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12-00 Speaker : Zhaohui Luo
Type theory and its applications
12:00-12:15 Qusetions
12:15-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 Speaker : Georges Gonthier
Advances towards the formal proof of the classification of finite
15:00-15:15 Questions
15:15-15:45 Coffee break
15:45-16:45 Speaker : Tom Henzinger
From boolean to quantitative theories of software
16:45-17:00 Questions
Tsinghua Student Day: Tuesday, April 12th
Locale: Tsinghua University FIT Building 2nd floor lecture hall
(清华大学 FIT 大楼多功能厅)
8:30 Welcome address:
Jean-Pierre Jouannaud
9:00 Speaker: Shiaomu Shi (University Joseph Fourier)
Desugning a CPU model: from a pseudo-formal document to fastcode
9 :35 Speaker: Min Zhou (Tsinghua University)
On Array Theory of Bounded Elements
10:10 Speaker: Ma Yue (Mathematics & System Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Certification of global optimum of polynomials
10:45 -11:15 Tea Break
11:15 Speaker: Qian Wang (Tsinghua University)
COQ MTU : a higher-order type theory with a predicative hierachy of
universes parameterized by a decidable first-order theory
11:50 Speaker: Jia Liu (Insitute of Software Chinese Academy
of Sciences)
Symbolic Bisimulation for Applied Pi Calculus
12:25 Concluding word.
13:00 Lunch (Jia Suo (甲所)inside Tsinghua campus)
Guest Speakers(主题报告人介绍)
9:15-10:15 Speaker : Pierre louis Curien
A journey into the semantics of programming languages
Pierre louis Curien: is a specialist of the semantics of
operational). After graduating from the Ecole Normale
Sup□□ rieure of Paris, he worked with G□□ rard Berry on a
mathematical account of the notion of sequential program,
where programs as functions and programs as algorithms
get closer. His most widely-known contributions are
outcomes of this early work. They include the Categorical
Abstract Machine (for functional programming languages), the theory of Explicit
Substitutions, and a core calculus for the Duality of Computation (where the
dualities are input versus output, lazy versus eager). During the last decade, he
has set up and been the director of the laboratory PPS (Proofs, Programs and
Systems, Paris Diderot University and CNRS), which has become a major center
worldwide around programming languages and proof theory.
11:00-12-00 Speaker : Zhaohui Luo
Type theory and its applications
Zhaohui Luo : is a professor at the University of London. His
interests span large areas of logic for computer science and
their applications to proofs of programs. The concept of type
universe that he introduced and studied in his thesis had a long
lasting influence in type theory both at the theoretical level and
in the design of proof assistants like Coq, now taught to
undergraduate students at Tsinghua's Software School.
14:00-15:00 Speaker : Georges Gonthier
Advances towards the formal proof of the classification of finite
Components, a project of the INRIA-Microsoft Research
Centre at Orsay, France. Georges Gonthier, a former student
of the famous Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris before to
become an INRIA researcher currently on leave at Microsoft
Research, made himself widely known in 2006 by his
stunning complete formal proof of the four colour theorem
carried out in Coq. Georges Gonthier can be seen as one of
the founders of this new exciting branch of mathematics in which proofs are no
more considered correct when checked by other mathematicians but by
computer programs.
15:45-16:45 Speaker : Tom Henzinger
From boolean to quantitative theories of software
Tom Henzinger: is the head of the recently founded
Institute of Science and Technology in Austria. Before that,
he was successively full professor at the University of
California at Berkeley in the USA, and at the Ecole
Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland. He is
widely known for his leading contributions in logic for
computer science. He is one of the founders of the area of
hybrid systems, which can be seen as finite state automata which behavior in a
given state is governed by a given continuous law.