Calculating Functional Programs - Research School of Computer
CA320 - Computability & Complexity
C311 First Class Objects
C18 - FRP
C+++: User-Defined Operator Symbols in C++
C# is a functional programming language
bYTEBoss control
Breck, Hartline
Big Data - CS 609 : Database Management
Bibliography - UCL Computer Science
Beyond 2000 Beyond Object-Orientation
Beginning with the Haskell Programming Language About the Tutorial
Basics - Chennai Mathematical Institute
An Operational Semantics for Declarative Multi
An introduction to Python
An Introduction to Microsoft F#
An introduction to functional programming using Haskell
An Efficient Algorithm for Min-Max Convex Semi
an approach to declarative programming based on a rewriting
Algol and Haskell
algol 60 - Computer and Information Science